491 research outputs found

    Experimental Observation of Quantum Correlations in Modular Variables

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    We experimentally detect entanglement in modular position and momentum variables of photon pairs which have passed through DD-slit apertures. We first employ an entanglement criteria recently proposed in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 106}, 210501 (2011)], using variances of the modular variables. We then propose an entanglement witness for modular variables based on the Shannon entropy, and test it experimentally. Finally, we derive criteria for Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Steering correlations using variances and entropy functions. In both cases, the entropic criteria are more successful at identifying quantum correlations in our data.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom

    Decoherence in a double-slit quantum eraser

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    We study and experimentally implement a double-slit quantum eraser in the presence of a controlled decoherence mechanism. A two-photon state, produced in a spontaneous parametric down conversion process, is prepared in a maximally entangled polarization state. A birefringent double-slit is illuminated by one of the down-converted photons, and it acts as a single-photon two-qubits controlled not gate that couples the polarization with the transversal momentum of these photons. The other photon, that acts as a which-path marker, is sent through a Mach-Zehnder-like interferometer. When the interferometer is partially unbalanced, it behaves as a controlled source of decoherence for polarization states of down-converted photons. We show the transition from wave-like to particle-like behavior of the signal photons crossing the double-slit as a function of the decoherence parameter, which depends on the length path difference at the interferometer.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review

    Interference and complementarity for two-photon hybrid entangled states

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    In this work we generate two-photon hybrid entangled states (HES), where the polarization of one photon is entangled with the transverse spatial degree of freedom of the second photon. The photon pair is created by parametric down-conversion in a polarization-entangled state. A birefringent double-slit couples the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of these photons and finally, suitable spatial and polarization projections generate the HES. We investigate some interesting aspects of the two-photon hybrid interference, and present this study in the context of the complementarity relation that exists between the visibilities of the one- and two-photon interference patterns.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in Physical Review

    Caracterização morfológica e citoquímica de trombócitos e leucócitos sanguíneos do jurupensém Sorubim lima Bloch & Schneider, 1801 (Pimelodidae).

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar os aspectos morfológicos e citoquímicos das células sanguíneas do jurupensém (Sorubim lima). Sete exemplares de jurupensém foram submetidos à venopunção caudal e confecionadas extensões sanguíneas que foram submetidas à coloração de rotina com May Grünwald-Giemsa-Wright e avaliadas quanto suas propriedades citoquímicas com Ácido Periódico de Schiff (PAS), Sudan Black B e Azul de Bromofenol. Observou-se intensa reação difusa para PAS em LG-PAS, com positividade difusa, porém de menor intensidade nos neutrófilos e positividade focal em trombócitos. Na detecção de lipídeos pelo Sudan Black B, neutrófilos e basófilos apresentaram granulação sudanofilicas, com reação intensa em eosinófilos. Proteínas identificadas pelo método do Azul de Bromofenol foram verificadas em neutrófilos, eosinófilos e basófilos; já em monócitos, linfócitos, LG-P AS e trombócitos apresentaram reação negativa

    Procedimentos básicos para colheita de sangue em peixes.

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    O monitoramento do estado de saúde dos peixes é imprescindível para o manejo sanitário da produção, seja de grande ou pequeno porte. A hematologia clínica é uma ferramenta que permite a realização de diagnóstico de patologias e pode atuar como um indicador prognóstico das condições patológicas, especialmente quando se considera as alterações morfológicas nas células sanguíneas (SATAKE et al., 2009). Estas avaliações permitem identificar a resposta dos peixes, quando doentes, de maneira rápida, prática e de baixo custobitstream/item/25870/1/CT201017.pd