46 research outputs found

    Dynamic Modelling by Bond Graph Approach of Convective Drying Phenomena

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    Drying operations play an important role in food industries. They are often the last operation of the process of manufacturing a product, with a strong influence on the final quality. The processes are numerous and depend on the type and amount of product to be dried and water to be evaporated, the desired final quality, or the desired functionality for the dried product. In this chapter, we present a modeling study of heat transfer during drying a moist agricultural product placed in a hot air flow in a tunnel dryer with partial solar heating. The bond graph approach has been used for system modeling, and it is an object-oriented graphical approach based on an energetic description between subsystems. Some drying tests have been carried out on tomatoes and the experimental results are compared with the theoretical results for the validation of the developed model

    2-Phenyl­anilinium dihydrogen phosphate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C12H12N+·H2PO4 −, the dihydrogen phosphate anions and the 2-phenyl­anilinium cations are associated via O—H⋯O and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds so as to build inorganic layers around the x = 1/2 plane. The organic entities are anchored between these layers through C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional infinite network. The dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 44.7 (4)°

    Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of an Airfoil Performances under a Small Vortical Gust

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    This paper investigates the performance of a non-symmetric airfoil in a perturbed flow for a low Reynolds number by creating small vortical structures. A newly designed two-dimensional numerical tool is used to examine the interaction between the NACA 23015 airfoil and the vortex shedding from a square cylinder. Different airfoil position ratios are numerically simulated concerning the square cylinder G/D (D: square cylinder diameter), the channel centerline T/d (d=D/2), and the vortices scale size D/c (c: airfoil chord length). Results show that the maximum values of the lift and drag aerodynamic coefficients are influenced by the airfoil’s lateral and longitudinal positions. The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method is used to identify the most energetic flow structures. For all simulated scenarios, it was found that the first two modes reflect the dominating coherent structures in the flow field. The results also show that a leading-edge vortex is formed over the airfoil. The observed phenomena of symmetric and antisymmetric shedding vortex mechanisms essentially depend on the lateral distance of the airfoil T/d and the vortex scale size D/c. However, the spectral analysis demonstrates that the shedding frequency mainly depends on the gap distance G/D

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    Le lobby anti-avortement : pouvoirs et limites d’une stratĂ©gie d’action collective

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    When the U.S. Supreme Court established a woman’s constitutional right to have an abortion in its 1973 decision, nobody expected that this ruling would have far-reaching political implications. Few cases have led to such heated and bitter debate. The politics of abortion have affected every branch and every level of American government. With the increasing influence of the Religious Right within the Republican Party and in American society since the early 1980s, religion and politics have made for “an explosive combination” which may jeopardize the principle of the separation of Church and State. However, if political institutions and institutional opportunities on the one hand, and ideological and discursive strategies on the other have played a critical role in the successes of the anti-abortion movement and contributed to its achievements, they have also determined its limits

    Les groupes d’intĂ©rĂȘt public au Canada et aux États-Unis: ruptures et continuitĂ©s

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    Public interest groups supposed to represent the interests that had been excluded from the decision-making process so far, arose in the 1960s in Canada and the United States in reaction to the domination of powerful special interests. The present article demonstrates how institutional, cult ural and ideological factors specific to each country have played a decisive role in shaping the way these groups interact with government agencies in spite of the quasi-parallel evolution of those groups in the two countries, of the similarities of their goals and strategies, particularly after the adoption by Canada in 1982 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Despite the success they have registered, they have contributed to the weakening of public authority without achieving their main goal of counterbalancing the influence of business and conservative groups

    Who Governs in the Americas and in Europe?

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    International audienc

    The Decentralization of Power within the U.S. Congress since 1937: Pluralism or Elitism?

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    The American Constitution scatters political power across a wide spectrum of positions within the government. First, it divides power in significant ways between the national government and the various state governments, and further fragments the power of the national government among the three major branches. Historical developments have carried this fragmentation well beyond the framers’ intention. Today, significant decision-making power is located in numerous sub-units of the three branch..

    Barack Obama et les lobbys : discours et réalité

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    Dans les annĂ©es 2000, l’emprise des lobbys sur le processus dĂ©cisionnel a atteint un degrĂ© jamais Ă©galĂ© dans la capitale amĂ©ricaine sous les rĂ©publicains. C’est dans ce contexte que Barack Obama, alors sĂ©nateur de l’Illinois, a lancĂ© sa campagne pour l’investiture dĂ©mocrate Ă  l’élection prĂ©sidentielle de novembre 2008 avec comme thĂšme majeur la moralisation de la vie politique amĂ©ricaine. Un thĂšme qu’il a continuĂ© Ă  mettre en avant pendant les Ă©lections gĂ©nĂ©rales et dĂšs son accession Ă  la prĂ©sidence. AprĂšs deux mandats Ă  la tĂȘte des États-Unis, Obama a non seulement Ă©chouĂ© Ă  atteindre son objectif mais, Ă  force de concession, de reculade et de manque de courage politique, il a donnĂ© l’impression de s’ĂȘtre «converti» Ă  la culture vĂ©nale de la capitale amĂ©ricaine qu’il avait tant dĂ©criĂ©e.Oueslati Salah. Barack Obama et les lobbys : discours et rĂ©alitĂ©. In: Recherches Internationales, n°106, 2016. AmĂ©rique les annĂ©es Obama. pp. 111-131