677 research outputs found

    Cost Entropy and Expert System Approach to Modeling Cost Smoothing System in Reinforced Concrete Office Building Projects Procurement

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    The main aim of this research work is to develop an expert system approach to cost smoothing model in reinforced concrete office building project procurement. An econometric model which incorporates exigency escalator and inflation buffer, with entropy threshold for a typical reinforced concrete office building, useful at tendering and construction stages of building projects was developed in this study. As built and bill of quantity value of twenty (20) building projects initiated and completed within 2008 and 2009 were used at random. Elemental dichotomies within the context of early and late constructible elements with speculated prediction period was used, taken into consideration the present value of cost. This attributes would enable a builder or contactor load cost implication of an unseen circumstance even on occasion of deferred cost reimbursement with the aid of average entropy index developed for each project elements. The model was further validated with new samples and discovered to be of high Eigen and contingency coefficient values. The model could help in cost smoothing at different stages of reinforced concrete office building which could further aid cost overrun prevention

    Expert System-Based Exploratory Approach to Cost Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Office Building

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    Expert system is a conventional method that is in use in cost modeling, considering its advantage over traditional regression method. It is based on this fact, that this study aimed at deploying neural network in cost modeling of reinforced concrete office building. One hundred (100) samples were selected at random and divided into two; one part was used to develop network algorithm while the second part was used for model validation. Neural network was used to generate the model algorithm; the model is divided into 3 modules: the data optimization module, criteria selection with initializing and terminating modules. Regression analysis was carried out and model validated with Jackknife re-sampling technique. The colinearity analysis indicates high level of tolerance and -0.07403 lowest variation prediction quotients to 0.66639 highest variation quotients. Also the Regression coefficient (R-square) value for determining the model fitness is 0.034 with standard error of 0.048 this attest to the fitness of the model generated. The model is flexible in accommodating new data and variables, thus, it allows for regular updating

    Factors Affecting the Performance of Labour in Nigerian Construction Sites

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    The paper identified some factors perceived to be negatively affecting the performance of construction labour and also examined how these factors vary from site to site in the Nigerian construction industry. To achieve this, structured questionnaires were administered on contractors and labour (operatives) on forty construction sites in the study area to sample their opinions. A Likert statistical technique was employed for the analysis in this perspective. The result indicated that unfair wages (RI = 0.89), negative influencing factors (RI = 0.85) and lack of motivation (RI = 0.79) were ranked high by the labour while the contractors ranked lack of training (RI = 0.84), poor communication (RI = 0.79) and inclement weather (RI = 0.71) as being affecting the performance labour in this respect. It was recommended, among other things, that contractors must study the peculiarities of their workers and identify their main motivator

    Comparative Analysis Of Incentives Provision In Foreign And Indigenous Firm And Its Impact On Productivity

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    This paper presents the comparative analysis of means of enhancing productivity among construction workers with emphasis on financial and non financial incentives. The data were collected from respondent on 15 construction sites, which form nucleus of a stratified population chosen for the research. The questionnaire was designed using Likert rating scale on scale 1 to 4 and seventy questionnaire distributed, while the data were analyzed with the aid of mean item score, spearman correlation coefficient method, cross tabulation analysis was conducted on the incentives and work variables to determine relationship pattern. Also, Chi square analysis and product moment correlation was carried out to validate the existing relationship between incentives and productivity index. This study presents systematic approach through which available means of enhancing workers motivation in construction firms could be identified from the perspective of incentives with particular bias for financial and non-financial incentives. The study concluded with financial incentives like transport allowance, hospital allowance, cash awards, overtime-with-pay and accident insurance being found prevalent in the foreign firms while less of these are engaged at indigenous firms. Availability of Luncheon voucher, transport allowance and vehicle loan that are of financial incentive cadre was recorded at foreign firms relative to transport allowance, overtime-withpay and piece-rate among indigenous firms. Certain of the non-financial incentives could however be combined to reinforce the effect of financial based incentives, this tends to nullify the dis-satisfier factors that impedes productivity. To this end however, non-financial incentives the likes of: social security, conducive, accident free work environment, involvement in decision making and prompt payment of wages could be a potential high productivity inducer, if well administered and managed. This was based on the respondent’s preference for the administration of non-financial incentives. The presence of these as garnered from the respondent’s response accounts for the wide margin between foreign firms and indigenous firm’s productivit

    Utilization of Agricultural Information and Knowledge for Improved Production by Rice Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    The main objective of this study was to examine the utilization of agricultural knowledge and information by rice farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. Multistage random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 80 respondents. Primary data was collected with the aid of a well-structured interview schedule. The data collected was analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study revealed that rice farmers in the study area have a variety of information needs including information on pests and diseases management practices, mechanical land preparation and planting, use of farm machines, improved storage methods, and agricultural credit/loan. Key sources of information used by the respondents were friends and relatives and radio. Access to and utilization of agricultural information and knowledge on improved rice production cultural practices were generally high among the respondents as the ground means were both 3.23. The result of the linear regression analysis indicated a significant relationship between farm size (b=0.802, t=12.104; p#0.05. Also, the result of the correlation analysis revealed that there was a significant relationship between respondents’ access to extension services and utilization of agricultural information and knowledge (r=0.259; p#0.05)

