189 research outputs found

    Corporate governance and resource management in Nigeria: a paradigm shift

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    The underlying significance of instituting measures for effective corporate governance and rewarding resource management outcomes cannot be relegated. The countries and organizations that deemphasize this practice have mortgaged their potential for long-term growth and corporate sustainability. This paper adopts a critical narrative method to deconstruct the essence of corporate governance and economic resource management ideals. The paper furthers the ongoing conversations on two interrelated business concepts, and provides an apt perspective towards unlocking the essence of corporate governance relative to the Nigeria’s corporate environment. It depicts a corporate paradigm shift that accommodates the dynamics of global best practices taking into account some peculiarities of Nigeria’s corporate climate. The paper also captures relevant theoretical dimensions and pragmatic policy propositions, especially for underperforming socio-economic contexts. In the light of the central theme, specific issues are discussed under the sub-headings of conceptual and theoretical clarifications, corporate governance and resource management in Nigeria, shifting the paradigms, conclusion and recommendations

    Managing Gas Flaring and Allied Issues in the Oil and Gas Industry: Reflections on Nigeria

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    The level of gas flaring attributable to the international oil and gas industry is without a doubt very significant. This realization, has led to a global reaction to reduce gas flaring volumes in the light of the adverse environmental, economic and social consequences connected with the high incidence of gas flaring. Hence, the approach being adopted to achieve a manageable level of gas flaring is as diverse as the respective countries that contend with this peculiar problem. The direction thus far, has been to address the gas flaring dilemma on a national, regional and international platform. Gas flaring cannot be construed in isolation, and as a consequence its consideration, has also brought to the fore matters related to environmental protection. Moreover, gas flaring has been identified as a process that damages the ozone layer, and thus contributing to escalating the global warming phenomenon. Amongst others, this notable finding has further stimulated domestic and international initiatives aimed at curbing the adverse effects of gas flaring. In Nigeria’s case, there is an apparent incentive to mitigate the incidence of gas flaring in view of; the country’s heavy reliance on oil and gas revenues, as well as the identifiable policy adjustments that need to be achieved on a sustained basis

    Collective Bargaining in Nigeria’s Public Health Sector: Evidences for an Inclusive Approach

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    This paper provides a background to the concept of collective bargaining and its history as it relates to Nigeria’s public health sector. It further suggests an inclusive approach to collective bargaining based on available evidences. In essence, it advocates a departure from ‘bread and butter issues’ being the centre-piece of collective bargaining, in the light of other competing issues such as, infrastructure, capacity building and quality assurance. It negates the perspective that prioritizes certain individual interests at the expense of other issues that are apparently militating against the sustainability of Nigeria’s public health care delivery system. The paper appropriately recommends that stakeholders must make concerted efforts towards ensuring the survival and sustainability of public health care in Nigeria. Keywords: collective bargaining, Nigeria, public healthcare, inclusive approach, industrial relations

    Collective Bargaining in Nigeria’s Public Health Sector: Evidences for an Inclusive Approach

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    This paper provides a background to the concept of collective bargaining and its history as it relates to Nigeria’s public health sector. It further suggests an inclusive approach to collective bargaining based on available evidences. In essence, it advocates a departure from ‘bread and butter issues’ being the centre-piece of collective bargaining, in the light of other competing issues such as, infrastructure, capacity building and quality assurance. It negates the perspective that prioritizes certain individual interests at the expense of other issues that are apparently militating against the sustainability of Nigeria’s public health care delivery system. The paper appropriately recommends that stakeholders must make concerted efforts towards ensuring the survival and sustainability of public health care in Nigeria. Keywords: collective bargaining, Nigeria, public healthcare, inclusive approach, industrial relations

    Nigeria’s Public University System: Are Trade Unions Still Viable?

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    The actors within Nigeria’s public university system are by no means immune from critical assessment, especially when established facts and prevailing circumstances, sharply contrasts with direct contextual as well as the wider public expectations. Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), the umbrella trade union for academic staffs of public universities in Nigeria, is seemingly at cross-roads in terms of its viability indicators and perceptions. This outlook becomes more evident when construed against the backdrop of well-established antecedents and the current contextual realities militating against the contributions of the union to the overall development of the public universities in Nigeria. Moreover, the conversations on the long-term sustainability of government funded tertiary institutions cannot be divorced from the contributions of important stakeholders. This outlook is consistent with the essence of the stakeholder theory in terms of the contributions and returns associated with a given role. The paper thus recommends that ASUU should re-align its focus to redress the identifiable issues jeopardizing the continued viability of this important union. There should be some appreciable degree of synergy between the goals of union members and the corporate goals of the university context. Instructively, if there is a need to re-energize and restructure the fundamentals of the union, concerted efforts should be made in this direction to preserve the tenets and sanctity of the ‘ivory towers’ of learning

    Of Predators and Preys: Corporate Psychopathy and Employee Burnout as Parallels

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    Different personalities constitute modern workplaces. One of such personalities is the corporate psychopath, whose presence poses manifold threats to organizational existence. This study examines the personality of the corporate psychopath and specifically investigates the relationship between corporate psychopathy and employee burnout. A total of 104 respondents within a university setting in Nigeria completed measures of corporate psychopathy to establish the existence of the traits in their managers; a self-report measure of employee burnout was also completed. Corporate psychopathy correlates positively and significantly with emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and decreased personal accomplishment. Results indicate that corporate psychopathy is an underlying factor of employee burnout. Enhanced whistleblowing structures and ethical regeneration are proffered to mitigate the consequences of corporate psychopathy in the face of cultural complexes that fan its flames

    Leaders’ emotional intelligence and employees’ performance: A case in Nigeria’s public healthcare sector.

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    Undoubtedly, multiple competencies are essential for effective leadership and identifying specific competencies that will foster employees’ performance, is a veritable venture. This study explores the impact of leaders’ emotional intelligence on employees’ performance within Nigeria’s public healthcare sector and also provides perspective on the contextual underpinnings. It adopts the survey method and randomly samples leaders and employees within the sector. Data analyses using the t-test and hierarchical regression analytical tool, reveals a significant correlation between the emotional intelligence of leaders and the performance of employees. The study finds that the task of leadership, coupled with the multiple challenges within Nigeria’s public healthcare sector, requires a reasonable measure of emotional intelligence in order to facilitate employees’ performance

    Mental health and the Nigerian Workplace: Fallacies, facts and the way forward

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    Unquestionably, mental health is fundamental to individual, organizational and national well-being. However, Nigeria’s mental health statistics are a cause for concern. This is further aggravated by a culture of indifference, denial and evasion. This paper advocates a cultural re-engineering. It espouses the need for Nigerian workplaces to recognize mental health as a realistic and legitimate concern, as well as display total commitment to the implementation of policies and practices that will ensure a supportive framework for employees. Families, religious/non-governmental organizations and the government, must also collaborate to promote mental health. Ignorant misconceptions, startling facts and necessary interventions are discussed
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