8,343 research outputs found

    85% efficiency for cw frequency doubling from 1.08 to 0.54 μm

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    Conversion efficiency of 85% has been achieved in cw second-harmonic generation from 1.08 to 0.54 μm with a potassium titanyl phosphate crystal inside an external ring cavity. An absolute comparison between the experimental data and a simple theory is made and shows good agreement

    The super-oscillating superlens

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    We demonstrate a lens that creates a sub-wavelength focal spot beyond the near-field by exploiting the phenomenon of super-oscillation

    Learning preferences for large scale multi-label problems

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    Despite that the majority of machine learning approaches aim to solve binary classification problems, several real-world applications require specialized algorithms able to handle many different classes, as in the case of single-label multi-class and multi-label classification problems. The Label Ranking framework is a generalization of the above mentioned settings, which aims to map instances from the input space to a total order over the set of possible labels. However, generally these algorithms are more complex than binary ones, and their application on large-scale datasets could be untractable. The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a novel general online preference-based label ranking framework. The proposed framework is able to solve binary, multi-class, multi-label and ranking problems. A comparison with other baselines has been performed, showing effectiveness and efficiency in a real-world large-scale multi-label task

    Comment on ``Manipulating the frequency entangled states by an acoutic-optical modulator''

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    A recent theoretical paper [1] proposes a scheme for entanglement swapping utilizing acousto-optic modulators without requiring a Bell-state measurement. In this comment, we show that the proposal is flawed and no entanglement swapping can occur without measurement.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures submitted to Phys. Rev

    Area-Constrained Planar Elastica

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    We determine the equilibria of a rigid loop in the plane, subject to the constraints of fixed length and fixed enclosed area. Rigidity is characterized by an energy functional quadratic in the curvature of the loop. We find that the area constraint gives rise to equilibria with remarkable geometrical properties: not only can the Euler-Lagrange equation be integrated to provide a quadrature for the curvature but, in addition, the embedding itself can be expressed as a local function of the curvature. The configuration space is shown to be essentially one-dimensional, with surprisingly rich structure. Distinct branches of integer-indexed equilibria exhibit self-intersections and bifurcations -- a gallery of plots is provided to highlight these findings. Perturbations connecting equilibria are shown to satisfy a first order ODE which is readily solved. We also obtain analytical expressions for the energy as a function of the area in some limiting regimes.Comment: 23 pages, several figures. Version 2: New title. Changes in the introduction, addition of a new section with conclusions. Figure 14 corrected and one reference added. Version to appear in PR

    Quantum Communication with Correlated Nonclassical States

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    Nonclassical correlations between the quadrature-phase amplitudes of two spatially separated optical beams are exploited to realize a two-channel quantum communication experiment with a high degree of immunity to interception. For this scheme, either channel alone can have an arbitrarily small signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for transmission of a coherent ``message''. However, when the transmitted beams are combined properly upon authorized detection, the encoded message can in principle be recovered with the original SNR of the source. An experimental demonstration has achieved a 3.2 dB improvement in SNR over that possible with correlated classical sources. Extensions of the protocol to improve its security against eavesdropping are discussed.Comment: 8 pages and 4 figures (Figure 1; Figures 2a, 2b; Figure 2

    Concise theory of chiral lipid membranes

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    A theory of chiral lipid membranes is proposed on the basis of a concise free energy density which includes the contributions of the bending and the surface tension of membranes, as well as the chirality and orientational variation of tilting molecules. This theory is consistent with the previous experiments [J.M. Schnur \textit{et al.}, Science \textbf{264}, 945 (1994); M.S. Spector \textit{et al.}, Langmuir \textbf{14}, 3493 (1998); Y. Zhao, \textit{et al.}, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA \textbf{102}, 7438 (2005)] on self-assembled chiral lipid membranes of DC8,9_{8,9}PC. A torus with the ratio between its two generated radii larger than 2\sqrt{2} is predicted from the Euler-Lagrange equations. It is found that tubules with helically modulated tilting state are not admitted by the Euler-Lagrange equations, and that they are less energetically favorable than helical ripples in tubules. The pitch angles of helical ripples are theoretically estimated to be about 0∘^\circ and 35∘^\circ, which are close to the most frequent values 5∘^\circ and 28∘^\circ observed in the experiment [N. Mahajan \textit{et al.}, Langmuir \textbf{22}, 1973 (2006)]. Additionally, the present theory can explain twisted ribbons of achiral cationic amphiphiles interacting with chiral tartrate counterions. The ratio between the width and pitch of twisted ribbons is predicted to be proportional to the relative concentration difference of left- and right-handed enantiomers in the low relative concentration difference region, which is in good agreement with the experiment [R. Oda \textit{et al.}, Nature (London) \textbf{399}, 566 (1999)].Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Flow Investigation on the Directional Instability of Aircraft with the Single Vertical Tail

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    AbstractAgeneric aircraft with the single vertical tail usually lose its directional stability at medium angle of attack (typically 20° to 30°). A model with moderate sweptwing of 47.5° and a conventional vertical tail is investigated in order to identify physical mechanisms responsible for directional stability. The results show that vertical tail and fuselage are the main components of the aircraft that generate yawing momentby the tests of model parts mounted and dismounted. The broken down vortex at windward side of vertical tail is the main reason for reducingstable yawing moment of vertical tail. Moreover, the middle part of the fuselage including air inlet and forepart of the wing is the main region of the fuselageenhancing unstable yawing moment

    Constraint on teleportation over multipartite pure states

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    We first define a quantity exhibiting the usefulness of bipartite quantum states for teleportation, called the quantum teleportation capability, and then investigate its restricted shareability in multi-party quantum systems. In this work, we verify that the quantum teleportation capability has a monogamous property in its shareability for arbitrary three-qutrit pure states by employing the monogamy inequality in terms of the negativity.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
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