166 research outputs found

    L'efficacité des thérapies énergétiques sur la diminution de la douleur chronique d'origine rhumatismale ainsi que sur le bien-être et la qualité de vie des personnes âgées: travail de Bachelor

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    But : L’objectif de cette revue de littérature est de déterminer si les thérapies énergétiques du toucher thérapeutique, du Healing Touch et du Reiki, complémentaires aux traitements habituels, ont une efficacité sur la diminution de l’intensité de la douleur chronique d'origine rhumatismale afin de préserver le bien-être et la qualité de vie des personnes âgées. Méthode: Pour répondre à la question de recherche, une recherche sur les bases de données CINAHL et PubMed a été réalisée. Les différents articles ont été soumis à divers critères de sélection. Par la suite, les huit articles sélectionnés ont été analysés sous forme de tableaux synthétiques et discutés selon les grandes familles identifiées

    Tolerantnost kukuruza (Zea mays L.) na prisustvo NaCl tokom klijanja i nicanja

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    Since corn is grown in climatically diverse regions and under different production conditions, assuming that high salinity in the substrate affect corn seed performance, such conditions were simulated in this study in order to examine their effects on seedling geminability and length in several corn genotypes. The study showed that the tested seeds tolerated the stress conditions up to a certain point. The studied genotypes differed in level of resistance to the stress conditions. Salt concentrations were determined, which were capable of affecting negatively seed germinability and seedling growth.S obzirom na širok areal rasprostranjenja i na različite uslove proizvodnje, seme kukuruza izloženo je različitim stresnim uslovima koji vladaju u pojedinim rejonima. Seme različitih genotipova kukuruza izloženo je različitim nepovoljnim faktorima. Simulirani su uslovi povećanog sadržaja soli u supstratu kao i njihov uticaj na klijavost i dužinu klijanca kod pojedinih genotipova kukuruza. Seme svih biljnih vrsta je osetljivo na nepovoljne uslove koji se mogu javiti u prirodi. Povećan sadržaj soli može da utiče na smanjenje klijavosti semena kukuruza kao i na smanjenje dužine korena i dužine ponika. Ispitivanja su pokazala razliku između genotipova u otpornosti na stresne uslove. Takođe ispitivanjem su utvrđene koncentracije koje mogu imati negativan uticaj kako na klijavost semena tako i na porast klice. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitivano seme može podneti određene nepovoljne uslove


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    U uvodu je definiran problem ovog završnog rada vezan uz specifičnosti računovodstva poduzeća za vodovod i odvodnju te su navedene metode istraživanja. U teorijskom dijelu naveden je računovodstveni regulatorni okvir kojim je uređeno poslovanje poduzeća za vodovod i odvodnju te obilježja tog računovodstvenog sustava. U empirijskom dijelu navedeni su podaci o poduzeću „Vodovod i odvodnja d.o.o.“ te specifičnosti njegova poslovanja. Na temelju prikupljene dokumentacije napravljena je analiza poslovanja poduzeća za 2016. godinu te su primjeri potkrijepljeni knjiženjima i objašnjenjima.In the introduction, the problem of this final paper related to the specifics of the company´s accounting for water supply and drainge is defined and the research methods are mentioned. In the theoretical part of this paper, the accounting regulatory framework regulating the business of the water supply and drainage business and the features of this specific accounting system are explained. In the empirical part, the data of the company „Vodovod i odvodnja d.o.o.“ and the specifics of its business are listed. Based on the collected documentation, a business analysis of the company´s business for year 2016 was made, and examples were supported by examples of bookkeeping and explanations

    The role and influence of international institution in tourism

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    Međunarodnu zajednicu karakterizira sve jače povezivanje država na međunarodnoj razini vezano uz pojedino uže interesno područje poput gospodarstva, brige o zaštiti okoliša, prometa, itd., pa tako i turizma. Međunarodni turizam karakterizira jaka nadnacionalna komponenta pa se, budući da više nije u pitanju isključivo jedna država, javlja potreba za određenim stupnjem uniformiranosti pojedinih aspekata turizma. Tu svakako valja naglasiti ulogu međunarodnih organizacija, a koje svojim radom obvezujućim i neobvezujućim propisima, doprinose razvoju turizma pokušavajući premostiti jaz među turističkim sustavima pojedinih država. Uz međunarodne organizacije, prilikom kreiranja politika turizma, značajne su i organizacije koje djeluju na razini Europske unije, zatim nacionalna tijela zadužena za razvoj turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj te pojedina regionalna udruženja čije članice nisu isključivo države, nego pojedine regije različitih država, a koje imaju neku zajedničku karakteristiku. Prilikom sveukupnog razmatranja međunarodnog turizma kao cjeline, valja pažljivo razmotriti kako opće, tako i specijalizirane organizacije te plodove njihovog rada, bilo da su dobrovoljne ili prisilne naravi.International community is marked by increasing cooperation of countries at International level, focused on specific field of interest such as economy, environment protection, traffic, etc., as well as tourism. International tourism is characterised by strong supranational component and, considering that more than one country is involved, there is a need of a certain level of uniformity in some tourism aspects. In this matter, the role of International organisations is significant which, through their activities mandatory and dispositive regulations, contribute to the tourism development in trying to overcome the gap between tourism systems of various countries. Besides International organisations, other organisations acting at the European Union level, national entities responsible for the development of tourism in the Republic of Croatia and some regional associations which membership is not exclusively limited to countries but also some regions connected with common characteristic, have the important role in tourism policy creation. When considering the International tourism as unity, both general and specialized organisations should be taken into account, as well as their outputs, regarding if they are binding or not


