4 research outputs found

    A new architecture for monitoring land use and land cover change based on remote sensing and GIS: A data mining approach

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    The issue of land use (LU) and land cover change (LCC) has become crucial around the world in recent years, not only for researchers, but also for urban planners and environmentalists who advocate sustainable land use in the future. In Morocco, this phenomenon affects large areas and is all the more pronounced because the climate is arid with cycles of increasing drought and soils are poor and highly vulnerable to erosion. In addition, the precarious living conditions of rural populations pushes them to over exploit natural resources to meet their growing needs, which further amplifies environmental degradation. In this LU/LCC monitoring context, this paper aims on one hand at giving a clear survey of classical methods and techniques used to monitor LU/LCC, on other hand the authors propose a new architecture whose objective is to integer data mining techniques to the LU/LCC monitoring in order to automatically and efficiently improve the monitoring, control and asset management in LU/LC

    Using isolation forest in anomaly detection: The case of credit card transactions

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    With the evolution of new technology especially in the domain of e-commerce and online banking, the payment by credit card has seen a significant increase. The credit card has become the most used tool for online shopping. This high rate in use brings about fraud and a considerable damage. It is very important to stop fraudulent transactions because they cause huge financial losses over time. The detection of fraudulent transactions is an important application in anomaly detection. There are different approaches to detecting anomalies namely SVM, logistic regression, decision tree and so on. However, they remain limited since they are supervised algorithms that require to be trained by labels in order to know whether the transactions are fraudulent or not. The goal of this paper is to have a credit card fraud detection system which is able to detect the highest number of new transactions in real time with high accuracy. We will also compare, in this paper, different unsupervised techniques for credit card fraud detection namely LOF, one class SVM, K-means and Isolation Forest so as to single out the best approach

    A crime prediction model based on spatial and temporal data

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    In a world where data has become precious thanks to what we can do with it like forecasting the future, the fight against crime can also benefit from this technological trend. In this work, we propose a crime prediction model based on historical data that we prepare and transform into spatiotemporal data by crime type, for use in machine learning algorithms and then predict, with maximum accuracy, the risk of having crimes in a spatiotemporal point in the city. And in order to have a general model not related to a specific type of crime, we have described our risk by a vector of n values that represent the risks by type of crime

    An Integrated Ensemble Learning Framework for Predicting Liver Disease

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    The liver disease has become a pressing global issue, with a sharp increase in cases reported worldwide. Detecting liver disease can be difficult as it often has few noticeable symptoms, which means that by the time it is detected, it may have already progressed to an advanced stage, resulting in many people dying without even realizing they had it. Early detection is crucial as it enables patients to begin treatment earlier, which can potentially save their lives. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of five ensemble machine learning (ML) models, namely RF, XGBoost, Extra Trees, bagging, and stacking methods, in predicting liver disease. It uses the ILPD dataset. To prevent overfitting and biases in the dataset, several pre-processing statistical techniques were employed to handle missing data, outliers, and data balancing. The study’s results underline the importance of using the RFE feature selection method, which allowed the use of only the most relevant features for the model, which may have improved the accuracy and efficiency of the model. The study found that the highest testing accuracy of 93% was achieved by the proposed model, which utilized an improved preprocessing approach and a stacking ensemble classifier with RFE feature selection. The use of ensemble ML has given promising results. Indeed, medical professionals can develop models better equipped to handle the complexity and variability of medical data, resulting in more accurate diagnoses, more effective treatment plans, and better patient outcomes