38 research outputs found

    CrossFusion: Interleaving Cross-modal Complementation for Noise-resistant 3D Object Detection

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    The combination of LiDAR and camera modalities is proven to be necessary and typical for 3D object detection according to recent studies. Existing fusion strategies tend to overly rely on the LiDAR modal in essence, which exploits the abundant semantics from the camera sensor insufficiently. However, existing methods cannot rely on information from other modalities because the corruption of LiDAR features results in a large domain gap. Following this, we propose CrossFusion, a more robust and noise-resistant scheme that makes full use of the camera and LiDAR features with the designed cross-modal complementation strategy. Extensive experiments we conducted show that our method not only outperforms the state-of-the-art methods under the setting without introducing an extra depth estimation network but also demonstrates our model's noise resistance without re-training for the specific malfunction scenarios by increasing 5.2\% mAP and 2.4\% NDS

    Retrieval-Enhanced Visual Prompt Learning for Few-shot Classification

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    Prompt learning has become a popular approach for adapting large vision-language models, such as CLIP, to downstream tasks. Typically, prompt learning relies on a fixed prompt token or an input-conditional token to fit a small amount of data under full supervision. While this paradigm can generalize to a certain range of unseen classes, it may struggle when domain gap increases, such as in fine-grained classification and satellite image segmentation. To address this limitation, we propose Retrieval-enhanced Prompt learning (RePrompt), which introduces retrieval mechanisms to cache the knowledge representations from downstream tasks. we first construct a retrieval database from training examples, or from external examples when available. We then integrate this retrieval-enhanced mechanism into various stages of a simple prompt learning baseline. By referencing similar samples in the training set, the enhanced model is better able to adapt to new tasks with few samples. Our extensive experiments over 15 vision datasets, including 11 downstream tasks with few-shot setting and 4 domain generalization benchmarks, demonstrate that RePrompt achieves considerably improved performance. Our proposed approach provides a promising solution to the challenges faced by prompt learning when domain gap increases. The code and models will be available

    Pruning Meets Low-Rank Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

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    Large pre-trained models (LPMs), such as LLaMA and ViT-G, have shown exceptional performance across various tasks. Although parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) has emerged to cheaply fine-tune these large models on downstream tasks, their deployment is still hindered by the vast model scale and computational costs. Neural network pruning offers a solution for model compression by removing redundant parameters, but most existing methods rely on computing parameter gradients. However, obtaining the gradients is computationally prohibitive for LPMs, which necessitates the exploration of alternative approaches. To this end, we propose a unified framework for efficient fine-tuning and deployment of LPMs, termed LoRAPrune. We first design a PEFT-aware pruning criterion, which utilizes the values and gradients of Low-Rank Adaption (LoRA), rather than the gradients of pre-trained parameters for importance estimation. We then propose an iterative pruning procedure to remove redundant parameters while maximizing the advantages of PEFT. Thus, our LoRAPrune delivers an accurate, compact model for efficient inference in a highly cost-effective manner. Experimental results on various tasks demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results. For instance, in the VTAB-1k benchmark, LoRAPrune utilizes only 0.76% of the trainable parameters and outperforms magnitude and movement pruning methods by a significant margin, achieving a mean Top-1 accuracy that is 5.7% and 4.3% higher, respectively. Moreover, our approach achieves comparable performance to PEFT methods, highlighting its efficacy in delivering high-quality results while benefiting from the advantages of pruning

    Pedestrian Attribute Recognition in Video Surveillance Scenarios Based on View-attribute Attention Localization

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    Pedestrian attribute recognition in surveillance scenarios is still a challenging task due to the inaccurate localization of specific attributes. In this paper, we propose a novel view-attribute localization method based on attention (VALA), which utilizes view information to guide the recognition process to focus on specific attributes and attention mechanism to localize specific attribute-corresponding areas. Concretely, view information is leveraged by the view prediction branch to generate four view weights that represent the confidences for attributes from different views. View weights are then delivered back to compose specific view-attributes, which will participate and supervise deep feature extraction. In order to explore the spatial location of a view-attribute, regional attention is introduced to aggregate spatial information and encode inter-channel dependencies of the view feature. Subsequently, a fine attentive attribute-specific region is localized, and regional weights for the view-attribute from different spatial locations are gained by the regional attention. The final view-attribute recognition outcome is obtained by combining the view weights with the regional weights. Experiments on three wide datasets (RAP, RAPv2, and PA-100K) demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared with state-of-the-art methods