75 research outputs found

    Perfect subspaces of quadratic laminations

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    The combinatorial Mandelbrot set is a continuum in the plane, whose boundary can be defined, up to a homeomorphism, as the quotient space of the unit circle by an explicit equivalence relation. This equivalence relation was described by Douady and, in different terms, by Thurston. Thurston used quadratic invariant laminations as a major tool. As has been previously shown by the authors, the combinatorial Mandelbrot set can be interpreted as a quotient of the space of all limit quadratic invariant laminations. The topology in the space of laminations is defined by the Hausdorff distance. In this paper, we describe two similar quotients. In the first case, the identifications are the same but the space is smaller than that taken for the Mandelbrot set. The result (the quotient space) is obtained from the Mandelbrot set by "unpinching" the transitions between adjacent hyperbolic components. In the second case, we do not identify non-renormalizable laminations while identifying renormalizable laminations according to which hyperbolic lamination they can be "unrenormalised" to.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Density of orbits in laminations and the space of critical portraits

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    Thurston introduced \si_d-invariant laminations (where \si_d(z) coincides with z^d:\ucirc\to \ucirc, dβ‰₯2d\ge 2). He defined \emph{wandering kk-gons} as sets \T\subset \ucirc such that \si_d^n(\T) consists of kβ‰₯3k\ge 3 distinct points for all nβ‰₯0n\ge 0 and the convex hulls of all the sets \si_d^n(\T) in the plane are pairwise disjoint. Thurston proved that \si_2 has no wandering kk-gons and posed the problem of their existence for \si_d,\, dβ‰₯3d\ge 3. Call a lamination with wandering kk-gons a \emph{WT-lamination}. Denote the set of cubic critical portraits by \A_3. A critical portrait, compatible with a WT-lamination, is called a \emph{WT-critical portrait}; let \WT_3 be the set of all of them. It was recently shown by the authors that cubic WT-laminations exist and cubic WT-critical portraits, defining polynomials with \emph{condense} orbits of vertices of order three in their dendritic Julia sets, are dense and locally uncountable in \A_3 (DβŠ‚XD\subset X is \emph{condense in XX} if DD intersects every subcontinuum of XX). Here we show that \WT_3 is a dense first category subset of \A_3. We also show that (a) critical portraits, whose laminations have a condense orbit in the topological Julia set, form a residual subset of \A_3, (b) the existence of a condense orbit in the Julia set JJ implies that JJ is locally connected.Comment: 13 pages; accepted for publication in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System

    Finitely Suslinian models for planar compacta with applications to Julia sets

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    A compactum X\subset \C is unshielded if it coincides with the boundary of the unbounded component of \C\sm X. Call a compactum XX finitely Suslinian if every collection of pairwise disjoint subcontinua of XX whose diameters are bounded away from zero is finite. We show that any unshielded planar compactum XX admits a topologically unique monotone map mX:X→XFSm_X:X \to X_{FS} onto a finitely Suslinian quotient such that any monotone map of XX onto a finitely Suslinian quotient factors through mXm_X. We call the pair (XFS,mX)(X_{FS},m_X) (or, more loosely, XFSX_{FS}) the finest finitely Suslinian model of XX. If f:\C\to \C is a branched covering map and X \subset \C is a fully invariant compactum, then the appropriate extension MXM_X of mXm_X monotonically semiconjugates ff to a branched covering map g:\C\to \C which serves as a model for ff. If ff is a polynomial and JfJ_f is its Julia set, we show that mXm_X (or MXM_X) can be defined on each component ZZ of JfJ_f individually as the finest monotone map of ZZ onto a locally connected continuum.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ

    Fixed points in non-invariant plane continua

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    If f:[a,b]β†’Rf:[a,b]\to \mathbb{R}, with a<ba<b, is continuous and such that aa and bb are mapped in opposite directions by ff, then ff has a fixed point in II. Suppose that f:Cβ†’Cf:\mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C} is map and XX is a continuum. We extend the above for certain continuous maps of dendrites Xβ†’D,XβŠ‚DX\to D, X\subset D and for positively oriented maps f:Xβ†’C,XβŠ‚Cf:X\to \mathbb{C}, X\subset \mathbb{C} with the continuum XX not necessarily invariant. Then we show that in certain cases a holomorphic map f:Cβ†’Cf:\mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C} must have a fixed point aa in a continuum XX so that either a∈Int(X)a\in \mathrm{Int}(X) or ff exhibits rotation at aa.Comment: 21 pages with corrected reference

