16,419 research outputs found

    Radio Observations of 4079 Quasars

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    Using the NVSS radio catalog, we have searched for radio emission from 4079 quasars taken from the 1996 version of the Veron-Cetty and Veron (1996) quasar catalog. The comparison resulted in the positive detection of radio emission from 799 quasars. Of these, 168 are new radio detections. Examination of the radio luminosities shows a dramatic increase in the fraction of radio-loud quasars from the current epoch to z=0.5 and a gradual decline beyond z=1.0. Inspection of the radio-loud fraction as a function of M_B shows little dependence fainter than M_B=-29.5.Comment: 25 pages, including 9 figures and 1 tabl

    The Economics of Urban Renewal

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    Nuclear fusion induced by X-rays in a crystal

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    The nuclei that constitute a crystalline lattice, oscillate relative to each other with a very low energy that is not sufficient to penetrate through the Coulomb barriers separating them. An additional energy, which is needed to tunnel through the barrier and fuse, can be supplied by external electromagnetic waves (X-rays or the synchrotron radiation). Exposing to the X-rays the solid compound LiD (lithium-deuteride) for the duration of 111 hours, we have detected 88 events of the nuclear fusion d+Li6 ---> Be8*. Our theoretical estimate agrees with what we observed. One of possible applications of the phenomenon we found, could be the measurements of the rates of various nuclear reactions (not necessarily fusion) at extremely low energies inaccessible in accelerator experiments.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. C on 28 October 201


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    Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Electrical observation of a tunable band gap in bilayer graphene nanoribbons at room temperature

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    We investigate the transport properties of double-gated bilayer graphene nanoribbons at room temperature. The devices were fabricated using conventional CMOS-compatible processes. By analyzing the dependence of the resistance at the charge neutrality point as a function of the electric field applied perpendicular to the graphene surface, we show that a band gap in the density of states opens, reaching an effective value of ~sim50 meV. This demonstrates the potential of bilayer graphene as FET channel material in a conventional CMOS environment.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Energy Biased Technical Change: A CGE Analysis

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    This paper studies energy bias in technical change. For this purpose, we develop a computable general equilibrium model that builds on endogenous growth models. The model explicitly captures links between energy, the rate and direction of technical change, and the economy. We derive the equilibrium determinants of biased technical change and show the importance of feedback in technical change, substitution possibilities between final goods, and generalequilibrium effects for the equilibrium bias. If the feedback effect is strong, or the substitution elasticity large, or both, our model tends to a corner solution in which only technologies are developed that are appropriate for production of non-energy intensive goods. --computable general-equilibrium models,endogenous technical change,energy,environment

    Business and intercultural communication issues: Three contributions to various aspects of business communication

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    This paper describes psychological contracts and how they are created. Even though the phenomenon of the psychological contract can be observed in a variety of relationships, this paper solely discusses psychological contracts in business settings. The paper discusses in particular how psychological contracts affect the employee/employer-relationship.The findings will then be applied to the example of IBM in the early 1990s, when IBM decided to lay off employees despite its no-layoff policy. Finally, suggestions are made as to what could have been done to prevent the negative effects of psychological contract violation at IBM. -- Der Aufsatz definiert die Eigenschaften eines psychologischen Vertrages und erklĂ€rt sein Zu-standekommen. Obwohl psychologische VertrĂ€ge in vielen Situationen auftauchen, konzent-riert sich diese Arbeit auf psychologische VertrĂ€ge in ArbeitsverhĂ€ltnissen. Besonders wird betrachtet, welchen Einfluss psychologische VertrĂ€ge auf das Arbeitnehmer-/Arbeitgeber-verhĂ€ltnis haben. Die Ergebnisse werden dann auf das Beispiel von IBM in den 90er Jahren ĂŒbertragen. IBM entschied zu diesem Zeitpunkt, Arbeitnehmer trotz eines Arbeitsplatzsicherheits-Grundsatzes zu entlassen. Letztendlich werden VorschlĂ€ge unterbreitet, wie die negativen Effekte der Ver-letzung des psychologischen Vertrages bei IBM hĂ€tten verhindern können.Psychological Contracts,IBM,Workplace Relationship,Psychologische VertrĂ€ge,Arbeitsplatz-VerhĂ€ltnisse

    Rainfall as a cause of mechanical damage to Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens in a New Zealand temperate rainforest

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    Lichens, like all poikilohydric plants, have a metabolism that is dependent on external moistening from their environment. In the case of green algal lichens high humidities may be sufficient for positive net photosynthesis to occur (Lange et al. 1993a). For these plants water stress is usually taken to mean a lack of water (Kappen 1988; Rundel 1988) but it can also mean an excess of water that leads to depressed CO2 exchange because of increased diffusion resistances at high thallus water contents (Lange & Tenhunen 1981; Kershaw 1985). Rather than this being an unusual occurrence, Lange et al. (19936) found reduced CO2 exchange at thallus supra-saturation to be present over long periods in the temperate rainforest of north-eastern New Zealand
