67 research outputs found

    Niclosamide, but not ivermectin, inhibits anoctamin 1 and 6 and attenuates inflammation of the respiratory tract

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    Inflammatory airway diseases like cystic fibrosis, asthma and COVID-19 are characterized by high levels of pulmonary cytokines. Two well-established antiparasitic drugs, niclosamide and ivermectin, are intensively discussed for the treatment of viral inflammatory airway infections. Here, we examined these repurposed drugs with respect to their anti-inflammatory effects in airways in vivo and in vitro. Niclosamide reduced mucus content, eosinophilic infiltration and cell death in asthmatic mouse lungs in vivo and inhibited release of interleukins in the two differentiated airway epithelial cell lines CFBE and BCi-NS1.1 in vitro. Cytokine release was also inhibited by the knockdown of the Ca2+-activated Cl− channel anoctamin 1 (ANO1, TMEM16A) and the phospholipid scramblase anoctamin 6 (ANO6, TMEM16F), which have previously been shown to affect intracellular Ca2+ levels near the plasma membrane and to facilitate exocytosis. At concentrations around 200 nM, niclosamide inhibited inflammation, lowered intracellular Ca2+, acidified cytosolic pH and blocked activation of ANO1 and ANO6. It is suggested that niclosamide brings about its anti-inflammatory effects at least in part by inhibiting ANO1 and ANO6, and by lowering intracellular Ca2+ levels. In contrast to niclosamide, 1 µM ivermectin did not exert any of the effects described for niclosamide. The present data suggest niclosamide as an effective anti-inflammatory treatment in CF, asthma, and COVID-19, in addition to its previously reported antiviral effects. It has an advantageous concentration–response relationship and is known to be well tolerated

    A TMEM16J variant leads to dysregulated cytosolic calcium which may lead to renal disease

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    SIGIRR (single immunoglobulin IL-1 related receptor), PKP3 (plakophilin 3), and TMEM16J (anoctamin 9), a putative calcium-activated ion channel and phospholipid scramblase, control the immune response and the extent of inflammation. Variants of SIGIRR/PKP3/TMEM16J lead to severe inflammatory diseases such as pneumonia, enterocolitis, and kidney graft rejection. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identified TMEM16J-T604A as a promotor for chronic kidney disease (CKD), but the disease mechanism and function of TMEM16J remain unknown. Here, we demonstrate TMEM16J as a calcium-activated calcium-permeable channel, which is expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). TMEM16J controls the intracellular distribution of calcium, and inhibits intracellular receptor-mediated Ca2+ signals and Ca2+-dependent activation of ion channels, but augments transcription and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Renal epithelial cells expressing the variant TMEM16J-T604A show enhanced calcium signals when compared to cells expressing wt-TMEM16J, and demonstrate spontaneous transcription and release of cytokines. This study identifies TMEM16J as an important regulator of intracellular Ca2+ signals, ion channel activity, and cytokine release. TMEM16J may therefore affect immune response in renal tissue and immune cells

    CLCA1 Regulates Airway Mucus Production and Ion Secretion Through TMEM16A

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    TMEM16A, a Ca2+-activated chloride channel (CaCC), and its regulator, CLCA1, are associated with inflammatory airway disease and goblet cell metaplasia. CLCA1 is a secreted protein with protease activity that was demonstrated to enhance membrane expression of TMEM16A. Expression of CLCA1 is particularly enhanced in goblet cell metaplasia and is associated with various lung diseases. However, mice lacking expression of CLCA1 showed the same degree of mucous cell metaplasia and airway hyperreactivity as asthmatic wild-type mice. To gain more insight into the role of CLCA1, we applied secreted N-CLCA1, produced in vitro, to mice in vivo using intratracheal instillation. We observed no obvious upregulation of TMEM16A membrane expression by CLCA1 and no differences in ATP-induced short circuit currents (Iscs). However, intraluminal mucus accumulation was observed by treatment with N-CLCA1 that was not seen in control animals. The effects of N-CLCA1 were augmented in ovalbumin-sensitized mice. Mucus production induced by N-CLCA1 in polarized BCi-NS1 human airway epithelial cells was dependent on TMEM16A expression. IL-13 upregulated expression of CLCA1 and enhanced mucus production, however, without enhancing purinergic activation of Isc. In contrast to polarized airway epithelial cells and mouse airways, which express very low levels of TMEM16A, nonpolarized airway cells express large amounts of TMEM16A protein and show strong CaCC. The present data show an only limited contribution of TMEM16A to airway ion secretion but suggest a significant role of both CLCA1 and TMEM16A for airway mucus secretion

