137 research outputs found

    カイワ ニオケル アイズチ ノ ニッチュウ ヒカク : アイズチ ノ ヒンド カラ ミル ニッチュウ ヒカク ブンカロンテキ コウサツ

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    The speaker and the listener are essential constituent in daily conversations. Development of the conversation is supported by the response of listener.“Aizuchi" is the supportive response in spoken Japanese, and it plays the indispensable role to take a message oflistener's understanding to the speaker.In the present study,we compared the usage of the supportive responses in the typical daily conversations of between Japanese and Chinese.The result clearly indicates that the supportive responses are used frequently in spoken Japanese than in spoken Chinese. In Japanese conversation, the listener attends the story held by the speaker gradually take part in the partner of the conversation by expressing the supportive response to the conversations is much less than that in Japanese conversation.This probably do to the effect of culture of Confucianism in China.The listener has to wait until the end of the paragraph of speech by the rule influenced by Confucianism. Furthermore,speaker in Japanese conversation sometimea uses intonation in order to urge the response from the listener. The role of intonation to affect on the frequency of supportive responses should be clarified in future studies

    Observation of the current status of life-long learning in China

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    中国にとって生涯学習の普及はこれからの社会的基盤の整備における重要な課題となっている。これまで,国の政策で進められてきた教育界に私立学校の参入が始まり,国と民間の間での良い意味で刺激し合う環境が整いつつある。また,近年における急速な経済発展により,教育関係のインフラ整備も進んできている。しかしながら政府関係者の問で「知的な能力は最大の資源であり,教育への投資こそが最大の効果を生み出せる」という認識がいまだに希薄であり,社会教育機関に対する予算配分は十分とは言えない。また,生涯学習推進のための専門的な組織や機関がほとんど無いために,具体的な生涯学習の発展戦略や計画・方針などが組織的なレベルでは練り上げられていないという問題もある。本論では,このような中国が直面している生涯学習発展のための課題について検証する。Development of the life-long study is one of the important subjects for social capital in China. Establishments of private schools provided the competitive situation in the educational society which is formally managed only by the national organization. Furthermore, it has been well prepared of infrastructure for educational system promoted by the development of economy in recent years. However, the officers generally have not recognized that ·the knowledge is the most important resource and it will resulted in the maximum effect by the enough investment for education. Therefore, financial support from the government is not enough for the development of educational system. The systematic program for developing strategy have not been planned in the organization level under the lack of specific organization or agency for life-long learning. In the present paper, we discussed on the some problems for development of social capital established by life-long learning in China

    セケン ニ カンスル イチコウサツ : ニホン ト チュウゴク ニオケル セケン ト セケン カラ ミル ハジ ノ ブンカ オ チュウシン ニ

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    The world“Seken"includes an extremely interesting meaning in that it is a characteristic world of Japanese culture.In contrast to the world“Shakai"that is created as the translated world for society in the Meiji restoration,“Seken" has ambiguous connections including ambiguous meaning.“Seken"is a word of Buddihism in origin, it is generally used to express the human relationship around the family. In Japan,we have made a distinction between human relationships in the family and that of around the family within the community.This distinction likely relates to the restriction of the behavior of the people in the community and formation of the typical“saving face culture" in Japan.The feature within the family members has formed the culture of “excessive reliance within the familiar members" in japan Although it is difficult to find a world that expresses the“Seken"in China,the behavior of the people in Chinese is similar with that in Japan in the aspect of a continual nervousness about neighborhood gossip in the local community.The“Seken"is likely related to the role of family as a unit of organization of the religion for ancestor worship held as a main ceremony of Buddhism in Japan.In the course of changing times,Confucianism and Budddhism have been prohibited in china. In Japan, such ideologies have not been prohibited with exception to Christianity in the Edo period. A long history without prohibition by political power may be the reason why a word with its origin in Biddihism has been generally used in Japan

    パンヤ サイ シュウゲキ ノ ナゾ

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    In a mysterious short story of“The Second Bakery Attack” written by Haruki Murakami, a couple plays an impenetrable behavior in the re-attacking of a hamburger shop. In addition, the writer's attitude on his life likely reflects the whole of this story in that the hero will not express his decisions even in the points that need a conclusive decision.In the short story,the hero and his wife suddenly got hungry in a midnight and he told the story of the first attack of the small bakery shop.The serious mind lead to the curse that they could easily get enough amount of bread under the condition of listening Wagner's music with subtle discrepancy of minds between the hero and the shop owner.In this situation,the shop owner succeeded for obeying the attackers without the use of weapons.This means the irony and mockrey for his own life as the result.Here Wagner appeares like the symbol of the corse for the life style of hero.In order to release from the curse,he and his wife tried to re-attack the bakery shop was full of discrepancy between the attasckers and the shop master.They have to change the attack of bakery shop to the hamburger shop, and the shop master proposed to offer the proceeds from the sale.Although they succeed for getting hamburgers without paying money,they felt many discrepancies from the supposed story.From the overview of his life in the story,we may be able to compare his life to our so-called serious life.As the result, we may aware of the meaning of a confortable life style without the expression of his own opinion nor the opposition to the people

