19 research outputs found

    Atrial-selective block of sodium channels by acehytisine in rabbit myocardium

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    AbstractAcehytisine, a multi-ion channel blocker, can markedly inhibit INa, ICa, IKur, If at various concentrations and effectively terminate and prevent atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients and animal models, but the molecular mechanism underlying its blockage remains elusive. In this study, we investigated the effects of acehytisine on action potentials and sodium channels of atrial and ventricular myocytes isolated from rabbit, using whole-cell recording system. We found that acehytisine exerted stronger blocking effects on sodium channels in atria than in ventricles, especially at depolarization (IC50: 48.48 ± 7.75 μmol/L in atria vs. 560.17 ± 63.98 μmol/L in ventricles). It also significantly shifted steady state inactivation curves toward negative potentials in atrial myocytes, without affecting the recovery kinetics from inactivation of sodium channels in the same cells. In addition, acehytisine inhibited INa in a use-dependent manner and regulated slow inactivation kinetics by different gating configurations. These findings indicate that acehytisine selectively blocks atrial sodium channels and possesses affinity to sodium channel in certain states, which provides additional evidence for the anti-AF of acehytisine

    Single-cell RNA sequencing of murine hearts for studying the development of the cardiac conduction system

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    The development of the cardiac conduction system (CCS) is essential for correct heart function. However, critical details on the cell types populating the CCS in the mammalian heart during the development remain to be resolved. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we generated a large dataset of transcriptomes of ~0.5 million individual cells isolated from murine hearts at six successive developmental corresponding to the early, middle and late stages of heart development. The dataset provides a powerful library for studying the development of the heart's CCS and other cardiac components. Our initial analysis identified distinct cell types between 20 to 26 cell types across different stages, of which ten are involved in forming the CCS. Our dataset allows researchers to reuse the datasets for data mining and a wide range of analyses. Collectively, our data add valuable transcriptomic resources for further study of cardiac development, such as gene expression, transcriptional regulation and functional gene activity in developing hearts, particularly the CCS

    Empagliflozin rescues pro-arrhythmic and Ca 2+ homeostatic effects of transverse aortic constriction in intact murine hearts

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    We explored physiological effects of the sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor empagliflozin on intact experimentally hypertrophic murine hearts following transverse aortic constriction (TAC). Postoperative drug (2–6 weeks) challenge resulted in reduced late Na+ currents, and increased phosphorylated (p-)CaMK-II and Nav1.5 but not total (t)-CaMK-II, and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger expression, confirming previous cardiomyocyte-level reports. It rescued TAC-induced reductions in echocardiographic ejection fraction and fractional shortening, and diastolic anterior and posterior wall thickening. Dual voltage- and Ca2+-optical mapping of Langendorff-perfused hearts demonstrated that empagliflozin rescued TAC-induced increases in action potential durations at 80% recovery (APD80), Ca2+ transient peak signals and durations at 80% recovery (CaTD80), times to peak Ca2+ (TTP100) and Ca2+ decay constants (Decay30–90) during regular 10-Hz stimulation, and Ca2+ transient alternans with shortening cycle length. Isoproterenol shortened APD80 in sham-operated and TAC-only hearts, shortening CaTD80 and Decay30–90 but sparing TTP100 and Ca2+ transient alternans in all groups. All groups showed similar APD80, and TAC-only hearts showed greater CaTD80, heterogeneities following isoproterenol challenge. Empagliflozin abolished or reduced ventricular tachycardia and premature ventricular contractions and associated re-entrant conduction patterns, in isoproterenol-challenged TAC-operated hearts following successive burst pacing episodes. Empagliflozin thus rescues TAC-induced ventricular hypertrophy and systolic functional, Ca2+ homeostatic, and pro-arrhythmogenic changes in intact hearts

    A protocol for dual calcium-voltage optical mapping in murine sinoatrial preparation with optogenetic pacing

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    Among the animal models for studying the molecular basis of atrial and sinoatrial node (SAN) biology and disease, the mouse is a widely used species due to its feasibility for genetic modifications in genes encoding ion channels or calcium handling and signaling proteins in the heart. It is therefore highly valuable to develop robust methodologies for studying SAN and atrial electrophysiological function in this species. Here, we describe a protocol for performing dual calcium-voltage optical mapping on mouse sinoatrial preparation (SAP), in combination with an optogenetic approach, for studying SAP membrane potential, intracellular Ca2+ transients, and pacemaker activity. The protocol includes the details for preparing the intact SAP, robust tissue dual-dye loading, light-programmed pacing, and high-resolution optical mapping. Our protocol provides an example of use of the combination of optogenetic and optical mapping techniques for investigating SAP membrane potential and intracellular Ca2+ transients and pacemaker activity with high temporal and spatial resolution in specific cardiac tissues. Thus, our protocol provides a useful tool for studying SAP physiology and pathophysiology in mice

    Dbh+ catecholaminergic cardiomyocytes contribute to the structure and function of the cardiac conduction system in murine heart

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    The heterogeneity of functional cardiomyocytes arises during heart development, which is essential to the complex and highly coordinated cardiac physiological function. Yet the biological and physiological identities and the origin of the specialized cardiomyocyte populations have not been fully comprehended. Here we report a previously unrecognised population of cardiomyocytes expressing Dbhgene encoding dopamine beta-hydroxylase in murine heart. We determined how these myocytes are distributed across the heart by utilising advanced single-cell and spatial transcriptomic analyses, genetic fate mapping and molecular imaging with computational reconstruction. We demonstrated that they form the key functional components of the cardiac conduction system by using optogenetic electrophysiology and conditional cardiomyocyte Dbh gene deletion models. We revealed their close relationship with sympathetic innervation during cardiac conduction system formation. Our study thus provides new insights into the development and heterogeneity of the mammalian cardiac conduction system by revealing a new cardiomyocyte population with potential catecholaminergic endocrine function