1 research outputs found

    Anthelmintička učinkovitost vodenog iscrpka biljke Euphorbia hirta u nigerijskih pasa.

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    The anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia hirta Linn was studied in 20 Nigerian dogs that were naturally infected with nematodes. They were randomly divided into 4 groups, A, B, C and D. Groups A and B each comprised 4 dogs while groups C and D comprised 6 dogs each. Group A animals were untreated, while those in group B were treated with proprietary anthelmintic (Mebendazole). Groups C and D animals were treated with aqueous crude extracts of E. hirta using intramuscular and oral routes, respectively. Two weeks after treatment, blood and faecal samples were collected to evaluate haematological values and faecal egg counts, respectively. The procedure was repeated two weeks later. Results of this study show that the aqueous crude extracts of E. hirta after its administration into local dogs produced a significant increase (P< 0.05) in PCV, RBC, Hb conc., TWBC and lymphocyte counts. The faecal egg counts also showed a remarkable and significant reduction in the levels of the identified helminths. The reduction in faecal egg counts was more pronounced with the extract administered through the oral route when compared with the intramuscular route. The effects of the plant extracts were broad spectrum in action. The phenol compound present in the plant extract could have caused reduction in worm load through this same mechanism that culminates in exhaustion and death of worms. Since the aqueous crude extract of E. hirta significantly reduced the faecal egg count of the helminths, it could serve as an anthelmintic agent.Anthelmintička učinkovitost vodenog iscrpka biljke Euphorbia hirta istražena je u 20 nigerijskih pasa prirodno invadiranih nematodima. Životinje su bile svrstane u skupine A, B, C i D. U skupini A i B bile su četiri životinje, dok su skupine C i D sadržavale šest životinja. Psi u skupini A nisu bili liječeni dok su oni u skupini B bili liječeni mebendazolom. Psi u skupini C bili su liječeni vodenim iscrpkom biljke i to intramuskularnom primjenom. Skupina D bila je liječena peroralnom primjenom vodenog iscrpka. Dva tjedna nakon liječenja svim psima izvađena je krv te sakupljene izmetine. Parazitološka pretraga izmetina bila je ponovljena nakon dva tjedna. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da vodeni iscrpak biljke Euphorbia hirta značajno (P<0,05) povećava broj krvnih stanica, eritrocita, leukocita, limfocita kao i koncentraciju hemoglobina. Promjene su dokazane i u nalazu parazitskih jaja. Smanjeni broj parazitskih jaja bio je izraženiji u skupini koja je iscrpak dobivala peroralno u odnosu na intramuskularnu primjenu. Pretpostavlja se da je upravo fenol kao komponenta iscrpka odgovoran za učinak na endoparazite. S obzirom da se njegovom primjenom značajno smanjio broj parazitskih jaja može ga se preporučiti i kao anthelmintik