5,776 research outputs found

    Reconstructing Bohr's Reply to EPR in Algebraic Quantum Theory

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    Halvorson and Clifton have given a mathematical reconstruction of Bohr's reply to Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR), and argued that this reply is dictated by the two requirements of classicality and objectivity for the description of experimental data, by proving consistency between their objectivity requirement and a contextualized version of the EPR reality criterion which had been introduced by Howard in his earlier analysis of Bohr's reply. In the present paper, we generalize the above consistency theorem, with a rather elementary proof, to a general formulation of EPR states applicable to both non-relativistic quantum mechanics and algebraic quantum field theory; and we clarify the elements of reality in EPR states in terms of Bohr's requirements of classicality and objectivity, in a general formulation of algebraic quantum theory.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Measuring processes and the Heisenberg picture

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    In this paper, we attempt to establish quantum measurement theory in the Heisenberg picture. First, we review foundations of quantum measurement theory, that is usually based on the Schr\"{o}dinger picture. The concept of instrument is introduced there. Next, we define the concept of system of measurement correlations and that of measuring process. The former is the exact counterpart of instrument in the (generalized) Heisenberg picture. In quantum mechanical systems, we then show a one-to-one correspondence between systems of measurement correlations and measuring processes up to complete equivalence. This is nothing but a unitary dilation theorem of systems of measurement correlations. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of the statistical approach to quantum measurement theory, we focus on the extendability of instruments to systems of measurement correlations. It is shown that all completely positive (CP) instruments are extended into systems of measurement correlations. Lastly, we study the approximate realizability of CP instruments by measuring processes within arbitrarily given error limits.Comment: v

    Circuit analysis of quantum measurement

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    We develop a circuit theory that enables us to analyze quantum measurements on a two-level system and on a continuous-variable system on an equal footing. As a measurement scheme applicable to both systems, we discuss a swapping state measurement which exchanges quantum states between the system and the measuring apparatus before the apparatus meter is read out. This swapping state measurement has an advantage in gravitational-wave detection over contractive state measurement in that the postmeasurement state of the system can be set to a prescribed one, regardless of the outcome of the measurement.Comment: 11pages, 7figure

    Instabilities in Zakharov Equations for Laser Propagation in a Plasma

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    F.Linares, G.Ponce, J-C.Saut have proved that a non-fully dispersive Zakharov system arising in the study of Laser-plasma interaction, is locally well posed in the whole space, for fields vanishing at infinity. Here we show that in the periodic case, seen as a model for fields non-vanishing at infinity, the system develops strong instabilities of Hadamard's type, implying that the Cauchy problem is strongly ill-posed

    Unsolvability of the Halting Problem in Quantum Dynamics

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    It is shown that the halting problem cannot be solved consistently in both the Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures of quantum dynamics. The existence of the halting machine, which is assumed from quantum theory, leads into a contradiction when we consider the case when the observer's reference frame is the system that is to be evolved in both pictures. We then show that in order to include the evolution of observer's reference frame in a physically sensible way, the Heisenberg picture with time going backwards yields a correct description.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Conservative Quantum Computing

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    Conservation laws limit the accuracy of physical implementations of elementary quantum logic gates. If the computational basis is represented by a component of spin and physical implementations obey the angular momentum conservation law, any physically realizable unitary operators with size less than n qubits cannot implement the controlled-NOT gate within the error probability 1/(4n^2), where the size is defined as the total number of the computational qubits and the ancilla qubits. An analogous limit for bosonic ancillae is also obtained to show that the lower bound of the error probability is inversely proportional to the average number of photons. Any set of universal gates inevitably obeys a related limitation with error probability O(1/n^2)$. To circumvent the above or related limitations yielded by conservation laws, it is recommended that the computational basis should be chosen as the one commuting with the additively conserved quantities.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex. Corrected to include a new statement that for bosonic ancillae the lower bound of the error probability is inversely proportional to the average number of photons, kindly suggested by Julio Gea-Banacloch

    Modeling Software Characteristics and Their Correlations in A Specific Domain by Comparing Existing Similar Systems

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    QSIC 2005, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2005Software in a specific domain has several characteristics and each characteristic should be fixed when the software requirements are specified. In addition, these characteristics sometimes correlate with each other. However, we sometimes forget to specify several characteristics and/or to take their correlations into account during requirements elicitation. In this paper, we propose a meta-model for representing such characteristics and their correlations, and also propose a method to build a model for a specific domain by using documents about existing software systems. By using our model for a domain, a requirements specification for a system in the domain could be complete and unambiguous because requirements analysts can check the characteristics that should be decided. The specification could be also correct and consistent because the analysts can know side effects of a requirement change by using correlation among the characteristics. We have applied our methods to a case study for confirming the usefulness of such model and the methods.ArticleProceedings : the Fifth International Conference on Quality Software. 215-222 (2005)conference pape
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