4 research outputs found

    Recovery of bio-based butanol

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    Product recovery is crucial for fermentative butanol production. Bio-based fermentative butanol production systems benefit from answering the question to what extent, and in which form, integration between fermentation and product recovery should be applied. The product recovery is applied in order to minimize the impact of butanol inhibiting during fermentation. This thesis addresses the product recovery methods applicable to butanol recovery. Two techniques are investigated in more detail, namely liquid demixing based-recovery and adsorptive-recovery. This work further provides a basis for process optimization for integrated product recovery and finally determines the economic potential of butanol production systems.BiotechnologyApplied Science

    De produktie van aniline uit fenol en ammoniak

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    Document(en) uit de collectie Chemische Procestechnologie.DelftChemTechApplied Science

    Productie van chloor uit HCl volgens het MT-Chlor proces

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    Document(en) uit de collectie Chemische Procestechnologie.DelftChemTechApplied Science