61 research outputs found

    Highly superlinear giant terahertz photoconductance in GaAs quantum point contacts in the deep tunneling regime

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    A highly superlinear in radiation intensity photoconductance induced by continuous wave terahertz laser radiation with low intensities has been observed in quantum point contacts made of GaAs quantum wells operating in the deep tunneling regime. For very low values of the normalized dark conductance Gdark/G0≈10−6, with the conductance quantum G0=2e2/h, the photoconductance scales exponentially with the radiation intensity, so that already at 100mW/cm2, it increases by almost four orders of magnitude. This effect is observed for a radiation electric field oriented along the source drain direction. We provide model considerations of the effect and attribute it to the variation of the tunneling barrier height by the radiation field made possible by local diffraction effects. We also demonstrate that cyclotron resonance due to an external magnetic field manifests itself in the photoconductance, completely suppressing the photoresponse

    Giant Terahertz Photoconductance of Quantum Point Contacts in the Tunneling Regime

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    We report on the observation of the giant photoconductance of a quantum point contact (QPC) in the tunneling regime excited by terahertz radiation. Studied QPCs are formed in a GaAs/(Al, Ga) As heterostructure with a high-electron-mobility two-dimensional electron gas. We demonstrate that irradiation of strongly negatively biased QPCs by laser radiation with frequency f = 0.69 THz and intensity 50mW/cm(2) results in two orders of magnitude enhancement of the QPC conductance. The effect increases with the dark conductivity decrease. It is also characterized by a strong polarization dependence and a drastic reduction of the signal by increasing the radiation frequency to 1.63 THz. We demonstrate that all experimental findings can be well explained by the photon-assisted tunneling through the QPC. Corresponding calculations are in good agreement with the experiment

    Symmetry breaking and circular photogalvanic effect in epitaxial CdxHg1-xTe films

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    We report on the observation of symmetry breaking and the circular photogalvanic effect in CdxHg1-xTe alloys. We demonstrate that irradiation of bulk epitaxial films with circularly polarized terahertz radiation leads to the circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) yielding a photocurrent whose direction reverses upon switching the photon helicity. This effect is forbidden in bulk zinc-blende crystals by symmetry arguments; therefore, its observation indicates either the symmetry reduction of bulk material or that the photocurrent is excited in the topological surface states formed in a material with low cadmium concentration. We show that the bulk states play a crucial role because the CPGE was also clearly detected in samples with noninverted band structure. We suggest that strain is a reason for the symmetry reduction. We develop a theory of the CPGE showing that the photocurrent results from the quantum interference of different pathways contributing to the free-carrier absorption (Drude-like) of monochromatic radiation

    High-frequency impact ionization and nonlinearity of photocurrent induced by intense terahertz radiation in HgTe-based quantum well structures

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    We report on a strong nonlinear behavior of the photogalvanics and photoconductivity under excitation of HgTe quantum wells (QWs) by intense terahertz (THz) radiation. The increasing radiation intensity causes an inversion of the sign of the photocurrent and transition to its superlinear dependence on the intensity. The photoconductivity also shows a superlinear raise with the intensity. We show that the observed photoresponse nonlinearities are caused by the band-to-band light impact ionization under conditions of a photon energy less than the forbidden gap. The signature of this kind of impact ionization is that the angular radiation frequency omega = 2 pi f is much higher than the reciprocal momentum relaxation time. Thus the impact ionization takes place solely because of collisions in the presence of a high-frequency electric field. The effect has been measured on narrow HgTe/CdTe QWs of 5.7 nm width; the nonlinearity is detected for linearly and circularly polarized THz radiation with different frequencies ranging from f = 0.6 to 1.07 THz and intensities up to hundreds of kW/cm(2). We demonstrate that the probability of the impact ionization is proportional to the exponential function, exp(-E-0(2)/E-2), of the radiation electric field amplitude E and the characteristic field parameter E-0. The effect is observable in a wide temperature range from 4.2 to 90 K, with the characteristic field increasing with rising temperature

    Synthesis, X-ray Analysis, and Biological Evaluation of a New Class of Stereopure Lactam-Based HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors

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    In an effort to identify a new class of druglike HIV-1 protease inhibitors, four different stereopure beta-hydroxy gamma-lactam-containing inhibitors have been synthesized, biologically evaluated, and cocrystallized. The impact of the tether length of the central spacer (two or three carbons) was also investigated. A compound with a shorter tether and (3R,4S) absolute configuration exhibited high activity with a K-i of 2.1 nM and an EC50 of 0.64 mu M. Further optimization by decoration of the P1' side chain furnished an even more potent HIV-1 protease inhibitor (K-i = 0.8 nM, EC50 = 0.04 mu M). According to X-ray analysis, the new class of inhibitors did not fully succeed in forming two symmetric hydrogen bonds to the catalytic aspartates. The crystal structures of the complexes further explain the difference in potency between the shorter inhibitors (two-carbon spacer) and the longer inhibitors (three-carbon spacer)