752 research outputs found
Analisa Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing dan Kinerja Perusahaan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara Customer Relationship Management (CRM) terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja Perusahaan. Variabel CRM diukur dari tiga indikator, yaitu pemasaran berkelanjutan, pemasaran individual, dan program kemitraan. Variabel keunggulan bersaing diukur dari lima indikator, yaitu harga, kualitas, delivery dependability, inovasi produk, dan time to market. Sedangkan variabel kinerja Perusahaan akan diukur dari dua indikator, yaitu kinerja keuangan dan kinerja operasional. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 98 responden yang merupakan manajer yang bekerja pada Perusahaan jasa yang menerapkan CRM dan telah memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun. Hipotesa dalam penelitian ini akan diuji dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CRM memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja Perusahaan
Residu Ddt (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) Pada Burung Cerek Jawa (Charadrius Javanicus Chasen 1938) Di Kawasan Pantai Trisik Kulon Progo YOGYAKARTA
Residues of DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) in coastal environment can reach into the Bird's body through intermediary Javan Plover's food. The residues will experience biomagnification and biotransformation in organism compartment. The purpose of this research was to determine residue of DDT in the Trisik seashore, natural food, and the Javan Plover's body part. Research located in the area of lower Progo River and coastal Trisik. Environmental sampling methods made directly. Sampling of natural food by coring and sampling birds by mist nets. Detection of DDT residues in environment sample by gas chromatography (GC). Measurement of DDT residues in natural food and bird by spectrophotometer. Quantitative Data are obtained by measurement of environmental samples , food, and Javan Plover. Eventhough Qualitative Data are discussed in descriptive. The results showed DDT residues were detected in the water samples of the Progo River and coastal Trisik of range 0,0407-0,0581 ppm, land sediments from the Progo River and Trisik seashore about 0,192 ppm-0,760 ppm, natural food ranging from 0.02-0.07 ppm, and finally the residue from the Javan Plover reached 0.04-1.05 ppm
Kefektivitasan Macromedia Flash Pendidikan Seks Dalam Mempersiapkan Masa Pubertas Anak Tunagrahita Di Slb B/c Al Azhar Waru Sidoarjo
Sexual development of mental retardation\u27s children follows the physical development, thus experiencing a similar development with the normal ones. Those students have difficulty in understanding abstract information about the physical changes during puberty. Therefore, through the medium of learning macromedia flash, the sex education learning can be understood by them. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using multimedia in teaching sex education as preparation for mental retardation\u27s students during puberty in SLB B/C SLB Al Azhar Waru Sidoarjo. The subjects were mental retardation\u27s students in that schools. Data collection techniques used in this research was shaped test objective tests. The design model used in this study is one group pretest-posttest design (treatment by subject design). Data analysis techniques used by the author in this research was a non-parametric analysis techniques that rank test Wilcoxon signed Sign marked tests (Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test). Based on the data analysis and discussion of the results of research, known that the Z count = -2070 with P = 0.038 at significance level of 5%. The results are smaller than 0.05 can be proven true. Based on those explanations it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis which states "Learning to use Macromedia Flash is effective in teaching sex education for mental retardation\u27s students in SLB B / C Al Azhar Waru Sidoarjo" can be proven true
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw II Dan Teknik Peta Pikiran Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Poso Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi
The research was aimed to describing the influence of Jigsaw II type as cooperative learning model and mind mapping technique on the learning achievement for biology subject at grade X, and than to describing the influence of Jigsaw II type as cooperative learning model and mind mapping technique simultaneosly on the learning achievement. The research was quantitative with quasi- experimental design. Population in this research were all students in grade X SMAN 3 Poso which consists of 8 study groups. Research sample that is graders XD and XH, taken with random probabiliy sampling. Research data were obtained from the student achievement, and were analized by t-test was followed by ANOVA test with SPSS 20. The result of the research showed that there was a significant influence jigsaw II type as cooperative learning model and mind mapping technique on the learning achievement for biology subject, and there is significant influence of Jigsaw II type as cooperative learning model and mind mapping technique simultaneosly against on the learning achievement for biology subject. The Conclusion of this research that there is significant influence of jigsaw II type as cooperative learning model and mind mapping technique on the learning achievement for biology subject at grade Xof class X SMAN 3 Poso
Peranan Komunikasi Keluarga Dalam Mencegah Perkelahian Antar Warga (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Mahakeret Barat)
. Role Of Communications Family In Preventing Fight Between Citizen (Case Study In Sub-District of Mahakeret West). Sub-District of Mahakeret West located in down town of Manado and represent one of the 12 sub-district exist in district of Wenang. Mahakeret West of is included in one of the target of object of wisata exist in Sulawesi North because [in] this sub-district there are fossil situs in the form of old grave people of Minahasa first inhabit town of Manado. In perception cusorily tawuran/fight between citizen often happened because of some factor for example, namely the lack of informal communications and interaction in family, assocciation of too free children so that many is adolescent/involved in young man USAge of forbidden drugs and alcoholism even often happened action of premanisme because lack of old fellow control to assocciation of child also because lack of education storey;level of children. As for formula of is Problem of: 1) This Internal issue Research is limited byrole of communications family in preventing fight between citizen; 2) Problem formula to check is how role of family communications in preventing fight between citizen
Kemampuan Membaca Anak Melalui Permainan Piring Huruf Di Raudhatul Athfal Darma Wanita Padang
Penelitian ini membahas masalah rendahnya penguasaan anak usia dini dalam mengenal dan mengingat bentuk-bentuk huruf dalam rangkaian kata. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca anak dengan melalui permainan piring huruf di RA DW Persatuan Kemenag Kota Padang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subyek penelitian anak kelompok B1 RA DW Persatuan Kemenag Kota Padang tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 sebanyak 14 orang. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu kemampuan membaca anak meningkat dalam hal mengenal bentuk huruf, meniru 4-5 urutan kata dan mengingat simbol yang melambangkannya. Jadi dapat di simpulkan bahwa permainan piring huruf dapat menarik minat anak dalam mengenal bentuk huruf dan juga dapat merangsang intelektual anak
Penyebab Wajib Pajak Tidak Patuh
This study aims to determine the causes of non-compliance with taxpayers. Using qualitative methods, this study was conducted by interviewing fifteen taxpayers who have not complied with tax reporting to article 21 until 31 March 2015. Non-compliance includes both not reporting and not accurately calculating their taxes. Fifteen samples. The results showed that knowledge of tax laws and transparency of tax expenditures significantly affect taxpayer voluntary compliance
Kontribusi Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Guru Terhadap Mutu Pendidikan Di Gugus Rama 2 Upt Disdikpora Kecamatan Kembang Kabupaten Jepara
.The problems of this study are: (1) Is there any contribution of the principal?óÔé¼Ôäós leadership style to the quality of education.? (2) Is there any contribution of the achievement motivation of the teachers to the quality of education? (3) Is there any contribution of the principal?óÔé¼Ôäós leadership style and the achievement motivation of the teachers simultantly to the quality of education?The population of this study was all the teachers in Rama 2 Cluster UPT Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Kembang District, of Jepara Regency with the sample of 43 people. The method used in this study is a quantitativedescriptive through questionnaires with type of correlational research. Based on the description of the data, analysis and discussion of the hypotheses in this study, it can be concluded that: (1) there is a contribution of the principal?óÔé¼Ôäós leadership style to the quality of education by providing an effective contribution of 18.2%. (2) There is a contribution of the achievement motivation to the quality of education by providing an effective contribution of 30.3%. (3) There is contribution of principal?óÔé¼Ôäós leadership style and the achievement motivation on the quality of education by providing an effective contribution at 32.2%
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