    Expression of SLC26A9 in Airways and Its Potential Role in Asthma

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    SLC26A9 is an epithelial anion transporter with a poorly defined function in airways. It is assumed to contribute to airway chloride secretion and airway surface hydration. However, immunohistochemistry showing precise localization of SLC26A9 in airways is missing. Some studies report localization near tight junctions, which is difficult to reconcile with a chloride secretory function of SLC26A9. We therefore performed immunocytochemistry of SLC26A9 in sections of human and porcine lungs. Obvious apical localization of SLC26A9 was detected in human and porcine superficial airway epithelia, whereas submucosal glands did not express SLC26A9. The anion transporter was located exclusively in ciliated epithelial cells. Highly differentiated BCi-NS1 human airway epithelial cells grown on permeable supports also expressed SLC26A9 in the apical membrane of ciliated epithelial cells. BCi-NS1 cells expressed the major Cl− transporting proteins CFTR, TMEM16A and SLC26A9 in about equal proportions and produced short-circuit currents activated by increases in intracellular cAMP or Ca2+. Both CFTR and SLC26A9 contribute to basal chloride currents in non-stimulated BCi-NS1 airway epithelia, with CFTR being the dominating Cl− conductance. In wtCFTR-expressing CFBE human airway epithelial cells, SLC26A9 was partially located in the plasma membrane, whereas CFBE cells expressing F508del-CFTR showed exclusive cytosolic localization of SLC26A9. Membrane localization of SLC26A9 and basal chloride currents were augmented by interleukin 13 in wild-type CFTR-expressing cells, but not in cells expressing the most common disease-causing mutant F508del-CFTR. The data suggest an upregulation of SLC26A9-dependent chloride secretion in asthma, but not in the presence of F508del-CFTR

    KCNE1 does not shift TMEM16A from a Ca2+ dependent to a voltage dependent Cl- channel and is not expressed in renal proximal tubule

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    The TMEM16A (ANO1) Cl- channel is activated by Ca2+ in a voltage-dependent manner. It is broadly expressed and was shown to be also present in renal proximal tubule (RPT). KCNQ1 is an entirely different K+ selective channel that forms the cardiac IKS potassium channel together with its ß-subunit KCNE1. Surprisingly, KCNE1 has been claimed to interact with TMEM16A, and to be required for activation of TMEM16A in mouse RPT. Interaction with KCNE1 was reported to switch TMEM16A from a Ca22+-dependent to a voltage-dependent ion channel. Here we demonstrate that KCNE1 is not expressed in mouse RPT. TMEM16A expressed in RPT is activated by angiotensin II and ATP in a KCNE1-independent manner. Coexpression of KCNE1 does not change TMEM16A to a voltage gated Cl- channel and Ca2+-dependent regulation of TMEM16A is fully maintained in the presence of KCNE1. While overexpressed KCNE1 slightly affects Ca2+-dependent regulation of TMEM16A, the data provide no evidence for KCNE1 being an auxiliary functional subunit for TMEM16A

    Pharmacological Inhibition and Activation of the Ca2+ Activated Cl− Channel TMEM16A

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    TMEM16A is a Ca2+ activated Cl- channel with important functions in airways, intestine, and other epithelial organs. Activation of TMEM16A is proposed as a therapy in cystic fibrosis (CF) to reinstall airway Cl- secretion and to enhance airway surface liquid (ASL). This CFTR-agnostic approach is thought to improve mucociliary clearance and lung function in CF. This could indeed improve ASL, however, mucus release and airway contraction may also be induced by activators of TMEM16A, particularly in inflamed airways of patients with asthma, COPD, or CF. Currently, both activators and inhibitors of TMEM16A are developed and examined in different types of tissues. Here we compare activation and inhibition of endogenous and overexpressed TMEM16A and analyze potential off-target effects. The three well-known blockers benzbromarone, niclosamide, and Ani9 inhibited both TMEM16A and ATP-induced Ca2+ increase by variable degrees, depending on the cell type. Niclosamide, while blocking Ca2+ activated TMEM16A, also induced a subtle but significant Ca2+ store release and inhibited store-operated Ca2+ influx. Niclosamide, benzbromarone and Ani9 also affected TMEM16F whole cell currents, indicating limited specificity for these inhibitors. The compounds Eact, cinnamaldehyde, and melittin, as well as the phosphatidylinositol diC8-PIP2 are the reported activators of TMEM16A. However, the compounds were unable to activate endogenous TMEM16A in HT29 colonic epithelial cells. In contrast, TMEM16A overexpressed in HEK293 cells was potently stimulated by these activators. We speculate that overexpressed TMEM16A might have a better accessibility to intracellular Ca2+, which causes spontaneous activity even at basal intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Small molecules may therefore potentiate pre-stimulated TMEM16A currents, but may otherwise fail to activate silent endogenous TMEM16A

