1 research outputs found

    Mejora en los par谩metros de perforaci贸n y voladura para optimizar costos operacionales en la compa帽铆a Minera Santa Luisa S.A. - unidad Pallca

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    RESUMEN Siendo la Industria Minera una de las actividades econ贸micas extractivas m谩s importantes del Pa铆s. Constantemente se vienen implementando m茅todos, formas de c贸mo optimizar cada una de las actividades unitarias realizadas en dicha actividad. La Perforaci贸n y Voladura es un pilar fundamental en la miner铆a, ya que para obtener buenos 铆ndices de producci贸n a menores costos se necesita tener un adecuado control al momento de realizar dichas actividades, para no generar costos excesivos al momento de producir mineral. El objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n fue mejorar los par谩metros de Perforaci贸n y Voladura con la finalidad de optimizar costos operacionales en la compa帽铆a Minera Santa Luisa. Se plante贸 la hip贸tesis de que al mejorar estos par谩metros no solo se reducir谩n costos operacionales, tambi茅n se obtendr谩 una mayor producci贸n, un mejor control y uso de las cargas explosivas. Para verificar nuestra hip贸tesis se hizo el dise帽o de una nueva malla de perforaci贸n, con distintos par谩metros, estandariz谩ndose as铆 una malla de perforaci贸n de 4.00mx3.80m de secci贸n, con una eficiencia de perforaci贸n de 3.90m, teniendo una distribuci贸n total de 35 taladros de producci贸n, 3 taladros de alivio, 1 rompe boca y 4 taladros de alivio para el cuidado de las paredes de contorno. Luego de ejecutarse los proyectos de voladura, los resultados obtenidos fueron favorables, en los costos operacionales de Perforaci贸n y Voladura se produjo un ahorro de 15USpordisparoenelconsumodeexplosivos,hubounaumentoenlaproducciondelsegundosemestrede5600Tn,graciasaunmayoravancede218.87m.Elfactordecargapasoaserde2.38Kg/m3,menoralqueutilizabanantesde3.51Kg/m3.Lagranulometraobtenidaindicoquemasdel80PorloqueelpresentetrabajojustificaquemejorandolosparametrosdePerforacionyVoladura,laempresaMineraSantaLuisaobtendramejoresndicesdeproductividadyunmayorbeneficioeconomico.ABSTRACTBeingtheMiningIndustryoneofthemostimportantextractiveeconomicactivitiesinthecountry.Methodsareconstantlybeingimplemented,waystooptimizeeachoneoftheunitactivitiescarriedoutinsaidactivity.DrillingandBlastingisafundamentalpillarinmining,sinceinordertoobtaingoodproductionratesatlowercostsitisnecessarytohaveanadequatecontrolwhencarryingoutsaidactivities,soasnottogenerateexcessivecostswhenproducingore.TheobjectiveofthepresentinvestigationwastoimprovetheparametersofdrillingandblastingwiththepurposeofoptimizingoperationalcostsinthecompanyMineraSantaLuisa.Itwashypothesizedthatimprovingtheseparameterswillnotonlyreduceoperationalcosts,butalsoleadtoahigherproductionoforeandbettercontrolanduseofexplosivecharges.Toverifyourhypothesis,thedesignofanewperforationmeshwasmade,withdifferentparameters,thusstandardizingaperforationmeshof4.00mx3.80msection,withadrillingefficiencyof3.90m,havingatotaldistributionof35drillingholes.production,3reliefdrills,1mouthbreakerand4reliefdrillsforthecareofthecontourwalls.Aftertheblastingprojectswereexecuted,theresultsobtainedwerefavorableintheoperationalcostsofdrillingandblastingtherewasasavingof15US por disparo en el consumo de explosivos, hubo un aumento en la producci贸n del segundo semestre de 5600Tn, gracias a un mayor avance de 218.87m. El factor de carga pas贸 a ser de 2.38 Kg/m3, menor al que utilizaban antes de 3.51 Kg/m3. La granulometr铆a obtenida indic贸 que m谩s del 80% de material obtenido, pasa por un tamiz de 7.459 in. de acuerdo a requerimientos de mina. Por lo que el presente trabajo justifica que mejorando los par谩metros de Perforaci贸n y Voladura, la empresa Minera Santa Luisa obtendr谩 mejores 铆ndices de productividad y un mayor beneficio econ贸mico.ABSTRACT Being the Mining Industry one of the most important extractive economic activities in the country. Methods are constantly being implemented, ways to optimize each one of the unit activities carried out in said activity. Drilling and Blasting is a fundamental pillar in mining, since in order to obtain good production rates at lower costs it is necessary to have an adequate control when carrying out said activities, so as not to generate excessive costs when producing ore. The objective of the present investigation was to improve the parameters of drilling and blasting with the purpose of optimizing operational costs in the company Minera Santa Luisa. It was hypothesized that improving these parameters will not only reduce operational costs, but also lead to a higher production of ore and better control and use of explosive charges. To verify our hypothesis, the design of a new perforation mesh was made, with different parameters, thus standardizing a perforation mesh of 4.00mx3.80m section, with a drilling efficiency of 3.90m, having a total distribution of 35 drilling holes. production, 3 relief drills, 1 mouth breaker and 4 relief drills for the care of the contour walls. After the blasting projects were executed, the results obtained were favorablein the operational costs of drilling and blasting there was a saving of 15US per shot in the consumption of explosives, there was an increase in the second half of the production of 5600 tons, thanks to a greater advance of 218.87 m. The load factor was 2.38 Kg / m3, lower than the one used before 3.51 Kg / m3. The granulometry obtained indicated that more than 80% of the material obtained passes through a sieve of 7.459 in. according to mine requirements. Therefore, the present work justifies that by improving the parameters of drilling and blasting, the company Minera Santa Luisa will obtain better productivity indexes and a greater economic benefit