13 research outputs found

    Contribution des Poissonneries à L’amélioration des Conditions de vies des Populations de la Ville de Bouaké

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    BouakĂ©, ville Ă  population ichtyophage et deuxième pĂ´le urbain après celui d’Abidjan, abrite des poissonneries qui mobilisent nombre de personnes. L’implantation de ces moyens de conservation, les activitĂ©s qui en dĂ©coulent ainsi que les acteurs qu’ils mobilisent suscitent un regard scientifique. Ainsi, cette rĂ©flexion vise Ă  analyser la contribution des poissonneries Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des conditions de vie des populations de la ville de BouakĂ©. L’étude a consistĂ© Ă  recueillir des donnĂ©es Ă  partir de la recherche documentaire et de l’enquĂŞte de terrain circonscrite Ă  l’observation, Ă  l’entretien et Ă  l’enquĂŞte par questionnaire. Il en ressort que les poissonneries sont inĂ©galement rĂ©parties Ă  l’échelle de la ville de BouakĂ©. Elles sont plus concentrĂ©es Ă  Dougouba (17 poissonneries), Broukro (11 poissonneries), Zone industrielle 10 poissonneries et Air-France (09 poissonneries). Ce dĂ©sĂ©quilibre spatial est dĂ» Ă  une diffĂ©rentiation du point de vue socio-dĂ©mographique et Ă©conomique entre les quartiers de la ville. Par ailleurs, ces poissonneries sont approvisionnĂ©es en diverses espèces par la ville d’Abidjan et le circuit d’animation du commerce est composite. En outre, elles (les poissonneries) contribuent Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des conditions de vie des populations de la ville de BouakĂ© Ă  travers la crĂ©ation d’emplois et de revenus dont la plupart surclasse le SMIC ivoirien. Aussi, ces moyens de conservation contribuent Ă  l’alimentation en permettant la satisfaction des besoins en protĂ©ines halieutiques de la population.   BouakĂ©, a city with a fish-eating population and the second largest urban center after Abidjan, is home to fishmongers' shops that mobilize a large number of people. The establishment of these means of conservation, the activities which emerge from them, as well as the actors they mobilize call for scientific scrutiny. This paper focuses on analyzing the contribution of fishmongers towards the improvement of the living conditions of the populations in the city of BouakĂ©. The result of the study shows that fishmongers are unevenly distributed throughout the city of Bouake. They are more concentrated in Dougouba (17 fishmongers), Broukro (11 fishmongers), Industrial Zone (10 fishmongers), and Aire-France (09 fishmongers). This spatial imbalance is due to a socio-demographic and economic differentiation between the city's districts. The city of Abidjan also supplied the fish shops with various species and the circuit of the trade is composite. They (the fish shops) further contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the populations in the city of Bouake through the creation of jobs and incomes, most of which exceed the Ivorian minimum wage. The means of conservation contribute to food by offering fish to the population to satisfy its needs in animal resources.&nbsp

    Reproduction De Heterotis Niloticus (Cuvier, 1829) De La Riviere Agneby (Cote d’Ivoire)

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    The reproductive biology of Heterotis niloticus has been studied from monthly samples taken from artisanal fishing on the Agneby river during the period june 2013 to May 2015. The whole sample consisted of 498 specimens of which 269 females and 229 males were examined. Sex-ratio observed was in favour of females (1: 1.17; X2 = 3.21; p > 0.05). The monthly evolution of the gonado-somatic index (GSI), the liver-somatic index (LSI), the condition factor (K) and maturation stages suggests that this fish has two periods of reproduction. The two periods were respectively from june to august and from november to december. The standard length at first sexual maturity was 490.6 mm for females and 436.3 mm for males. The absolute fecundity was ranged from 5424 to 25591 oocytes in females of 595 mm to 780 mm standard length. The relative fecundity was 3752± 1491 oocytes/kg of female