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    U uvodu je definiran problem ovog završnog rada vezan uz specifičnosti računovodstva poduzeća za vodovod i odvodnju te su navedene metode istraživanja. U teorijskom dijelu naveden je računovodstveni regulatorni okvir kojim je uređeno poslovanje poduzeća za vodovod i odvodnju te obilježja tog računovodstvenog sustava. U empirijskom dijelu navedeni su podaci o poduzeću „Vodovod i odvodnja d.o.o.“ te specifičnosti njegova poslovanja. Na temelju prikupljene dokumentacije napravljena je analiza poslovanja poduzeća za 2016. godinu te su primjeri potkrijepljeni knjiženjima i objašnjenjima.In the introduction, the problem of this final paper related to the specifics of the company´s accounting for water supply and drainge is defined and the research methods are mentioned. In the theoretical part of this paper, the accounting regulatory framework regulating the business of the water supply and drainage business and the features of this specific accounting system are explained. In the empirical part, the data of the company „Vodovod i odvodnja d.o.o.“ and the specifics of its business are listed. Based on the collected documentation, a business analysis of the company´s business for year 2016 was made, and examples were supported by examples of bookkeeping and explanations

    The role and influence of international institution in tourism

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    Međunarodnu zajednicu karakterizira sve jače povezivanje država na međunarodnoj razini vezano uz pojedino uže interesno područje poput gospodarstva, brige o zaštiti okoliša, prometa, itd., pa tako i turizma. Međunarodni turizam karakterizira jaka nadnacionalna komponenta pa se, budući da više nije u pitanju isključivo jedna država, javlja potreba za određenim stupnjem uniformiranosti pojedinih aspekata turizma. Tu svakako valja naglasiti ulogu međunarodnih organizacija, a koje svojim radom obvezujućim i neobvezujućim propisima, doprinose razvoju turizma pokušavajući premostiti jaz među turističkim sustavima pojedinih država. Uz međunarodne organizacije, prilikom kreiranja politika turizma, značajne su i organizacije koje djeluju na razini Europske unije, zatim nacionalna tijela zadužena za razvoj turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj te pojedina regionalna udruženja čije članice nisu isključivo države, nego pojedine regije različitih država, a koje imaju neku zajedničku karakteristiku. Prilikom sveukupnog razmatranja međunarodnog turizma kao cjeline, valja pažljivo razmotriti kako opće, tako i specijalizirane organizacije te plodove njihovog rada, bilo da su dobrovoljne ili prisilne naravi.International community is marked by increasing cooperation of countries at International level, focused on specific field of interest such as economy, environment protection, traffic, etc., as well as tourism. International tourism is characterised by strong supranational component and, considering that more than one country is involved, there is a need of a certain level of uniformity in some tourism aspects. In this matter, the role of International organisations is significant which, through their activities mandatory and dispositive regulations, contribute to the tourism development in trying to overcome the gap between tourism systems of various countries. Besides International organisations, other organisations acting at the European Union level, national entities responsible for the development of tourism in the Republic of Croatia and some regional associations which membership is not exclusively limited to countries but also some regions connected with common characteristic, have the important role in tourism policy creation. When considering the International tourism as unity, both general and specialized organisations should be taken into account, as well as their outputs, regarding if they are binding or not

    Uticaj podloge na klijavost tretiranog semena suncokreta

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    Results of the examination of Rimi hybrid seed showed the existence of a highly significant effect of different substratum on germination energy and germination. Also, a highly significant influence was detected between treatments, while the substratum x treatments interaction was significant. On average, germination energy was the highest on filter paper and it was 90.10%. Also, the germination was the best on filter paper (92.05%). This value was statistically significantly higher (by 13.60%) with respect to germination determined in sand and by 4.00% concerning germination determined in compost.Rezultati ispitivanja energije klijanja i klijavosti semena hibrida Rimi na različitim podlogama za ispitivanje klijavosti ukazali su na postojanje visoko značajnog uticaja podloge na energiju klijanja i klijavost semena. Takođe, visoko značajna razlika utvrđena je i kod primenjenih tretmana, dok se značajna razlika ispoljila kod interakcije podloga x tretmani. U proseku, energija klijanja bila je najveća kod semena koje je naklijavano na filter papiru i iznosila je 90,10%. Ispitivanje klijavosti semena pokazalo je u proseku, takođe, najveću vrednost kod naklijavanja na filter papiru (92,05%). Ova vrednost bila je statistički visoko značajna u odnosu na rezultat ispitivanja u pesku za 13,60%, a u odnosu na ispitivanje u kompostu za 4,00%

