21 research outputs found

    The search for stem cells of the epithelium in pulmonary alveoli

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    In recent years significant progress has been witnessed in the identification of stem cells, which have now also been identified in the lungs. The aim of this was to induce post-pneumonia alveolar regeneration to facilitate the identification of stem cells. The studies were performed on Buffalo strain rats. Pneumonia was induced in the animals by a sub-pleural injection of carragenin. On days 4, 5 and 10 of the experiment both the control and experimental animals received intraperitoneal injections of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Twenty-four hours after the last BrdU injection the rats were sacrificed and samples of the lungs were taken for examination. In order to detect proliferating cells in the paraffin sections, BrdU incorporation was detected with monoclonal antibodies. In pilot experiments BrdU incorporation was demonstrated in individual alveolar cells of variable distribution and of variable intensity in the colour reaction. The results have confirmed the existence of stem cells in pulmonary alveoli but their closer characterisation requires further studies with other techniques to detect pulmonary stem cells

    Apoptotic changes in the myocardium in the course of experimentally-induced pleurisy

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    The secreted proinflammatory interleukins IL-1, IL-6 and TNF in the course of experimentally-induced pleurisy can be the cause of pathological changes in the ultrastructure of cardiac muscle and of apoptosis. The pleurisy was induced in rats by means of carrageenin. The scraps of cardiac muscle obtained during the inflammatory reaction in the pleura were analysed by means of an electron microscope. The scraps were also stained with the TUNEL method in order to find the apoptotic foci. It was proved by the experiment that the inflammatory process affected mitochondria in the cardiomyocytes, enhanced collagen fibre synthesis and contributed to the formation of apoptotic foci in the cardiac muscle

    The detection of Helicobacter pylori in paraffin sections using the PCR technique and various primers as compared to histological techniques

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    Helicobacter pylori is thought to represent a significant etiopathogenic factor in diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. It seems, therefore, important to elaborate effective techniques for its detection. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori detection using the PCR technique on paraffin sections with various pairs of primers and to compare the results with those of a histological appraisal. Material for the studies involved 50 paraffin blocks with gastric mucosa biopsies fixed in 4% buffered formalin. In this material 4 tests were performed with the aim of diagnosing Helicobacter pylori infection: 1) H+E staining, 2) staining by the Giemsa technique, 3) an immunocytochemical technique with antibodies against H. pylori and 4) the PCR technique with various primers. In the present study the most reliable results for H. pylori detection as well as the most pronounced correlation were obtained by using the PCR technique with primers for the ureC gene, immunohistochemistry and staining according to Giemsa. Less compatible results were obtained employing the two PCR techniques which utilise various primers. The experiments confirmed the usefulness of the PCR technique in the detection of Helicobacter pylori in paraffin sections by using a suitable pair of primers, and also indicated that Giemsa staining and immunohistochemistry should be taken into account

    Differences in oestrogen and progesterone receptors, HER-2, p53 expression and proliferation in ductal breast cancers in relation to histopathological grade

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    In case of breast cancer the grade of differentiation and expression of oestrogen and progesterone receptors falls within the first category of prognostic factors according to the College of American Pathologists. HER-2, p53 and Ki67 belong to the second category and their significance still awaits confirmation. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the intensity of expression of oestrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PgR), HER-2, p53 and Ki67 in cells of ductal breast cancer of G1, G2 or G3 differentiation grade. In paraffin sections of 60 ductal breast cancers (20 cases in G1, 20 in G2 and 20 in G3), immunocytochemical reactions were performed to detect the expression of ER, PgR, HER-2, p53 and Ki67. Following a semi-quantitative appraisal of the preparations under examination, appropriate statistical tests were used to document significant relationships. We noted significant positive correlations between ER and PgR (the entire group studied, G1–3, and the G1 group), HER-2 and p53 (G2) and between p53 and Ki67 expression (G2). Significant negative correlations were found between ER and p53 (G1–3), PgR and p53 (G1–3, G1, G3) and between PgR and Ki67 (G1–3, G2). The studies performed demonstrated distinct relationships between the expression intensity of various proteins in tumour cells in relation to the grade of differentiation of the tumour. We also showed that a parallel determination of ER, PgR and p53 expression may carry high predictive value as to response to tamoxifen treatment

