101 research outputs found
Intra-regional and long-range ragweed pollen transport over southern Hungary
ĂsszefoglalĂĄs - A tanulmĂĄny cĂ©lja, hogy a hossztĂș tĂĄvĂș parlagfƱ pollen szĂĄllĂtĂĄs szerepĂ©t elemezze Szeged fölött,
DĂ©lmagyarorszĂĄg tĂ©rsĂ©gĂ©ben a napi pollenkoncentrĂĄciĂłk 15 Ă©ves (1989-2003) adatbĂĄzisa alapjĂĄn.. A szĂĄllĂtott Ă©s a
helyi eredetƱ parlagfƱ pollen szemeket oly mĂłdon vĂĄlasztottuk szĂ©t, hogy a helyi parlagfƱ virĂĄgzĂĄsa elĆtt mĂ©rt parlagfƱ
koncentrĂĄciĂłkat nem helyi eredetƱnek tekintettĂŒk. Ezt követĆen elemeztĂŒk egyrĂ©szt a helyi parlagfƱ virĂĄgzĂĄ-
sa elĆtti idĆszak hĂĄrom legnagyobb pollenterhelĂ©sƱ napjĂĄnak, mĂĄsrĂ©szt a vizsgĂĄlt idĆszak hĂĄrom legnagyobb ĂĄtlagos
pollenterhelĂ©sƱ napjĂĄnak hĂĄrom- Ă©s hĂ©tnapos, idĆben visszafelĂ© szĂĄmĂtott (backward), trajektĂłriĂĄit. A fenti kivĂĄlasztott
napokra alkalmaztuk a HYSPLIT-modellt azon cĂ©lbĂłl, hogy kiszĂĄmĂtsuk a parlagfƱpollen szemek trajektĂłriĂĄit,
s meghatĂĄrozzuk azok forrĂĄsterĂŒleteit. A kapott trajektĂłriĂĄk azt mutatjĂĄk, hogy amikor nincs helyi pollenszĂłrĂĄs
DĂ©lmagyarorszĂĄg tĂ©rsĂ©gĂ©ben, akkor a RhĆne-völgyĂ©bĆl (FranciaorszĂĄg), Ăszak-OlaszorszĂĄgbĂłl Ă©s HorvĂĄtorszĂĄgbĂłl
Ă©rkezhet parlagfƱ pollen DĂ©lmagyarorszĂĄg fölĂ©. MĂĄsrĂ©szrĆl, a hĂĄrom legsĂșlyosabb ĂĄtlagos pollenterhelĂ©sƱ
nap mindegyikének a trajektóriåi åthaladnak a Duna-Tisza köze fölött, ami parlagfƱvel és pollenjével az
egyik leginkĂĄbb fertĆzött terĂŒletnek szĂĄmĂt MagyarorszĂĄgon. KövetkezĂ©skĂ©pp, a legsĂșlyosabb pollenterhelĂ©sƱ napokon
a szĂĄllĂtott pollen tovĂĄbb emelheti DĂ©lmagyarorszĂĄg fölött a levegĆ pollenkoncentrĂĄciĂłjĂĄt.
Summary - The aim of the study was to analyse the role of long-range transport of ragweed pollen over Szeged
City, Southern Hungary on the basis of the daily pollen levels for the 15-year period between 1989-2003.
Transported and local pollen grains were separated; ragweed pollen levels measured before the blooming of local
ragweed were considered to be of transported origin. Then, 3-day and 7-day backward trajectories belonging partly
to the three days having the highest pollen levels before the blooming period of ragweed and partly belonging to
the three days having the highest average peak concentrations in the period were examined. For the days selected
above, the HYSPL1T model was applied in order to calculate trajectories of airborne ragweed pollen grains, as
well as to detect their source areas. The resulting trajectories show that when there is no release of ragweed pollen
grains in Szeged and its surroundings, then ragweed pollen may come over the Szeged region from the Rhönevalley
(Southern France), Northern Italy and Croatia. On the other hand, each of the trajectories, belonging to the
three days having in average the three highest pollen levels during the 15-year period examined (1989-2003),
passes through the region between the rivers Danube and Tisza, considered to be one of the areas most polluted
with ragweed pollen in Hungary. Hence, transported pollen on the most heavily polluted days can further raise the
airborne ragweed pollen concentrations over Southern Hungary
Vehicle Dynamic Simulation Possibilities Using AVL Cruise M
In most cases, when creating vehicle dynamics simulations, we need software that can speed up model creation and simulation. There are many programs on the market for this purpose, but they have different knowledge and user interfaces. We present in this article briefly introduces the use of one of the market's leading vehicle simulation software, the AVL Cruise M
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Re-imagining socialist childhoods: Changing narratives of spatial and temporal (dis)orientations
The focus of attention of this special issue has both personal and professional significance for the guest editors and most of the contributors, whose childhoods were touched by either the experience of socialism or its collapse and consequences. Influenced by Foucaultâs (1977) idea that reporting evidence and significant moments from the past contributes to histories that are authentic and accurate, this special issue offers insights into the changing narratives of socialist and post-socialist childhoods. We are mindful of the risks associated with revisionism; that is, revisiting and, through that, re-evaluating the past in light of what we know in the present. Mitigating this risk, to some extent, is that many of the authors whose secondary research papers are published in this issue were privileged to work with original documents written in local languages. In this way, they were able to interrogate the past and reveal the nature of discourses and practices in order to make a contribution to better understand the present (Skehill, 2007)
