37 research outputs found


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    Even though the number of brands has strongly increased in recent years, only a few managed to endow themselves with significant brand loyalty. Besides the actual proprietary brand assets, such as patents and trademarks, other major elements like brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand associations, and others, underlie brand equity. A successful brand strategy must be based on creating brand loyalty. For achieving this goal consumers must be classified on a loyalty basis, while marketing strategies and mixes must be shaped accordingly.brand equity, brand loyalty, loyalty degree, brand strategy


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    Considering the increasing role and importance of brand loyalty in the context of nowadays fierce competition and the insufficient understanding of this brand equity core dimension by Romanian companies, this paper aims to partially eliminate this knowle

    Prihvaćanje i primjena politika korporativne društvene odgovornosti u poslovanju putničkih agencija: Slučaj Rumunjske

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    The paper investigates the extent to which Romania’s largest travel agencies adopt and implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies, correlating these findings with their business performance reflected by their net turnover and net profit. In order to evaluate the level of CSR policies adoption and implementation, an online survey was conducted among top managers from each travel agency. The questionnaire comprised several sets of items reflecting workplace, environmental, marketplace, community, and, respectively, company values policies. Our results point to the fact that the CSR policies adopted and implemented to the highest degree are those concerning the marketplace, while the least embraced CSR policies refer to the environment. Our findings also suggest that there are several CSR policies which are adopted and implemented to a higher degree by larger travel agencies in terms of net turnover, while some other CSR policies are adopted more thoroughly by smaller ones. The results also indicate positive correlations between the profitability of travel agencies and the adoption and implementation of certain CSR policies. Last but not least, our research suggests that marketplace policies adoption and implementation could have a significant positive impact on business performance of travel agencies in terms of both net turnover and net profitability.U radu se istražuje do koje mjere najveće rumunjske putničke agencije prihvaćaju i primjenjuju politike korporativne društvene odgovornosti, i to povezivanjem ovih nalaza s njihovom poslovnom uspješnošću iskazanom kroz neto promet i neto profit. Kako bi se ocijenila razina prihvaćanja i implementacije politika korporativne društvene odgovornosti, provedena je online anketa s vrhovnim menadžerima iz svih odabranih putničkih agencija. Upitnik je sadržavao nekoliko grupa tvrdnji koje su odražavale politike vezane uz radno mjesto, okoliš, tržište, zajednicu, odnosno politike vrijednosti poduzeća. Rezultati upućuju na činjenicu da je politika korporativne društvene odgovornosti s najvišom razinom prihvaćanja i primjene ona koja se odnosi na tržišta, dok je najmanje usvojena ona koja se odnosi na okoliš. Isto tako, rezultati upućuju na to da postoji nekoliko politika korporativne društvene odgovornosti koje su prihvaćene i primijenjene u većoj mjeri u slučaju većih turističkih agencija (prema kriteriju neto prometa), kao i neke druge politike koje su temeljitije prihvatile manje agencije. Rezultati upućuju i na pozitivnu korelaciju između profitabilnosti putničkih agencija i prihvaćanja te primjene nekih politika korporativne društvene odgovornosti. Konačno, ali ne i najmanje važno, analize pokazuju kako bi prihvaćanje i primjena politika vezanih uz tržište moglo imati značajan pozitivan utjecaj na poslovnu uspješnost putničkih agencija po pitanju i neto prometa i neto profita


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    The interest in brand marketing and management has strongly increased during the last two decades. Brands represent core elements of any marketing strategy and essential assets to any company. Yet, a complete formulation and approach of its definition and significance has been neglected, both in international and national specialized literature. Defining the brand is a difficult task. This paper tries to outline three main approaches, when considering defining and analyzing the significance of the brand concept, as they were identified through a documentary research of the literature.brand significance, brand components, brand values, brand meaning, limited, extended and holistic approach of brand definition and significance


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    Even though the number of brands has strongly increased in recent years, only a few managed to endow themselves with significant brand loyalty. Besides the actual proprietary brand assets, such as patents and trademarks, other major elements like brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand associations, and others, underlie brand equity. A successful brand strategy must be based on creating brand loyalty. For achieving this goal consumers must be classified on a loyalty basis, while marketing strategies and mixes must be shaped accordingly.brand equity, brand loyalty, loyalty degree, brand strategy.


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    Nowadays, in an age of globalization, brands are growing ever more valuable. They have to differentiate one product from another, position the offer and also be adaptable both to changes in product lines and ranges, and to evolving consumers’ expectations. The continual increase in the number of products makes branding an increasingly complex business. This paper approaches, in a comparative, critical and impartial manner, the main brand name strategies, revealing the specific features, advantages and disadvantages of each.brand name, brand strategy, brand extension, co-branding

    An Analysis Regarding Descriptive Dimensions of Brand Equity

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    The competitive potential of any company is significantly influenced by the brands held in the company’s portfolio. Brands are definitely valuable marketing assets. As the brand is a central element of any marketing strategy it is essential to be aware of the descriptive dimensions of its equity. This paper tries to outline these dimensions as follows: brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand perceived quality, brand personality, brand image, brand identity and brand associations, as analyzed in the specialized literature. Identifying and comparing different approaches regarding each brand equity dimension and revealing interdependencies between these dimensions, focusing on the importance of scientifically determining their role in generating a long-term increase in marketing efforts efficiency, are among the main objectives of this paper.brand equity, core brand values

    How to Build a Successful Balanced Scorecard

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    The Balanced Scorecard concept has been adopted by all types of organizations (manufacturing and service, for-profit and not-for-profit, private and public) in virtually every developed and developing nation in the world and it has evolved from its initial purpose of an improved performance measurement system to become the basis of a new management system, one that aligns and focuses the entire organization on implementing and improving its strategy. Niven’s opinion is that Balanced Scorecard means three things: measurement system, strategic management system, and communication tool. The paper talks about the Balanced Scorecard philosophy and the issues that need to be solved for a successful BSC implementation an provides recommendations for the formulation and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard.balanced scorecard implementation challenge, management tools

    Some aspects regarding brand extension

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    Brand extensions have been developing for the last decade as one of the most important growth strategy. This paper tries to point out some of the basic issues and outline the main advantages and disadvantages involved, as well as the key elements when evaluating brand extension opportunities and effects

    Assessing Customer Loyalty: A Literature Review

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    In the contemporary market context, characterized by increasing competition and a rapidly changing marketing environment, customer loyalty has become an extremely valuable business intangible asset, being essential for any business strategy. Moreover, brand loyalty, as a constituent of brand equity, has been intensively researched as a key issue in the marketing literature of the last decades. The current paper is part of a larger study directed at analyzing the impact of perceived CSR on customer loyalty. Considering this larger study’s purpose, it is important that, before anything else, the theories and methodologies related to assessing perceived CSR and, respectively, customer loyalty be reviewed. This paper focuses on customer loyalty, by reviewing some of the most relevant scientific approaches regarding the methodologies that can be applied when customer loyalty must be assessed