27 research outputs found

    Long Lasting Egocentric Disorientation Induced by Normal Sensori-Motor Spatial Interaction

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    Perception of the cardinal directions of the body, right-left, up-down, ahead-behind, which appears so absolute and fundamental to the organisation of behaviour can in fact, be modified. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it has been shown that prolonged distorted perception of the orientation of body axes can be a consequence of disordered sensori-motor signals, including long-term prismatic adaptation and lesions of the central nervous system. We report the novel and surprising finding that a long-lasting distortion of perception of personal space can also be induced by an ecological pointing task without the artifice of distorting normal sensori-motor relationships.Twelve right-handed healthy adults performed the task of pointing with their arms, without vision, to indicate their subjective 'straight ahead', a task often used to assess the Egocentric Reference. This was performed before, immediately, and one day after a second task intended to 'modulate' perception of spatial direction. The 'modulating' task lasted 5 minutes and consisted of asking participants to point with the right finger to targets that appeared only in one (right or left) half of a computer screen. Estimates of the 'straight-ahead' during pre-test were accurate (inferior to 0.3 degrees deviation). Significantly, up to one day after performing the modulating task, the subjective 'straight-ahead' was deviated (by approximately 3.2 degrees) to the same side to which subjects had pointed to targets.These results reveal that the perception of directional axes for behaviour is readily influenced by interactions with the environment that involve no artificial distortion of normal sensori-motor-spatial relationships and does not necessarily conform to the cardinal directions as defined by the anatomy of orthostatic posture. We thus suggest that perceived space is a dynamic construction directly dependent upon our past experience about the direction and/or the localisation of our sensori-motor spatial interaction with environment

    Measurements of acute cerebral infarction: a clinical examination scale.

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    Quantitative fMRI assessment of the differences in lateralization of language-related brain activation in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    Defining language lateralization is important to minimize morbidity in patients treated surgically for temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) offers a promising, noninvasive, alternative strategy to the Wada test. Here we have used fMRI to study healthy controls and patients with TLE in order to (i) define language-related activation patterns and their reproducibility; (ii) compare lateralization determined by fMRI with those from of the Wada test; and (iii) contrast different methods of assessing fMRI lateralization. Twelve healthy right-handed controls and 19 right-handed preoperative patients with TLE (12 left- and seven right-TLE) were studied at 3T using fMRI and a verbal fluency paradigm. A Wada test also was performed on each of the patients. Greater activation was found in several areas in the right hemisphere for the left-TLE group relative to controls or right-TLE patients. Relative hemispheric activations calculated based on either the extent or the mean signal change gave consistent results showing a more bihemispheric language representation in the left-TLE patients. There was good agreement between the Wada and fMRI results, although the latter were more sensitive to involvement of the nondominant right hemisphere. The reproducibility of the fMRI values was lowest for the more bihemispherically represented left-TLE patients. Overall, our results further demonstrate that noninvasive fMRI measures of language-related lateralization may provide a practical and reliable alternative to invasive testing for presurgical language lateralization in patients with TLE. The high proportion (33%) of left-TLE patients showing bilateral or right hemispheric language-related lateralization suggests that there is considerable plasticity of language representation in the brains of patients with intractable TLE

    Quantitative fMRI assessment of the differences in lateralization of language-related brain activation in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    Defining language lateralization is important to minimize morbidity in patients treated surgically for temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) offers a promising, noninvasive, alternative strategy to the Wada test. Here we have used fMRI to study healthy controls and patients with TLE in order to (i) define language-related activation patterns and their reproducibility; (ii) compare lateralization determined by fMRI with those from of the Wada test; and (iii) contrast different methods of assessing fMRI lateralization. Twelve healthy right-handed controls and 19 right-handed preoperative patients with TLE (12 left- and seven right-TLE) were studied at 3T using fMRI and a verbal fluency paradigm. A Wada test also was performed on each of the patients. Greater activation was found in several areas in the right hemisphere for the left-TLE group relative to controls or right-TLE patients. Relative hemispheric activations calculated based on either the extent or the mean signal change gave consistent results showing a more bihemispheric language representation in the left-TLE patients. There was good agreement between the Wada and fMRI results, although the latter were more sensitive to involvement of the nondominant right hemisphere. The reproducibility of the fMRI values was lowest for the more bihemispherically represented left-TLE patients. Overall, our results further demonstrate that noninvasive fMRI measures of language-related lateralization may provide a practical and reliable alternative to invasive testing for presurgical language lateralization in patients with TLE. The high proportion (33%) of left-TLE patients showing bilateral or right hemispheric language-related lateralization suggests that there is considerable plasticity of language representation in the brains of patients with intractable TLE