    Regulation and Function of TMEM16F in Renal Podocytes

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    The Ca2+-activated phospholipid scramblase and ion channel TMEM16F is expressed in podocytes of renal glomeruli. Podocytes are specialized cells that form interdigitating foot processes as an essential component of the glomerular filter. These cells, which participate in generation of the primary urine, are often affected during primary glomerular diseases, such as glomerulonephritis and secondary hypertensive or diabetic nephropathy, which always leads to proteinuria. Because the function of podocytes is known to be controlled by intracellular Ca2+ signaling, it is important to know about the role of Ca2+-activated TMEM16F in these cells. To that end, we generated an inducible TMEM16F knockdown in the podocyte cell line AB8, and produced a conditional mouse model with knockout of TMEM16F in podocytes and renal epithelial cells of the nephron. We found that knockdown of TMEM16F did not produce proteinuria or any obvious phenotypic changes. Knockdown of TMEM16F affected cell death of tubular epithelial cells but not of glomerular podocytes when analyzed in TUNEL assays. Surprisingly, and in contrast to other cell types, TMEM16F did not control intracellular Ca2+ signaling and was not responsible for Ca2+-activated whole cell currents in podocytes. TMEM16F levels in podocytes were enhanced after inhibition of the endolysosomal pathway and after treatment with angiotensin II. Renal knockout of TMEM16F did not compromise renal morphology and serum electrolytes. Taken together, in contrast to other cell types, such as platelets, bone cells, and immune cells, TMEM16F shows little effect on basal properties of podocytes and does not appear to be essential for renal function

    Regulation of TMEM16A by CK2 and Its Role in Cellular Proliferation

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    Casein kinase 2 (CK2) is a highly ubiquitous and conserved serine/threonine kinase that forms a tetramer consisting of a catalytic subunit (CK2 alpha) and a regulatory subunit (CK2 beta). Despite being ubiquitous, CK2 is commonly found at higher expression levels in cancer cells, where it inhibits apoptosis, and supports cell migration and proliferation. The Ca2+-activated chloride channel TMEM16A shows similar effects in cancer cells: TMEM16A increases cell proliferation and migration and is highly expressed in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) as well as other malignant tumors. A microscopy-based high-throughput screening was performed to identify proteins that regulate TMEM16A. Within this screen, CK2 was found to be required for proper membrane expression of TMEM16A. small interfering (si) RNA-knockdown of CK2 reduced plasma membrane expression of TMEM16A and inhibited TMEM16A whole cell currents in (cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial) CFBE airway epithelial cells and in the head and neck cancer cell lines Cal33 and BHY. Inhibitors of CK2, such as TBB and the preclinical compound CX4549 (silmitasertib), also blocked membrane expression of TMEM16A and Ca2+-activated whole cell currents. siRNA-knockout of CK2 and its pharmacological inhibition, as well as knockdown or inhibition of TMEM16A by either niclosamide or Ani9, attenuated cell proliferation. Simultaneous inhibition of CK2 and TMEM16A strongly potentiated inhibition of cell proliferation. Although membrane expression of TMEM16A is reduced by inhibition of CK2, our data suggest that the antiproliferative effects by inhibition of CK2 are mostly independent of TMEM16A. Simultaneous inhibition of TMEM16A by niclosamide and inhibition of CK2 by silmitasertib was additive with respect to blocking cell proliferation, while cytotoxicity was reduced when compared to solely blockade of CK2. Therefore, parallel blockade TMEM16A by niclosamide may assist with anticancer therapy by silmitasertib

    TMEM16A in Cystic Fibrosis: Activating or Inhibiting?

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    The inflammatory airway disease cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized by airway obstruction due to mucus hypersecretion, airway plugging, and bronchoconstriction. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel is dysfunctional in CF, leading to defects in epithelial transport. Although CF pathogenesis is still disputed, activation of alternative Cl− channels is assumed to improve lung function in CF. Two suitable non-CFTR Cl− channels are present in the airway epithelium, the Ca2+ activated channel TMEM16A and SLC26A9. Activation of these channels is thought to be feasible to improve hydration of the airway mucus and to increase mucociliary clearance. Interestingly, both channels are upregulated during inflammatory lung disease. They are assumed to support fluid secretion, necessary to hydrate excess mucus and to maintain mucus clearance. During inflammation, however, TMEM16A is upregulated particularly in mucus producing cells, with only little expression in ciliated cells. Recently it was shown that knockout of TMEM16A in ciliated cells strongly compromises Cl− conductance and attenuated mucus secretion, but does not lead to a CF-like lung disease and airway plugging. Along this line, activation of TMEM16A by denufosol, a stable purinergic ligand, failed to demonstrate any benefit to CF patients in earlier studies. It rather induced adverse effects such as cough. A number of studies suggest that TMEM16A is essential for mucus secretion and possibly also for mucus production. Evidence is now provided for a crucial role of TMEM16A in fusion of mucus-filled granules with the apical plasma membrane and cellular exocytosis. This is probably due to local Ca2+ signals facilitated by TMEM16A. Taken together, TMEM16A supports fluid secretion by ciliated airway epithelial cells, but also maintains excessive mucus secretion during inflammatory airway disease. Because TMEM16A also supports airway smooth muscle contraction, inhibition rather than activation of TMEM16A might be the appropriate treatment for CF lung disease, asthma and COPD. As a number of FDA-approved and well-tolerated drugs have been shown to inhibit TMEM16A, evaluation in clinical trials appears timely
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