8,646 research outputs found

    Magnetic effects in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies

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    The time-evolution and space-distribution of internal electromagnetic fields in heavy-ion reactions at beam energies between 200 and 2000 MeV/nucleon are studied within an Isospin-dependent Boltzmann-Uhling-Uhlenbeck transport model IBUU11. While the magnetic field can reach about 7×10167\times 10^{16} G which is significantly higher than the estimated surface magnetic field (1015\sim 10^{15} G) of magnetars, it has almost no effect on nucleon observables as the Lorentz force is normally much weaker than the nuclear force. Very interestingly, however, the magnetic field generated by the projectile-like (target-like) spectator has a strong focusing/diverging effect on positive/negative pions at forward (backward) rapidities. Consequently, the differential π/π+\pi^-/\pi^+ ratio as a function of rapidity is significantly altered by the magnetic field while the total multiplicities of both positive and negative pions remain about the same. At beam energies above about 1 GeV/nucleon, while the integrated ratio of total π\pi^- to π+\pi^+ multiplicities is not, the differential π/π+\pi^-/\pi^+ ratio is sensitive to the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy Esym(ρ)E_{\rm{sym}}(\rho). Our findings suggest that magnetic effects should be carefully considered in future studies of using the differential π/π+\pi^-/\pi^+ ratio as a probe of the Esym(ρ)E_{\rm{sym}}(\rho) at supra-saturation densities.Comment: 12 pages including 8 figures and 1 tabl

    Spin correlated interferometry for polarized and unpolarized photons on a beam splitter

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    Spin interferometry of the 4th order for independent polarized as well as unpolarized photons arriving simultaneously at a beam splitter and exhibiting spin correlation while leaving it, is formulated and discussed in the quantum approach. Beam splitter is recognized as a source of genuine singlet photon states. Also, typical nonclassical beating between photons taking part in the interference of the 4th order is given a polarization dependent explanation.Comment: RevTeX, 19 pages, 1 ps figure, author web page at http://m3k.grad.hr/pavici

    Dispersion and fidelity in quantum interferometry

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    We consider Mach-Zehnder and Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometers with nonclassical states of light as input, and study the effect that dispersion inside the interferometer has on the sensitivity of phase measurements. We study in detail a number of different one- and two-photon input states, including Fock, dual Fock, N00N states, and photon pairs from parametric downconversion. Assuming there is a phase shift ϕ0\phi_0 in one arm of the interferometer, we compute the probabilities of measurement outcomes as a function of ϕ0\phi_0, and then compute the Shannon mutual information between ϕ0\phi_0 and the measurements. This provides a means of quantitatively comparing the utility of various input states for determining the phase in the presence of dispersion. In addition, we consider a simplified model of parametric downconversion for which probabilities can be explicitly computed analytically, and which serves as a limiting case of the more realistic downconversion model.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Review of analytical methods for in-duct spoiler flow noise

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    2014-2015 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Study of axial strain induced torsion of single wall carbon nanotubes by 2D continuum anharmonic anisotropic elastic model

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    Recent molecular dynamic simulations have found chiral single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) twist during stretching, which is similar to the motion of a screw. Obviously this phenomenon, as a type of curvature-chirality effect, can not be explained by usual isotropic elastic theory of SWNT. More interestingly, with larger axial strains (before buckling), the axial strain induced torsion (a-SIT) shows asymmetric behaviors for axial tensile and compressing strains, which suggests anharmonic elasticity of SWNTs plays an important role in real a-SIT responses. In order to study the a-SIT of chiral SWNTs with actual sizes, and avoid possible deviations of computer simulation results due to the finite-size effect, we propose a 2D analytical continuum model which can be used to describe the the SWNTs of arbitrary chiralities, curvatures, and lengths, with the concerning of anisotropic and anharmonic elasticity of SWNTs. This elastic energy of present model comes from the continuum limit of lattice energy based on Second Generation Reactive Empirical Bond Order potential (REBO-II), a well-established empirical potential for solid carbons. Our model has no adjustable parameters, except for those presented in REBO-II, and all the coefficients in the model can be calculated analytically. Using our method, we obtain a-SIT responses of chiral SWNTs with arbitrary radius, chiralities and lengthes. Our results are in reasonable agreement with recent molecular dynamic simulations. [Liang {\it et. al}, Phys. Rev. Lett, 96{\bf 96}, 165501 (2006).] Our approach can also be used to calculate other curvature-chirality dependent anharmonic mechanic responses of SWNTs.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Possible effects of tilt order on phase transitions of a fixed connectivity surface model

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    We study the phase structure of a phantom tethered surface model shedding light on the internal degrees of freedom (IDOF), which correspond to the three-dimensional rod like structure of the lipid molecules. The so-called tilt order is assumed as IDOF on the surface model. The model is defined by combining the conventional spherical surface model and the XY model, which describes not only the interaction between lipids but also the interaction between the lipids and the surface. The interaction strength between IDOF and the surface varies depending on the interaction strength between the variables of IDOF. We know that the model without IDOF undergoes a first-order transition of surface fluctuations and a first-order collapsing transition. We observe in this paper that the order of the surface fluctuation transition changes from first-order to second-order and to higher-order with increasing strength of the interaction between IDOF variables. On the contrary, the order of collapsing transition remains first-order and is not influenced by the presence of IDOF.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    An experimental investigation of criteria for continuous variable entanglement

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    We generate a pair of entangled beams from the interference of two amplitude squeezed beams. The entanglement is quantified in terms of EPR-paradox [Reid88] and inseparability [Duan00] criteria, with observed results of Δ2Xxy+Δ2Xxy=0.58±0.02\Delta^{2} X_{x|y}^{+} \Delta^{2} X_{x|y}^{-} = 0.58 \pm 0.02 and Δ2Xx±y+Δ2Xx±y=0.44±0.01\sqrt{\Delta^{2} X_{x \pm y}^{+} \Delta^{2} X_{x \pm y}^{-}} = 0.44 \pm 0.01, respectively. Both results clearly beat the standard quantum limit of unity. We experimentally analyze the effect of decoherence on each criterion and demonstrate qualitative differences. We also characterize the number of required and excess photons present in the entangled beams and provide contour plots of the efficacy of quantum information protocols in terms of these variables.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure