889 research outputs found

    Exact location of the multicritical point for finite-dimensional spin glasses: A conjecture

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    We present a conjecture on the exact location of the multicritical point in the phase diagram of spin glass models in finite dimensions. By generalizing our previous work, we combine duality and gauge symmetry for replicated random systems to derive formulas which make it possible to understand all the relevant available numerical results in a unified way. The method applies to non-self-dual lattices as well as to self dual cases, in the former case of which we derive a relation for a pair of values of multicritical points for mutually dual lattices. The examples include the +-J and Gaussian Ising spin glasses on the square, hexagonal and triangular lattices, the Potts and Z_q models with chiral randomness on these lattices, and the three-dimensional +-J Ising spin glass and the random plaquette gauge model.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Aging Relation for Ising Spin Glasses

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    We derive a rigorous dynamical relation on aging phenomena -- the aging relation -- for Ising spin glasses using the method of gauge transformation. The waiting-time dependence of the auto-correlation function in the zero-field-cooling process is equivalent with that in the field-quenching process. There is no aging on the Nishimori line; this reveals arguments for dynamical properties of the Griffiths phase and the mixed phase. The present method can be applied to other gauge-symmetric models such as the XY gauge glass.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 2 postscript figure

    A New Method to Calculate the Spin-Glass Order Parameter of the Two-Dimensional +/-J Ising Model

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    A new method to numerically calculate the nnth moment of the spin overlap of the two-dimensional ±J\pm J Ising model is developed using the identity derived by one of the authors (HK) several years ago. By using the method, the nnth moment of the spin overlap can be calculated as a simple average of the nnth moment of the total spins with a modified bond probability distribution. The values of the Binder parameter etc have been extensively calculated with the linear size, LL, up to L=23. The accuracy of the calculations in the present method is similar to that in the conventional transfer matrix method with about 10510^{5} bond samples. The simple scaling plots of the Binder parameter and the spin-glass susceptibility indicate the existence of a finite-temperature spin-glass phase transition. We find, however, that the estimation of TcT_{\rm c} is strongly affected by the corrections to scaling within the present data (L≤23L\leq 23). Thus, there still remains the possibility that Tc=0T_{\rm c}=0, contrary to the recent results which suggest the existence of a finite-temperature spin-glass phase transition.Comment: 10 pages,8 figures: final version to appear in J. Phys.

    Gauge Theory for Quantum Spin Glasses

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    The gauge theory for random spin systems is extended to quantum spin glasses to derive a number of exact and/or rigorous results. The transverse Ising model and the quantum gauge glass are shown to be gauge invariant. For these models, an identity is proved that the expectation value of the gauge invariant operator in the ferromagnetic limit is equal to the one in the classical equilibrium state on the Nishimori line. As a result, a set of inequalities for the correlation function are proved, which restrict the location of the ordered phase. It is also proved that there is no long-range order in the two-dimensional quantum gauge glass in the ground state. The phase diagram for the quantum XY Mattis model is determined.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Phase Diagram of Lattice-Spin System RbCoBr3_3

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    We study the lattice-spin model of RbCoBr3_3 which is proposed by Shirahata and Nakamura, by mean field approximation. This model is an Ising spin system on a distorted triangular lattice. There are two kinds of frustrated variables, that is, the lattice and spin. We obtain a phase diagram of which phase boundary is drawn continuously in a whole region. Intermediate phases that include a partial disordered state appear. The model has the first-order phase transitions in addition to the second-order phase transitions. We find a three-sublattice ferrimagnetic state in the phase diagram. The three-sublattice ferrimagnetic state does not appear when the lattice is not distorted.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, jpsj2.cls, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.75 (2006) No.

    High-Temperature Dynamics of Spin Glasses

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    We develop a systematic expansion method of physical quantities for the SK model and the finite-dimensional ±J\pm J model of spin glasses in non-equilibrium states. The dynamical probability distribution function is derived from the master equation using a high temperature expansion. We calculate the expectation values of physical quantities from the dynamical probability distribution function. The theoretical curves show satisfactory agreement with Monte Carlo simulation results in the appropriate temperature and time regions. A comparison is made with the results of a dynamics theory by Coolen, Laughton and Sherrington.Comment: 24 pages, figures available on request, LaTeX, uses jpsj.sty, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66 No. 7 (1997

    Non-equilibrium Relations for Spin Glasses with Gauge Symmetry

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    We study the applications of non-equilibrium relations such as the Jarzynski equality and fluctuation theorem to spin glasses with gauge symmetry. It is shown that the exponentiated free-energy difference appearing in the Jarzynski equality reduces to a simple analytic function written explicitly in terms of the initial and final temperatures if the temperature satisfies a certain condition related to gauge symmetry. This result is used to derive a lower bound on the work done during the non-equilibrium process of temperature change. We also prove identities relating equilibrium and non-equilibrium quantities. These identities suggest a method to evaluate equilibrium quantities from non-equilibrium computations, which may be useful to avoid the problem of slow relaxation in spin glasses.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to JPS

    Random Fixed Point of Three-Dimensional Random-Bond Ising Models

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    The fixed-point structure of three-dimensional bond-disordered Ising models is investigated using the numerical domain-wall renormalization-group method. It is found that, in the +/-J Ising model, there exists a non-trivial fixed point along the phase boundary between the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases. The fixed-point Hamiltonian of the +/-J model numerically coincides with that of the unfrustrated random Ising models, strongly suggesting that both belong to the same universality class. Another fixed point corresponding to the multicritical point is also found in the +/-J model. Critical properties associated with the fixed point are qualitatively consistent with theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Strong disorder fixed points in the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model

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    The random-bond Ising model on the square lattice has several disordered critical points, depending on the probability distribution of the bonds. There are a finite-temperature multicritical point, called Nishimori point, and a zero-temperature fixed point, for both a binary distribution where the coupling constants take the values +/- J and a Gaussian disorder distribution. Inclusion of dilution in the +/- J distribution (J=0 for some bonds) gives rise to another zero-temperature fixed point which can be identified with percolation in the non-frustrated case (J >= 0). We study these fixed points using numerical (transfer matrix) methods. We determine the location, critical exponents, and central charge of the different fixed points and study the spin-spin correlation functions. Our main findings are the following: (1) We confirm that the Nishimori point is universal with respect to the type of disorder, i.e. we obtain the same central charge and critical exponents for the +/- J and Gaussian distributions of disorder. (2) The Nishimori point, the zero-temperature fixed point for the +/- J and Gaussian distributions of disorder, and the percolation point in the diluted case all belong to mutually distinct universality classes. (3) The paramagnetic phase is re-entrant below the Nishimori point, i.e. the zero-temperature fixed points are not located exactly below the Nishimori point, neither for the +/- J distribution, nor for the Gaussian distribution.Comment: final version to appear in JSTAT; minor change

    Finite Size Scaling Analysis of Exact Ground States for +/-J Spin Glass Models in Two Dimensions

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    With the help of EXACT ground states obtained by a polynomial algorithm we compute the domain wall energy at zero-temperature for the bond-random and the site-random Ising spin glass model in two dimensions. We find that in both models the stability of the ferromagnetic AND the spin glass order ceases to exist at a UNIQUE concentration p_c for the ferromagnetic bonds. In the vicinity of this critical point, the size and concentration dependency of the first AND second moment of the domain wall energy are, for both models, described by a COMMON finite size scaling form. Moreover, below this concentration the stiffness exponent turns out to be slightly negative \theta_S = -0.056(6) indicating the absence of any intermediate spin glass phase at non-zero temperature.Comment: 7 pages Latex, 5 postscript-figures include
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