    Complementary components to the cubic Principal Hyperbolic Domain

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    We study the closure of the cubic Principal Hyperbolic Domain and its intersection PΞ»\mathcal{P}_\lambda with the slice FΞ»\mathcal{F}_\lambda of the space of all cubic polynomials with fixed point 00 defined by the multiplier Ξ»\lambda at 00. We show that any bounded domain W\mathcal{W} of FΞ»βˆ–PΞ»\mathcal{F}_\lambda\setminus\mathcal{P}_\lambda consists of JJ-stable polynomials ff with connected Julia sets J(f)J(f) and is either of \emph{Siegel capture} type (then f∈Wf\in \mathcal{W} has an invariant Siegel domain UU around 00 and another Fatou domain VV such that f∣Vf|_V is two-to-one and fk(V)=Uf^k(V)=U for some k>0k>0) or of \emph{queer} type (then at least one critical point of f∈Wf\in \mathcal{W} belongs to J(f)J(f), the set J(f)J(f) has positive Lebesgue measure, and carries an invariant line field).Comment: 12 pages; one figure; to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.579

    Topological polynomials with a simple core

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    We define the (dynamical) core of a topological polynomial (and the associated lamination). This notion extends that of the core of a unimodal interval map. Two explicit descriptions of the core are given: one related to periodic objects and one related to critical objects. We describe all laminations associated with quadratic and cubic topological polynomials with a simple core (in the quadratic case, these correspond precisely to points on the Main Cardioid of the Mandelbrot set).Comment: 47 pages, 8 figure

    Laminations from the Main Cubioid

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    According to a recent paper \cite{bopt13}, polynomials from the closure PHDˉ3\bar{\rm PHD}_3 of the {\em Principal Hyperbolic Domain} PHD3{\rm PHD}_3 of the cubic connectedness locus have a few specific properties. The family CU\mathrm{CU} of all polynomials with these properties is called the \emph{Main Cubioid}. In this paper we describe the set CUc\mathrm{CU}^c of laminations which can be associated to polynomials from CU\mathrm{CU}.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figures (in the new version a few typos have been corrected and a few proofs have been expanded). To appear in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1106.502

    Laminational models for some spaces of polynomials of any degree

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    The so-called "pinched disk" model of the Mandelbrot set is due to A.~Douady, J.~H.~Hubbard and W.~P.~Thurston. It can be described in the language of geodesic laminations. The combinatorial model is the quotient space of the unit disk under an equivalence relation that, loosely speaking, "pinches" the disk in the plane (whence the name of the model). The significance of the model lies in particular in the fact that this quotient is planar and therefore can be easily visualized. The conjecture that the Mandelbrot set is actually homeomorphic to this model is equivalent to the celebrated MLC conjecture stating that the Mandelbrot set is locally connected. For parameter spaces of higher degree polynomials no combinatorial model is known. One possible reason may be that the higher degree analog of the MLC conjecture is known to be false. We investigate to which extent a geodesic lamination is determined by the location of its critical sets and when different choices of critical sets lead to essentially the same lamination. This yields models of various parameter spaces of laminations similar to the "pinched disk" model of the Mandelbrot set.Comment: 98 pages, 18 figures; to appear in the Memoirs of the AM

    The Main Cubioid

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    We discuss different analogs of the main cardioid in the parameter space of cubic polynomials, and establish relationships between them.Comment: 25 page

    The parameter space of cubic laminations with a fixed critical leaf

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    Thurston parameterized quadratic invariant laminations with a non-invariant lamination, the quotient of which yields a combinatorial model for the Mandelbrot set. As a step toward generalizing this construction to cubic polynomials, we consider slices of the family of cubic invariant laminations defined by a fixed critical leaf with non-periodic endpoints. We parameterize each slice by a lamination just as in the quadratic case, relying on the techniques of smart criticality previously developed by the authors.Comment: 40 pages; 2 figures; to appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical System
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