    Étude comparative de la qualité de la symbiose (Anabaena azollae, Azolla caroliniana), du compost et du NPK sur la croissance végétative et le rendement de la tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum mill. Solanacée) à Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Objectif : La présente étude a pour objectif de comparer la qualité fertilisante de l’algue verte (Azolla caroliniana), du compost et du NPK appliqués à la tomate dans la zone de Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire). Les paramètres évalués sont la croissance  végétative et le rendement de ces tomates.Méthodologie et résultats : L’essai est réalisé en bloc complet randomisé de quatre traitements (Azolla caroliniana, compost, NPK et le Témoin) en quatre répétitions. Les données sont collectées sur le cycle végétatif de cultures. Les traitements ont été comparés suivants les paramètres végétatifs : hauteur de tiges(ht), diamètre du collet (dc), longueur de feuilles (lf) et le rendement (r). Hormis les traitements à base de NPK avaient reçus 200 kg/ha pour NPK et 100 kg/ha pour l’urée, les traitements sont fertilisés à la même dose de fumier (30 t/ha). Les résultats indiquent l’Azolla caroliniana statiquement diffèrent. La moyenne de (ht) est de 49,37 ± 0,55 cm avec l’Azolla caroliniana contre 37 ± 1 cm pour le NPK, 34,57 ± 2,2 pour le compost et 22,95 ± 0,24 pour le témoin, sauf la croissance du (dc) où la plus petite différence n'a pas été significative. Le (dc) est de 0,71 ± 0,08 ; contre 0,57 ± 0,03 pour le NPK, 0,55 ± 0,08 pour le compost et 0,42 ± 0,07 pour le témoin. Le rendement a été important avec l’Azolla caroliniana (26,13 ± 0,86 t/ha de tomate) pour une densité de 37500 plants/ha.Conclusion et application des résultats : Cette étude montre que l’Azolla caroliniana donne un rendement important moyennant une densité forte, restaure une bonne fertilité du sol et permet d’accroître la productivité de la culture de tomate.Mots clés : la tomate, Azolla caroliniana, NPK, compost, paramètres végétatifs, rendement

    <b>Population dynamics of medium and large mammals in a West African gallery forest area and the potential effects of poaching</b>

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    Few studies are available on the population dynamics of medium and large mammals in gallery forests of the Sudan and Sahel regions of West Africa. Line-transect studies of the abundance (estimated by KIA) of nine species of ungulates and three species of primates were carried out between 2004 and 2013 in the Comoé-Leraba protected area of Burkina Faso, West Africa. No peer-reviewed study of population sizes of mammals in this protected area has been published, making the data presented of special relevance. Population size trends varied significantly across years in both primates and ungulates, with some species (Papio anubis, Phacochoerus africanus, Alcelaphus busephalus and Tragelaphus scriptus) decreasing consistently. Significant relationships were observed between poaching intensity and population oscillations in Erythrocebus patas, Kobus ellipsiprymnus, Kobus kob, Ourebia ourebi and Cephalophus rufilatus

    Cocoa Pod Husks as Potential Sources of Renewable High-Value-Added Products: A Review of Current Valorizations and Future Prospects

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    Cocoa is among the most cultivated and important tropical crops in the world, and it is economically viable in the agro-pastoral systems of tropical Africa. Further, the amount of cocoa residue is steadily increasing due to the strong worldwide demand for chocolate products. This review of cocoa residue found that an average of 18 publications per year were published in the last 10 years. The most common type of publication on cocoa pod husks (CPH) was newspaper articles, which comprised 50% of the publications. This review examines the use of CHP in sustainable development, agrochemical materials, and agro-materials through their potential valorizations into high value-added products. Indeed, CPH is an abundant, accessible, and renewable resource of bioproducts, dietary fibers, nutraceuticals, functional foods, pectin, antioxidant compounds, theobromine, and minerals. Potential food applications of CPH include the production of flavor compounds, gums, texturing agents, and others. The production of biomaterials for food and non-food use, biofuels, and organic acids, such as lactic acid (the polymerization of which produces the PLA used in bioplastic production), are several potential areas for the biotechnological development of CPH and its fractions

    Synthesis and Characterisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Immobilised Cells from Cashew Apple Bagasse

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    Cashew apple bagasse is biomass rich in little-exploited lignocellulosic material. This study used this biomass as a support for cell immobilisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For this purpose, the immobilisation technique by attachment to a surface was applied. The bagasse used in this study contained 32.6% lignin. After delignification, the lignin content of the bagasse was 3.33%. The cell density was 1.21 × 108 cells g-1 for the immobilised cells prepared for 24 h. For the immobilised cells prepared for 48 h, the cell density was 1.71 × 108 cells g-1. Microscopic observations showed that the adhesion of the yeast cells to the surface of the support occurred on all layers with the cells immobilised for 48 h. These results highlight the efficiency of cell immobilisation of S. cerevisiae on cashew apple bagasse

    Synthesis and Characterisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Immobilised Cells from Cashew Apple Bagasse