    アニメ サンギョウ ノ ハッテン ト ソノ ハセイ ブンカ : ニホン ト チュウゴク トノ ヒカク カラ ノ イチコウサツ

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    “Anime”(Oriental Animation)-derived cultures have developed to the one of the major industries not only in Japan but also in China and other countries. Anime-derived subcultures also have developed as one of the communication tools in over the world. However, those huge anime-related industries have various problems such as shortage of money for covering the cost of making the full story of anime. Thus, the progress of the global anime-related industry will indicate the problems of future society. Proper application of anime is expected as the tool of school education or social education. In some local cities, Anime is used as the symbol of the hometown of the animation story in order to collect tourists. The real effect of the animation on the school education or traditional local cultures is still unknown. Thus, the development anime-related cultures should be evaluated in terms of the integrated stand point of view

    ニホン ノ キンセイ ジョセイ ノ アリカタ ニ カンスル イチコウサツ : アワノクニ ニオケル サクラド ニッキ オ チュウシン ニ

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    In the history of Japanese women's life, modern period has been considered as a dark age. This standpoint of view may be originated from the historical study of feudalism in Edo period. However, recent empirical studies have suggested another standpoint of view. In the present study, we analyzed descriptions in a woman's dairy “SAKURADO-NIKKI” by Misu Ueda in Awa domain in the late Edo era. The dairy is written using not only hiragana but also Kanji indicating high literacy of her. Her reading history of books suggests that she had an intellectuality of Confucianism. She was a teacher of a community school and a adviser of the community. She had a talent for the creator of haiku poetry, and many haiku poets were also described in the dairy. She communicated with many other haiku creator not only in the same district but also in other far districts of Japan consisting a intellectual network using mail system. Thus, some women contributed for the social system as the intellectual basis in the late modern period in Japan

    チュウゴク チンタオシ ニオケル カンコウ スポット ノ ゲンゴ ケイカン ニツイテ

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    Globalization trends will affect the linguistic landscape of the traveling spots in the world-wide. In the present study, we surveyed the change of the linguistic landscape of famous tourist spots of Qingdao city where the architectures are affected by foreign culture in the colonial period of Germany or Japan. We also surveyed modern architectures and instruments in Qingdao city established in the Olympics Games in Beijing City. The results indicated that some of the signs are written in Germany in parallel with Chinese in the German style street. In contrast, most of the signs in Beer museum are shown by multiple languages including Japanese and Korean probably reflecting the number of tourist visiting this museum. On the other hand, major part of the signs of street around the beer museum were written in Chinese only, probably those signs along the street are not considered to contribute to motivate the tourist for shopping at present. Thus, the linguistic landscapes of those tourist spots likely reflect the perspective purpose and linguistic ability of the visitor to the tourist spot

    チュウゴク チンタオシ コウトウ チク ニオケル ショッピング センター ノ ゲンゴ ケイカン

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    Globalization changed the linguistic landscape of the multicultural area in the world-wide. In the present study, we surveyed the linguistic landscape of 4 shopping mole in Huangdao area of Qingdao city where the government nominated it as one of the 10 newly developing areas in China. The survey results indicate that most of the signs for guide of entrance, existence, service corner and automated cash machine are equipped with multi- linguistic signs. In contrast, considerable part of the signs of tenant shops were written in English only, probably the letters will not have a linguistic role but will act as the impressive characters of each tenant shop for younger generation. Thus, the field survey of linguistic landscapes of newly developed area indicates the consciousness of younger generation of in a respective geographic area

    チュウゴク チンタオシ ニオケル コウツウ キカン ノ ゲンゴ ケイカン ニツイテノ イチコウサ

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    Globalization trends will change the people’s mind for traveling beyond the national boundary for economic and cultural activities. Such trends thus affect the linguistic landscape of the traveling spots in the world-wide. In the present study, we studied the linguistic landscape of the public transportation facilities of Qingdao city where the government nominated it as one of the 10 newly developing areas in China. The survey results indicate that most of the signs of lobbie for international passengers in Qingdao Liuting International Airport were indicated by multiple languages including Japanese and Korean, whereas signs of the parking area are indicated mainly by Chinese. The signs of the Qingdao railroad station were also indicated by English or appropriate figures in addition to the Chinese. More than 60% of the sings in the facilities of the long distance bus terminal were indicated by English in addition to Chinese, whereas that in the bus terminal for undersea tunnel that connects between Qingdao and Huangdao area was indicated mainly by figures of universal design. The signs of those facilities should be innovated by replacing with multi-linguistic signs. and/or figures for visiting foreigners as soon as possible

    Bone marrow and spleen cell colony formation in mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum.

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    Progenitor cells in the bone marrow and the spleen of mice, whether infected with Schistosoma japonicum or not, formed cell clusters and colonies when incubated with culture supernatant fluid of spleen cells incubated with soluble egg antigen (SEA). The egg extract, up to a concentration of 250 micrograms/ml protein, did not directly stimulate progenitor cell proliferation in the bone marrow. Eosinophilia in mice infected with S. japonicum may be mediated indirectly by egg antigen-stimulated immune lymphocytes and not directly by the egg antigen.</p