7 research outputs found

    Performance tests on Ge:Ga and Ge:Be detectors for the ISO long wavelength spectrometer

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    The configuration of the detectors in the Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) flown on the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) satellite is described. The results of sensitivity and spectral response measurements on prototype detectors and filters are outlined. Spectral response profiles are presented for various stressed and unstressed detectors. Dark current versus 1/T response for three detectors is shown in graphic form. The signal flow diagram for detector tests is presented

    Extrinsic photoconductor detectors for the wavelength range 2 microns to 240 microns

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    Extrinsic photoconductors are favored detectors for infrared photon detection in astronomical instruments of cooled space telescopes which provide low background flux conditions. Elementary silicon and germanium host crystal detectors doped by shallow impurities cover the infrared spectral range from 2 to 120 micrometers, and up to 240 micrometers by application of high uniaxial stress to germanium. The instruments of ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) are equipped with extrinsic photoconductors. The physical background and the status of the detector technology of the ISO detectors is described. The designs and the mounts are given. The measurement method of the spectral response used is presented