    The role of plasminogen activation system in cancer biology

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    Multivariate analysis of oestrogen receptor alpha, pS2, metallothionein and CD24 expression in invasive breast cancers

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    Determination of oestrogen receptor alpha (ER) represents at present the most important predictive factor in breast cancers. Data of ours and of other authors suggest that promising predictive/prognostic factors may also include pS2, metallothionein (MT) and CD24. Present study aimed at determining prognostic and predictive value of immunohistochemical determination of ER, pS2, MT, and CD24 expression in sections originating from 104 patients with breast cancer. An univariate and multivariate analysis was performed. Both univariate and multivariate analyses demonstrated that cytoplasmic-membranous expression of CD24 (CD24c-m) represents a strong unfavourable prognostic factor in the entire group and in most of the subgroups of patients. In several subgroups of the patients also a prognostic value was demonstrated of elevated expression of pS2 and of membranous expression of CD24. Our studies demonstrated that all patients with good prognostic factors (higher ER and pS2 expressions, lower MT expression, CD24c-m negativity) survived total period of observation (103 months). The study documented that cytoplasmic-membranous expression of CD24 represented an extremely strong unfavourable prognostic factor in breast cancer. Examination of the entire panel of the studied proteins permitted to select a group of patients of an exceptionally good prognosis

    Turystyka sportowa szansą rozwoju lokalnej gospodarki turystycznej

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    Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja wpływu wydarzeń sportowych na rozwój turystyki w Toruniu oraz ukazanie możliwości wykorzystania tych imprez w kształtowaniu krajowego, w tym lokalnego, ruchu turystycznego. Toruń posiada duży potencjał turystyczny (bogactwo zabytków architektury i zróżnicowaną ofertę kulturalną), a organizacja masowych imprez biegowych jako nowego produktu powinna być jednym z elementów strategii rozwoju turystyki w mieście. Umacniana i rozwijana sportowa forma ruchu turystycznego może podnieść atrakcyjność Torunia, stanowiąc zdywersyfikowany produkt, a w rezultacie stać się – obok turystyki kulturowej i biznesowej – siłą napędową ruchu turystycznego w mieście. Poprzez wykorzystanie efektu synergii możliwe jest osiągnięcie wielu korzyści w wielokierunkowym rozwoju miejskiej turystyki

    Running events as a specific type of sporting events

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    W XXI w. na świecie zaczęto z zamiłowaniem uprawiać biegi rekreacyjne. Od 2013 r. jogging stał się najbardziej popularną aktywnością fizyczną wśród Polaków. Głównym celem artykułu jest ukazanie, że bieganie rekreacyjne, które jest nie tylko aktywnością ruchową służącą utrzymaniu właściwej kondycji fizycznej, ale także „sportem dla wszystkich”, zaczyna przybierać rangę specyficznego produktu turystyczno-sportowego – imprezy biegowej. W pracy do analizy wybrano toruńskie zawody biegowe i wydarzenia im towarzyszące, a także wykorzystano dane statystyczne dotyczące organizacji imprez biegowych w Polsce.In the twenty-first century recreational running has been taken up and practised by people virtually on a global scale. Since 2013, jogging has become the most popular physical activity among Poles. The main aim of this article is to demonstrate that recreational running is not only a physical activity performed in order to maintain proper physical condition, but also as a „sport for everyone”, it begins to take the status of a specific tourist and sport product – a running event. In this article, running competitions in Torun and supporting events have been selected for the analysis, as well as statistical data has been used concerning the organization of running events in Poland

    Exercise-induced apoptosis in renal tubular cells of the rat

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    A number of studies have shown that acute physical exercise is associated with the induction of apoptosis not only in skeletal muscle but also in many distant organs. One of the pathogenic agents responsible for exercise-induced damage in many tissues is the generation of oxygen free radicals. The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of exercise-induced oxidative stress on the rat kidney. The analysis was performed on the kidneys of rats subjected to treadmill running until exhaustion. Our results demonstrated that acute exercise led to apoptotic damage of the renal distal tubular cells, although this was not a result of oxidative stress