58 research outputs found

    Simulation Based Design and Testing of a Supervisory Controller for Reducing Peak Demand in Buildings

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    We describe a supervisory control strategy for limiting peak power demand by small and medium commercial buildings while still meeting the business needs of the occupants. The objective of the supervisory control is to operate no more tha

    Dronecrypt - An Efficient Cryptographic Framework for Small Aerial Drones

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    Aerial drones are becoming an integral part of application domains including but not limited to, military operations, package delivery, construction, monitoring and search/rescue operations. It is critical to ensure the cyber security of networked aerial drone systems in these applications. Standard cryptographic services can be deployed to provide basic security services; however, they have been shown to be inefficient in terms of energy and time consumption, especially for small aerial drones with resource-limited processors. Therefore, there is a significant need for an efficient cryptographic framework that can meet the requirements of small aerial drones. We propose an improved cryptographic framework for small aerial drones, which offers significant energy efficiency and speed advantages over standard cryptographic techniques. (i) We create (to the best of our knowledge) the first optimized public key infrastructure (PKI) based framework for small aerial drones, which provides energy efficient techniques by harnessing special precomputation methods and optimized elliptic curves. (ii) We also integrate recent light-weight symmetric primitives into our PKI techniques to provide a full-fledged cryptographic framework. (iii) We implemented standard counterparts and our proposed techniques on an actual small aerial drone (Crazyflie 2.0), and provided an in-depth energy analysis. Our experiments showed that our improved cryptographic framework achieves up to 35×\times lower energy consumption than its standard counterpart

    Lattice-Based Public Key Searchable Encryption from Experimental Perspectives

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    Public key Encryption with Keyword Search (PEKS) aims in mitigating the impacts of data privacy versus utilization dilemma by allowing {\em any user in the system} to send encrypted files to the server to be searched by a receiver. The receiver can retrieve the encrypted files containing specific keywords by providing the corresponding trapdoors of these keywords to the server. Despite their merits, the existing PEKS schemes introduce a high end-to-end delay that may hinder their adoption in practice. Moreover, they do not scale well for large security parameters and provide no post-quantum security promises. In this paper, we propose two novel lattice-based PEKS schemes that offer a high computational efficiency along with better security assurances than that of the existing alternatives. Specifically, our NTRU-PEKS scheme achieves 18 times lower end-to-end delay than the most efficient pairing-based alternatives. Our LWE-PEKS offers provable security in the standard model with a reduction to the worst-case lattice problems. We fully implemented our NTRU-PEKS scheme and benchmarked its performance as deployed on Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructures

    Compact Energy and Delay-Aware Authentication

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    Authentication and integrity are fundamental security services that are critical for any viable system. However, some of the emerging systems (e.g., smart grids, aerial drones) are delay-sensitive, and therefore their safe and reliable operation requires delay-aware authentication mechanisms. Unfortunately, the current state-of-the-art authentication mechanisms either incur heavy computations or lack scalability for such large and distributed systems. Hence, there is a crucial need for digital signature schemes that can satisfy the requirements of delay-aware applications. In this paper, we propose a new digital signature scheme that we refer to as Compact Energy and Delay-aware Authentication (CEDA). In CEDA, signature generation and verification only require a small-constant number of multiplications and Pseudo Random Function (PRF) calls. Therefore, it achieves the lowest end-to-end delay among its counterparts. Our implementation results on an ARM processor and commodity hardware show that CEDA has the most efficient signature generation on both platforms, while offering a fast signature verification. Among its delay-aware counterparts, CEDA has a smaller private key with a constant-size signature. All these advantages are achieved with the cost of a larger public key. This is a highly favorable trade-off for applications wherein the verifier is not memory-limited. We open-sourced our implementation of CEDA to enable its broad testing and adaptation

    Forward-Private Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Efficient Search

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    Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (DSSE) allows to delegate keyword search and file update over an encrypted database via encrypted indexes, and therefore provides opportunities to mitigate the data privacy and utilization dilemma in cloud storage platforms. Despite its merits, recent works have shown that efficient DSSE schemes are vulnerable to statistical attacks due to the lack of forward-privacy, whereas forward-private DSSE schemes suffer from practicality concerns as a result of their extreme computation overhead. Due to significant practical impacts of statistical attacks, there is a critical need for new DSSE schemes that can achieve the forward-privacy in a more practical and efficient manner. We propose a new DSSE scheme that we refer to as Forward-private Sublinear DSSE (FS-DSSE). FS-DSSE harnesses special secure update strategies and a novel caching strategy to reduce the computation cost of repeated queries. Therefore, it achieves forward-privacy, sublinear search complexity, low end-to-end delay, and parallelization capability simultaneously. We fully implemented our proposed method and evaluated its performance on a real cloud platform. Our experimental evaluation results showed that the proposed scheme is highly secure and highly efficient compared with state-of-the-art DSSE techniques. Specifically, FS-DSSE is one to three magnitude of times faster than forward-secure DSSE counterparts
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