490 research outputs found

    Antioxidant effects of antioxidant biofactor on reactive oxygen species in human gingival fibroblasts

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of antioxidant biofactor (AOB) on reactive oxygen species (ROS). Generation of superoxide radical (O2•−) and hydroxyl radical (•OH) was determined using an electron spin resonance (ESR) spin-trapping method. AOB was added at different concentrations to these free radical generating systems. The generation of both O2•− and •OH was scavenged by the addition of AOB in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that AOB has strong antioxidant properties against these radicals. We further investigated the anti-oxidative effect of AOB on human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs). HGFs were treated for 3 h with α-MEM containing a combination of AOB and H2O2 (AOB + H2O2 group), containing H2O2 (H2O2 group), or containing AOB alone (AOB group). Non-stimulated HGFs were used as a control group. The number of surviving cells was in the order of the AOB group > control group > AOB + H2O2 group > H2O2 group. The level of expression of type I collagen mRNA and production of collagen were also in the order of the AOB group > control group > AOB + H2O2 group > H2O2 group. In conclusion, our results suggest that AOB may protect HGFs against oxidative stress by reducing stress-induced ROS

    Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident: facts, environmental contamination, possible biological effects, and countermeasures

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    On March 11, 2011, an earthquake led to major problems at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. A 14-m high tsunami triggered by the earthquake disabled all AC power to Units 1, 2, and 3 of the Power Plant, and carried off fuel tanks for emergency diesel generators. Despite many efforts, cooling systems did not work and hydrogen explosions damaged the facilities, releasing a large amount of radioactive material into the environment. In this review, we describe the environmental impact of the nuclear accident, and the fundamental biological effects, acute and late, of the radiation. Possible medical countermeasures to radiation exposure are also discussed

    Extensive screening for herbal extracts with potent antioxidant properties

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    This paper summarizes our research for herbal extracts with potent antioxidant activity obtained from a large scale screening based on superoxide radical (O2•−) scavenging activity followed by characterization of antioxidant properties. Firstly, scavenging activity against O2•− was extensively screened from ethanol extracts of approximately 1000 kinds of herbs by applying an electron spin resonance (ESR)-spin trapping method, and we chose four edible herbal extracts with prominently potent ability to scavenge O2•−. They are the extracts from Punica granatum (Peel), Syzygium aromaticum (Bud), Mangifera indica (Kernel), and Phyllanthus emblica (Fruit). These extracts were further examined to determine if they also scavenge hydroxyl radical (•OH), by applying the ESR spin-trapping method, and if they have heat resistance as a desirable characteristic feature. Experiments with the Fenton reaction and photolysis of H2O2 induced by UV irradiation demonstrated that all four extracts have potent ability to directly scavenge •OH. Furthermore, the scavenging activities against O2•− and •OH of the extracts of P. granatum (peel), M. indica (kernel) and P. emblica (fruit) proved to be heat-resistant

    Fungicidal Action of Hydroxyl Radicals Generated by Ultrasound in Water

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    It is well known that hydroxyl radicals are generated by ultrasound in water. This study with an electron spin resonance spin-trapping technique showed that hydroxyl radical generation was positively correlated with ultrasound duration and water temperature. The clear fungicidal action against Trichophyton spp. evident by studying cultured cells and the degradation of cytoplasmic and surface structures observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy suggest that ultrasound in hot water is effective for sterilization of dermatophyte contamination and could be effective for the treatment of tinea infection

    Temperature-dependent free radical reaction in water

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    Temperature-dependent free radical reactions were investigated using nitroxyl radicals as redox probes. Reactions of two types of nitroxyl radicals, TEMPOL (4-hydroxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl) and carbamoyl-PROXYL (3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl), were tested in this paper. Heating a solution containing a nitroxyl radical and a reduced form of glutathione (GSH) caused temperature-dependent decay of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal of the nitroxyl radical. Heating a solution of the corresponding hydroxylamine form of the nitroxyl radical showed EPR signal recovery. The GSH-dependent reduction of nitroxyl radicals at 70°C was suppressed by antioxidants, spin trapping agents, and/or bubbling N2 gas, although heating carbamoyl-PROXYL with GSH showed temporarily enhanced signal decay by bubbling N2 gas. Since SOD could restrict the GSH-dependent EPR signal decay of TEMPOL, O2•− is related with this reaction. O2•− was probably generated from dissolved oxygen in the reaction mixture. Oxidation of the hydroxylamines at 70°C was also suppressed by bubbling N2 gas. Heating a solution of spin trapping agent, DMPO (5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide) showed a temperature-dependent increase of the EPR signal of the hydroxyl radical adduct of DMPO. Synthesis of hydroxyl radical adduct of DMPO at 70°C was suppressed by antioxidants and/or bubbling N2 gas. The results suggested that heating an aqueous solution containing oxygen can generate O2•−

    EPR based Estimation of Radiation-Induced Reactive Oxygen Species

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    Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is considered as essential trigger of biological effects of ionizing radiations, and may be deeply linked with the radiation quality.Amounts of total oxidation reactions (i.e. oxidative free radical species, •OH and HO2•), H2O2 generations, Oxygen consumptions, and •OH generations induced by X-ray, 20 keV/μm carbon beam, and 80 keV/μm carbon beam were estimated using EPR based techniques.Total oxidation reactions were estimated as 3, 1.3, and 0.66 μmol/L/Gy, amount of H2O2 generations were 0.2, 0.57, and 0.35 μmol/L/Gy, oxygen consumptions were 0.4, 0.39, and 0.15 μmol/L/Gy for X-ray, 20 keV/μm carbon beam, and 80 keV/μm carbon beam, respectively. The ratio of H2O2 generation per oxygen consumption were increased with LET, and were 0.5, 1.46, 2.33 for X-ray, 20 keV/μm carbon beam, and 80 keV/μm carbon beam, respectively. The •OH generations expected to be localized on the track/range of the radiation beam/ray, and both sparse (≈ 3.3 mM) and very dense (> 1.7 M) •OH generations were suggested. Percentage of sparse •OH generation decreased with LET becoming higher.The SFRBM\u27s 23rd Annual Meeting, a joint meeting with the Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRBM/SFRRI 2016

    Lymph Node Stromal Cell Subsets

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    The spatiotemporal regulation of immune responses in the lymph node (LN) depends on its sophisticated tissue architecture, consisting of several subcompartments supported by distinct fibroblastic stromal cells (FSCs). However, the intricate details of stromal structures and associated FSC subsets are not fully understood. Using several gene reporter mice, we sought to discover unrecognized stromal structures and FSCs in the LN. The four previously identified FSC subsets in the cortex are clearly distinguished by the expression pattern of reporters including PDGFRb, CCL21-ser, and CXCL12. Herein, we identified a unique FSC subset expressing both CCL21-ser and CXCL12 in the deep cortex periphery (DCP) that is characterized by preferential B cell localization. This subset was clearly different fromCXCL12highLepRhigh FSCs in themedullary cord, which harbors plasma cells. B cell localization in the DCP was controlled chiefly by CCL21-ser and, to a lesser extent, CXCL12. Moreover, the optimal development of the DCP as well as medulla requires B cells. Together, our findings suggest the presence of a unique microenvironment in the cortex-medulla boundary and offer an advanced view of the multi-layered stromal framework constructed by distinct FSC subsets in the LN

    A Distinct Subset of Fibroblastic Stromal Cells Constitutes the Cortex-Medulla Boundary Subcompartment of the Lymph Node

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    The spatiotemporal regulation of immune responses in the lymph node (LN) depends on its sophisticated tissue architecture, consisting of several subcompartments supported by distinct fibroblastic stromal cells (FSCs). However, the intricate details of stromal structures and associated FSC subsets are not fully understood. Using several gene reporter mice, we sought to discover unrecognized stromal structures and FSCs in the LN. The four previously identified FSC subsets in the cortex are clearly distinguished by the expression pattern of reporters including PDGFRβ, CCL21-ser, and CXCL12. Herein, we identified a unique FSC subset expressing both CCL21-ser and CXCL12 in the deep cortex periphery (DCP) that is characterized by preferential B cell localization. This subset was clearly different from CXCL12highLepRhigh FSCs in the medullary cord, which harbors plasma cells. B cell localization in the DCP was controlled chiefly by CCL21-ser and, to a lesser extent, CXCL12. Moreover, the optimal development of the DCP as well as medulla requires B cells. Together, our findings suggest the presence of a unique microenvironment in the cortex-medulla boundary and offer an advanced view of the multi-layered stromal framework constructed by distinct FSC subsets in the LN