    Coarctation of aorta – clinical manifestations and therapeutic options

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    Koarktacija aorte ( CoA ) je prirođena srčana greška (PSG) kod koje suženje torakalne aorte neposredno iza polazišta lijeve subklavijalne arterije, nasuprot spoja s duktusom arteriozusom rezultira opstrukcijom protoka krvi i tlačnim opterećenjem lijeve klijetke. CoA čini 4 do 6% od svih PSG. Klinički se manifestira znakovima srčanog zatajenja u novorođenačkom i ranom dojenačkom razdoblju, a kasnije najčešće arterijskom hipertenzijom i šumom nad srcem. Način liječenja CoA ovisi o kliničkoj prezentaciji, tipu koarktacije, pridruženim srčanim anomalijama i dobi djeteta. Terapijske opcije liječanja CoA uključuju kardiokirurgiju, balonsku angioplastiku i angioplastiku s ugradnjom stenta.Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) is congenital heart defect (CHD) in which narrowing of thoracic aorta is typically located at the insertion of the ductus arteriosus just distal to left subclavian artery. This obstruction results in left ventricular pressure overload. CoA accounts for 4 to 6 percent of all CHD. Clinical manifestations of CoA are heart failure in neonates and infants and usually arterial hyperthension and heart murmur in older infants and children. Management of CoA depends on clinical presentation, type of CoA, assosiated heart defects and age. Treatment options are surgery, baloon angioplasty and stent insertion

    Testing of seed viability using different tests

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    Tetrazolium test is a biochemical test that distinguishes viable from non-viable seeds based on breathing activity in the seed itself. The test finds application as a backup procedure for identifying a viable, but dormant, i.e. dormant seeds that failed to germinate during the germination test. The tetrazolium test is not an absolute test of the viability of the seed, and to make the conclusions valid, the results obtained by applying this test must be compared with the results of other germination tests for each plant species. This study included seed of two oil type and one confectionery sunflower hybrids, separated by size and weight into six fractions. Testing seed germination was carried out on four replicates of 100 seeds by applied Standard laboratory test and tetrazolium test. Obtained results were statistically analysed by applying analysis of variance. The results of the study show that in the case of oily-type hybrids, higher germination is obtained by using a tetrazolium test. Contrary to these results, in the confectionery hybrid, significant differences were observed that occurred between the seed fractions themselves

    Starenje semena uljane repice

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of oilseed rape seeds, produced at various locations, immediately after harvest and after a one-year storage period under controlled and uncontrolled conditions. The experimental testing was performed on seeds of five winter oilseed rape varieties produced at two localities (Rimski Šančevi and Pančevo). Following harvest and a one-year storage period, the seed quality was determined under laboratory conditions using standard germination tests. Seed germination, seedling length and vigour index were determined after seven days. The seed germination, length of seedling and vigour index values of the seeds produced at both localities were lower after one year of storage. Differences obtained between the seeds stored under controlled and uncontrolled conditions were not statistically significant. The seeds with higher initial values of all the tested parameters proved better under storage conditions.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi kvalitet semena neposredno posle žetve i nakon godinu dana skladištenja, u kontrolisanim i nekontrolisanim uslovima, kod semena proizvedenog na različitim lokalitetima. Ispitivanja su izvedena na semenu, pet sorti ozime uljane repice, proizvedenog na dva lokaliteta (Rimski Šančevi i Pančevo). Nakon žetve i godinu dana skladištenja, u laboratorijskim uslovima, utvrđen je kvalitet semena primenom standardnog laboratorijskog metoda. Nakon 7 dana utvrđeni su klijavost semena, dužina ponika i vigor indeks. Klijavost semena kod sorata proizvedenih na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi kretala se 91,00 - 95,50%. Nakon godinu dana starenja kod semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim uslovima klijavost je bila niža i iznosila je 85,00 - 91,75%, dok je kod semena čuvanog u nekontrolisanim uslovima klijavost iznosila 84,50 - 90,75%. Klijavost semena kod sorata proizvedenih na lokalitetu Pančevo je bila značajno manja i neposreno posle žetve je iznosila 73,75 - 82,50%. Nakon godinu dana starenja klijavost je statistički značajno opala i kod semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim (51,25 - 71,0%) i nekontrolisanim uslovima (53,50 - 71,25%). Dužina ponika i vigor indeks su bili niži nakon godinu dana sklaištenja kod semena proizvedenog na oba lokaliteta. Razlike dobijene između semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim i nekontrolisanim uslovima nisu bile statistički značajne. Seme koje je imalo više početne vrednosti ispitivanih parametara bolje je podnelo uslove sklaištenja