3 research outputs found


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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to develop appropriate supplementary English speaking materials for students in learning speaking skill in Tenth Grade in SMK Negeri 1 Bulango Selatan. (2) To see the students’ perception toward this supplementary English speaking materials in nursing vocational. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D) by Borg and Gall (1983). The subjects of the research were X grade student. This study involved 30 grade ten students of nursing vocational. The instruments of the study were observation, interview, questionnaires and document analysis. The results of the needs analysis questionnaire were analyzed by using percentage. To validate the appropriateness of the book, the developed materials book was reviewed and evaluated by the expert. The result of needs analysis showed that in the part of students’ responded background it was found that the students have a lack experience about learning speaking English especially in nursing vocational. In the target needs and learning needs showed that the students needed materials for speaking which were attractive and interesting and based on nursing vocational. The product of this study was supplementary English speaking materials for nursing vocational. This product consisted of three units. Each unit had 10 activities and five stages related to curriculum 2013. Those five stages were observing, questioning, gathering information, associating, and communicating. The result of the book evaluation from the expert showed that the developed supplementary English speaking materials for nursing vocational school were categorized as strongly agreed. Moreover, the result of students’ perception about this product showed that the students mostly agree that the book suitable to be applied in the teaching and learning process especially in speaking. Thus, it can be concluded that supplementary English speaking materials for nursing vocational had been appropriated for X grade students in nursing vocational school.  Article visualizations

    The Maintenance of Gorontalo Language through Teaching The Local Content at Elementary Schools

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    The current condition exposes the degradation of number of speakers even the use of Gorontalo language. It is proved by the data which show that almost 40% of respondents cannot speak Gorontalo language actively. As a consequence, the maintenance of Gorontalo language is a must to prevent this phenomenon to be worse. One of the effective ways to maintain Gorontalo language is teaching the Gorontalo language through the local content at elementary schools. Moreover, the teaching process should involve cultural and linguistic aspects of the language

    Dulo Ito Mohulontalo: "Let's Speak Gorontalo Language"

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    v, 53 hlm.; 21 x 14.5 c