23 research outputs found

    Simple structures axiomatized by almost sure theories

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    In this article we give a classification of the binary, simple, ω\omega-categorical structures with SU-rank 1 and trivial pregeometry. This is done both by showing that they satisfy certain extension properties, but also by noting that they may be approximated by the almost sure theory of some sets of finite structures equipped with a probability measure. This study give results about general almost sure theories, but also considers certain attributes which, if they are almost surely true, generate almost sure theories with very specific properties such as ω\omega-stability or strong minimality.Comment: 27 page

    >k-homogeneous infinite graphs

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    In this article we give an explicit classification for the countably infinite graphs G\mathcal{G} which are, for some kk, \geqk k-homogeneous. It turns out that a \geqkk-homogeneous graph M\mathcal{M} is non-homogeneous if and only if it is either not 11-homogeneous or not 22-homogeneous, both cases which may be classified using ramsey theory.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    On sets with rank one in simple homogeneous structures

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    We study definable sets DD of SU-rank 1 in MeqM^{eq}, where MM is a countable homogeneous and simple structure in a language with finite relational vocabulary. Each such DD can be seen as a `canonically embedded structure', which inherits all relations on DD which are definable in MeqM^{eq}, and has no other definable relations. Our results imply that if no relation symbol of the language of MM has arity higher than 2, then there is a close relationship between triviality of dependence and DD being a reduct of a binary random structure. Somewhat more preciely: (a) if for every n2n \geq 2, every nn-type p(x1,...,xn)p(x_1, ..., x_n) which is realized in DD is determined by its sub-2-types q(xi,xj)pq(x_i, x_j) \subseteq p, then the algebraic closure restricted to DD is trivial; (b) if MM has trivial dependence, then DD is a reduct of a binary random structure

    Random l-colourable structures with a pregeometry

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    We study finite ll-colourable structures with an underlying pregeometry. The probability measure that is used corresponds to a process of generating such structures (with a given underlying pregeometry) by which colours are first randomly assigned to all 1-dimensional subspaces and then relationships are assigned in such a way that the colouring conditions are satisfied but apart from this in a random way. We can then ask what the probability is that the resulting structure, where we now forget the specific colouring of the generating process, has a given property. With this measure we get the following results: 1. A zero-one law. 2. The set of sentences with asymptotic probability 1 has an explicit axiomatisation which is presented. 3. There is a formula ξ(x,y)\xi(x,y) (not directly speaking about colours) such that, with asymptotic probability 1, the relation "there is an ll-colouring which assigns the same colour to xx and yy" is defined by ξ(x,y)\xi(x,y). 4. With asymptotic probability 1, an ll-colourable structure has a unique ll-colouring (up to permutation of the colours).Comment: 35 page

    Gränsvärdeslagar, Homogeniserbara Strukturer och Deras Samband

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    This thesis is in the field of mathematical logic and especially model theory. The thesis contain six papers where the common theme is the Rado graph R. Some of the interesting abstract properties of R are that it is simple, homogeneous (and thus countably categorical), has SU-rank 1 and trivial dependence. The Rado graph is possible to generate in a probabilistic way. If we let K be the set of all finite graphs then we obtain R as the structure which satisfy all properties which hold with assymptotic probability 1 in K. On the other hand, since the Rado graph is homogeneous, it is also possible to generate it as a Fraïssé-limit of its age. Paper I studies the binary structures which are simple, countably categorical, with SU-rank 1 and trivial algebraic closure. The main theorem shows that these structures are all possible to generate using a similar probabilistic method which is used to generate the Rado graph. Paper II looks at the simple homogeneous structures in general and give certain technical results on the subsets of SU-rank 1. Paper III considers the set K consisting of all colourable structures with a definable pregeometry and shows that there is a 0-1 law and almost surely a unique definable colouring. When generating the Rado graph we almost surely have only rigid structures in K. Paper IV studies what happens if the structures in K are only the non-rigid finite structures. We deduce that the limit structures essentially try to stay as rigid as possible, given the restriction, and that we in general get a limit law but not a 0-1 law. Paper V looks at the Rado graph's close cousin the random t-partite graph and notices that this structure is not homogeneous but almost homogeneous. Rather we may just add a definable binary predicate, which hold for any two elemenets which are in the same part, in order to make it homogeneous. This property is called being homogenizable and in Paper V we do a general study of homogenizable structures. Paper VI conducts a special case study of the homogenizable graphs which are the closest to being homogeneous, providing an explicit classification of these graphs

    Simple structures axiomatized by almost sure theories

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    In this article we give a classification of the binary, simple, ω-categorical structures with SU-rank 1 and trivial algebraic closure. This is done both by showing that they satisfy certain extension properties, but also by noting that they may be approximated by the almost sure theory of some sets of finite structures equipped with a probability measure. This study give results about general almost sure theories, but also considers certain attributes which, if they are almost surely true, generate almost sure theories with very specific properties such as ω-stability or strong minimality