    Factors Inhibiting Stakeholder Management of Mega Construction Project

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    The study aims at examining the factors inhibiting stakeholder management of mega construction projects. The study is a case study research where project managers of selected 40 mega construction projects in Lagos, Nigeria were sampled. The study adopted a questionnaire as the research instrument as well as the use of purposive sampling technique for drawing up the samples for the study. The study found out that ineffective communication, incomplete identification of stakeholders, complexity of the project and changes in stakeholder’s interest are the most significant inhibiting factors affecting stakeholder’s management of mega construction projects. The study recommends that project managers of such complex project should encourage effective communication and subsequently prompt information dissemination among stakeholders in order to address diverse stakeholder’s concerns

    Survey data on factors affecting negotiation of professional fees between Estate Valuers and their clients when the mortgage is financed by bank loan: A case study of mortgage. valuations in Ikeja,Lagos State,Nigeria

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    In this article,two sets of questionnaires were administered to professionals and clients(commercial banks)on their willingness to negotiate the professional fees charged by the Estate Valuers assuming that the mortgage in valuation was financed by bank loan. A range of fees options were provided.Other factors such as the business environment and mortgage valuation can influence the negotiated fees when the data obtained from the survey data is analyzed


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    The study evaluated the level of compliance with Construction Design Management (CDM) regulation by Nigerian clients based on the main duties of the client as stipulated in CDM regulation specification. To achieve this goal, sixty (60) questionnaires were distributed among construction firms and clients involved in the execution of projects in Lagos State in Nigeria. The survey showed that the client`s level of compliance based on the CDM regulation on client duty’s requirement has not been encouraging. The regulation requires that enough information should be given by the client; the study found that clients did not give enough information especially on building and number of the floor to be constructed also on the units of accommodation, land survey and report on soil investigation. Most of the respondents believed that the problem associated with the level of client compliance to CDM, includes poor level of communication and inadequate time allowed by the client at every stage in the construction process. In addition, some of the amenities that exist on the construction site are toilets and changing rooms while the sickbay which is important is the least to be found in the construction sites. Also the necessary amenities and are not place in the construction sites. The level of awareness of CDM regulation among the construction workers is low but client is meant to make the information available adequately as contained in the CDM regulation. It should be noted that however, that the problems on the health and safety might have effect on performance of the construction industry in terms of cost, time and quality of the construction. It is therefore concluded that Construction Design Management (CDM) regulation is not fully known among the construction industry’s client, contractors and site workers. The study recommended that for improved services, efforts should be made by project managers to create the awareness 42 Covenant Journal of Research in the Built Environment (CJRBE) Vol. 1, No. 1 (Maiden Edition), June, 2014.while clients attend short course and seminars on CDM regulation.The consulting firms of the project manager are enjoyed to improve on the necessary amenities available on the construction site and at the same time, the construction design management regulation should be conspicuously placed so that construction workers can have access to and be fully aware of the regulations. Finally, the client should appoint a CDM co -coordinator for each project site and that there should be agencies to monitor the implementation of the CDM regulation

    Multivariate Approach to Benchmarking Quality Prediction Parameters in Building Maintenance Works

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    Observing quality etiquette on maintenance work is of essence when satisfying clients’ requirement is a priority. However, the quality etiquette comes in the form of framework and benchmarks. This study has therefore presented succinctly, multivariate approach to benchmarking quality prediction parameters in building maintenance works. The study used sixty-three (63) questionnaires retrieved which contains information on benchmarked parameters. The study used factor analysis to reduce the parameters to a sizeable number based on their coefficient and Eigen value. Resultant factors were used to dissect quality into quality dichotomies; the zero defect, medium quality and high quality work status. The model would assist building maintenance practitioners in quality monitoring on building maintenance work


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    There are myriads of ICT tools in the construction industry but many construction procurement organizations are yet to harness the benefits. Tertiary institutions that are at the forefront of accountability, transparency and openness, engage in a lot of construction works but majority of them do not have eprocurement sites. The aim of the study was to develop a web-based tendering protocol for procurement of construction works in a tertiary institution. The development of a web app and a survey research design was carried out for the study. For the latter, a questionnaire instrument distributed to the client representatives and contracting firms operating within a renowned tertiary institution through a convenience sampling method was utilized. A total of 58 questionnaires were returned between the two groups. The study tested hypotheses using Mann Whitney-U and T-test. The result revealed that there are no significant differences between client representatives and contractors on e-readiness and importance of implementing e-tendering in the procurement of construction works. The study developed a web-based tendering system for procurement of construction works in a tertiary institution using PHP, MYSQL, CSS and HTML. The study recommended the increase in awareness of e-tendering platforms through trainings and implementation and stakeholders should take hold of the benefits of ICT in the construction industry. There is need to create official e-tendering sites for both public and private institutions for the purpose of procurement of construction works to encourage competitiveness among different classes of contractors, enhancing transparency, accountability and proper documentation
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