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    Cashew apple bagasse is biomass rich in little-exploited lignocellulosic material. This study used this biomass as a support for cell immobilisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For this purpose, the immobilisation technique by attachment to a surface was applied. The bagasse used in this study contained 32.6% lignin. After delignification, the lignin content of the bagasse was 3.33%. The cell density was 1.21 × 108 cells g-1 for the immobilised cells prepared for 24 h. For the immobilised cells prepared for 48 h, the cell density was 1.71 × 108 cells g-1. Microscopic observations showed that the adhesion of the yeast cells to the surface of the support occurred on all layers with the cells immobilised for 48 h. These results highlight the efficiency of cell immobilisation of S. cerevisiae on cashew apple bagasse

    Évaluation de la diversité agro-morphologique d’accessions de colatiers (Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott et Endlicher) collectées au Sud et au Sud-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire

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    Objectif: Une étude de caractérisation agro-morphologique a été réalisée sur 56 accessions de colatiers collectées au Sud et au Sud-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire. L’objectif de l’étude a été d’évaluer la diversité agromorphologique des accessions et d’analyser leur structuration.Méthodologie et résultats: Onze (11) variables ont permis de caractériser ces accessions. L’analyse des données montre des différences entre les accessions pour tous les caractères évalués. L’analyse en composantes principales indique que 76,35 % de la variance sont expliquées par les 11 variables analysées. La classification ascendante hiérarchique a permis de structurer les 56 accessions en trois groupes. La hauteur des plants et la surface foliaire sont les principaux caractères discriminants entre les groupes. Le groupe I, composé de 24 accessions, majoritairement originaires Sud-Ouest se caractérise par des colatiers de petite taille (Haut = 16,13 cm) avec de petites feuilles (Surf = 27,11 cm²). Le groupe II, composé de 29 accessions, majoritairement originaires Sud se caractérise par des colatiers de taille moyenne (Haut = 31,13 cm) avec de feuilles moyennes (Surf = 52,06 cm²). Le groupe III composé de 3 accessions comporte des colatiers de grande taille (Haut = 54,22 cm) avec des grandes feuilles (Surf = 81,03 cm²).Conclusion et application des résultats: Les accessions des groupes identifiés pourraient servir de géniteurs pour la création de nouvelles variétés de colatiers prometteuses pour améliorer la culture du colatier.Mots clés: Diversité agro-morphologique, Accessions, Cola nitida, Côte d’IvoireEnglish AbstractObjective: An agro-morphological characterization study was carried out on 56 kola trees accessions collected in South and South-West Côte d’Ivoire. The objective of the study was to evaluate agromorphological diversity of the accessions and to analyze their structure.Methodology and results: Eleven (11) variables were used to characterize these accessions. Data analysis showed differences between the accessions for all evaluated characters. The principal component analysis showed that 76.35% of the variance is accounted by the 11 analyzed variables. The hierarchical ascendantclassification contributed to structure the 56 accessions into three groups. Plants height and leaf area are the main discriminate characters between the groups. Group I, composed of 24 accessions, mainly originating from the South-West, is characterized by small kola trees (Height = 16.13 cm) with small leaves (Surf = 27.11 cm²). Group II, composed of 29 accessions, mainly originating from the South, is characterized by medium height (Height = 31.13 cm) and medium leaves (Surf = 52.06 cm²). Group III (3 accessions) has high plant (Height = 54.22 cm) with large leaves (Surf = 81.03 cm²).Conclusion and application: The accessions of the identified groups could be used for the creation of promising new kola trees varieties to improve kola cultivation.Keywords: Agro-morphological diversity, Accessions, Cola nitida, Côte d’Ivoir

    Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Triacetate from Cocoa Pod Husk

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    The valorisation of agricultural residues into a high value-added product is necessary to respond to the global environmental concerns caused by the pollution of agricultural waste. The objective of this study was to shed light on a new value-added usage of cocoa pod husk (CPH) for the synthesis of cellulose triacetate (CTA). Alkaline treatment with sodium hydroxide (5 wt%) followed by bleaching process with (2 wt%) hydrogen peroxide was found effective for the extraction of cellulose from CPH. The percentage of cellulose obtained was 80.5% with a yield of 54%. The CTA was synthesised by a explore new way acetylation reaction in the presence of acetic acid, acetic anhydride, and sulphuric acid. The CTA obtained had a degree of substitution of 2.87 and a percentage of acetylated group of 43.8%, as determined by titration. The result of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed the appearance of the stretching of the ester and the acetyl groups, indicating the formation of CTA. X-ray diffraction showed that the crystallinity index of CPH cellulose was 38.4%, while indicating the semi-crystalline nature of CTA produced. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed a change in the morphology of CTA after acetylation. X-ray energy dispersive analysis showed that the CTA was mainly composed of carbon and oxygen