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Vegyes vagy azonos Ă©letkorĂș Ăłvodai csoport? PedagĂłgiai kĂ©rdĂ©sek Ă©s a szĂŒlĆi döntĂ©s dilemmĂĄi [Mix- or same-age kindergarten groups? Pedagogical questions and the dilemmas of parental decision making]
A magyar köznevelĂ©si rendszer egyik sajĂĄtossĂĄga, hogy az Ăłvodai nevelĂ©s 2015 szeptemberĂ©tĆl mĂĄr hĂĄromĂ©ves kortĂłl kötelezĆ. A statisztikai adatok a vegyes Ă©letkorĂș csoportok növekvĆ tendenciĂĄjĂĄt mutatjĂĄk nemzeti szinten (KSH, 2017). Ugyan a szĂŒlĆknek lehetĆsĂ©gĂŒk van vegyes vagy azonos Ă©letkorĂș Ăłvodai csoportot vĂĄlasztani a gyermekeik szĂĄmĂĄra, az kevĂ©sbĂ© vilĂĄgos, hogy milyen szempontok alapjĂĄn döntenek egy bizonyos Ăłvoda vagy csoportszervezĂ©si forma mellett (Török, 2004). Egy esettanulmĂĄnyt (Yin, 2018) vĂ©geztĂŒnk, ami feltĂĄrja egy keletmagyarorszĂĄgi megyeszĂ©khelyen a szĂŒlĆk döntĂ©sĂ©t befolyĂĄsolĂł tĂ©nyezĆket, valamint vizsgĂĄlja a vĂ©lemĂ©nyĂŒket az ĂĄltaluk vĂĄlasztott csoportszervezĂ©si formĂĄrĂłl. Jelen tanulmĂĄny a Teszenyi Ă©s Hevey ĂĄltal vĂ©gzet 2015-ös kutatĂĄsi eredmĂ©nyek mĂĄsodik fĂĄzisĂș elemzĂ©sĂ©t tartalmazza: 2015-ben kvalitatĂv Ă©s kvantitatĂv mĂłdszertani elemek kombinĂĄlĂĄsĂĄval az adatfelvĂ©tel 12 ĂłvodĂĄban törtĂ©nt kĂ©rdĆĂvek (n=251) Ă©s interjĂșk (n=9) felhasznĂĄlĂĄsĂĄval. Ebben a tanulmĂĄnyban a 9 szĂŒlĆi interjĂș Ă©s a kĂ©rdĆĂvekben rögzĂtett 72 kvalitatĂv megjegyzĂ©s eredmĂ©nyeinek az elemzĂ©sĂ©t mĂ©lyĂtjĂŒk. Ez azt mutatja, hogy a legfontosabb befolyĂĄsolĂł tĂ©nyezĆ az Ăłvoda vĂĄlasztĂĄsban a földrajzi fekvĂ©s Ă©s a pedagĂłgus szemĂ©lye. BĂĄr a szĂŒlĆk ĂĄltalĂĄban elĂ©gedettek a kivĂĄlasztott Ăłvodai csoporttal, a kvalitatĂv eredmĂ©nyek nagyobb mĂ©rtĂ©kƱ tudatossĂĄgot jeleznek a szĂŒlĆk rĂ©szĂ©rĆl a vegyes Ă©letkorĂș csoportok felĂ©, kĂŒlönösen a csalĂĄdias jellegĂŒk miatt. Az eredmĂ©nyek között az iskolĂĄra valĂł felkĂ©szĂtĂ©s miatti aggodalom is tetten Ă©rhetĆ. Az elemzĂ©s Ă©s a konklĂșziĂł megfogalmazĂĄsa sorĂĄn kĂ©rdĂ©seket teszĂŒnk fel a vegyes Ă©letkorĂș csoportok felĂ© hajlĂł tendencia mögötti pedagĂłgiai tĂ©nyezĆkrĆl Ă©s a tovĂĄbbi kutatĂĄs szĂŒksĂ©gessĂ©gĂ©nek felismerĂ©sĂ©vel Ășjabb kutatĂĄsi irĂĄnyokat javaslunk.
One of the unique features of Hungarian public education is that kindergarten attendance is compulsory from the age of three. National statistical data evidence a growing number of mixed-age kindergarten groups (HU Central Statistical Office, 2017). Although parents have the opportunity to choose between same -and mixed-age groups for their children, it is less clear what factors determine which type of group organisation parents opt for (Török, 2004). A case study (Yin, 2018) design was employed to examine the factors influencing parental choice along with parentsâ views on their chosen group organisation in one Hungarian county town. This study is a second-phase analysis of findings from Teszenyi and Heveyâs research conducted in 2015. Their research used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection through a survey (n=251) and interviews (n=9) with parents across 12 kindergartens. In this study we are providing a more in-depth analysis of the 9 parental interviews and the 72 qualitative comments from the survey questionnaires. Findings suggest that the most important factors determining parental choice are the geographical location of the kindergarten and the pedagogues themselves. Although parents appear to be satisfied with their choice of either types of group organisation, findings from the qualitative comments point to a greater degree of conviction about the suitability of mixed-age groups for their children because of their family like characteristics. Worries about preparation for school also features in the findings. In our discussion and conclusion, we pose questions and draw attention to the pedagogical issues that appear to be behind this preference for mixed-age groups. We acknowledge the need for further empirical investigation, and we identify new directions for future research
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