14 research outputs found

    The Involvement of Boards in Strategy Implementation

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    The classical management perspective works on the assumption that CEO can design an explicit “grand strategy” for the entire enterprise. Later strategy perspectives question these normative assumptions and depict strategy as a messy, disorderly and disjointed process. In academic corporate governance research, it is widely agreed that boards should contribute to corporate strategy. But despite reasonable consensus on the board’s responsibility for strategy, how boards should fulfill this responsibility has remained unclear. In parts this due to the fact that the role the boards in strategy formulation and implementation is still an empirically understudied phenomenon in corporate governance research. Hence, the purpose of this research is to explore the potential role of the boards of directors in strategy formulation and implementation based on case study example – two aspects that have so far been left largely unaddressed by corporate governance research and practice.strategy formulation, strategy implementation, corporate governance, board of directors.

    The interplay of strategy, corporate social responsibility and customer orientation in explaining firm performance: a stakeholder view

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    The link between strategy and performance is a well-established topic in the strategic management field, yet few studies have examined the role that corporate social responsibility (CSR) and customer orientation (CO) have on this relationship. Using a stakeholder theory perspective, the objective of this study is to explore these relationships in the context of a transition economy. A sample of Romanian firms was used and the data was tested using partial least square structural equation modelling. The empirical results present findings that while there is a significant relationship between strategic planning and CSR, a significant relationship was not found between strategic planning and performance, nor between strategic planning and CO. However, a partially mediated relationship was found between CSR, CO, and performance. The conclusion is that the embrace of free-market practices is still evolving in transition economies. The implication is that over time learning and accumulation of related knowledge will strengthen the interplay of these firm practices and result in improved performanc

    Communication Improvement within the Education Process and Emotional Intelligence Development

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    Both the authors’ previous experience and the devoted literature highlight the particular role of teacher-student communication for the quality of graduates’ professional development and education. The research presented herein is based on a sociological survey conducted in a large university from north-west Romania, on more than 600 Economics Master’s students.The chief goal of our research is to determine efficient ways to improve the student training provided by the master programmes in Economics, by means of a better stimulation on the part of the teachers, a more efficient teacher – student communication, a better quality of the teaching materials employed and a greater relevance of the educational content for the particular area of specialisation pursued.After an initial review of the material resulted from the sociological survey, we continued to analyse the results in relation to the tiers of the communication process, the role of groups in the learning process and of the education process in the development of emotional intelligence.Within the current phase of our study, the underlying hypotheses are:(1) The training of Economics and Business Administration students provides them with opportunities of professional specialisation, while developing skills and abilities useful in everyday life.(2) The students’ training in Economics also entails an implicit educational process, which supports the development of their emotional intelligence.(3) Multiculturalism bears manifold benefits, both in terms of specialist professional training and on graduates’ attitudes and behaviour in the social life.This study allowed us to validate the hypotheses and to draw some interesting conclusions for the education of students enrolled in the university surveyed

    Data set on professional attraction and entrepreneurial intention of students in a selected Nigerian University

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    This article presents data on the effect of professional attraction to entrepreneurshipandthedevelopmentofentrepreneurialinten- tions byuniversitystudentsusingCovenantUniversityinNigeria as thecasestudy.Thestudyemployedadescriptivequantitative researchdesignbymeansofsurveymethod.Thepopulationofthe study comprisedallstudentsintheselecteduniversitywithatotal of 7988students.Asamplesizeof400studentswasselected. Reliabilityandvaliditymeasureswereestablished.Datawasana- lyzed employingStatisticalPackageforSocialSciences(SPSS). Regressionanalysiswasusedasstatisticaltoolofanalysis.The analyzed field datasetispresentedinthisarticl

    Student satisfaction and perceived skills: any link to employability?

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    International audienceThe present study aims to determine the perceived satisfaction of students enrolled in a tourism undergraduate program and to assess the impact perceived skills have on their intentions regarding future careers. This is a quantitative study based on the analysis of primary data gathered through a questionnaire. A sample of 114 students in their second year of study from the biggest university in Romania completed the questionnaire. The data collected were analysed using descriptive analysis, ANOVA and regression analysis. An ANOVA test and post hoc Tukey test were therefore used to determine differences in the means and variance of satisfaction, with the grade levels and course attendance set as the independent variables. A regression analysis was then conducted to identify the connections between perceived skills and the future career path of tourism students. The results show that students do not perceive satisfaction differently according to their grade levels, although there may be a relationship between levels of satisfaction and class attendance. Optimism was found to predict whether students would be interested in starting a business, while attitudes towards leadership and networking were found to predict whether students wished to pursue a management career

    Boards’ Attributes and Company Performance: the Romanian Experience

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    Communication Quality and Professional Competence – Evidence from a Romanian Business School

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    AbstractCommunication within the educational process stands as one of the determinant factors for students’ professional development. This paper aims to assess the economic students’ perceptions regarding both the quality and utility of courses and other means of study that will enable their professional competences and their future career development. Thus, we have conducted empirical research among students from several masters programs taught at one of the biggest business schools in Romania. We included in our sample graduate students from three majors: finance and banks (two masters programs), accounting (three masters programs), and management (two masters programs). The students were asked to express their views through a questionnaire that addressed several issues, such as the quality of courses taught, the quality of laboratories and seminars, the correlation between courses and laboratories, the different methods of assessment, the effort implied in each case, and the efficiency of their results. The findings of our study could be used by of the university to further improve the educational process within the business school and to help increase students’ professional development

    Data set on professional attraction and entrepreneurial intention of students in a selected Nigerian University

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    This article presents data on the effect of professional attraction to entrepreneurship and the development of entrepreneurial intentions by university students using Covenant University in Nigeria as the case study. The study employed a descriptive quantitative research design by means of survey method. The population of the study comprised all students in the selected university with a total of 7988 students. A sample size of 400 students was selected. Reliability and validity measures were established. Data was analyzed employing Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Regression analysis was used as statistical tool of analysis. The analyzed field data set is presented in this article. Keywords: Professional attraction, Entrepreneurial intention, University students Nigeri