24 research outputs found

    Sustainability Development of Smart Public Transportation in Globalization

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    The paper studies the sustainable development opportunities of the public passenger transport market in the globalized environment. The main aim of the research is to improve the competitiveness of sustainable public transport. Transportation needs to be considered as an important aspect of the development of cities in a sustainable manner and for an attempt to create a smart city. Those cities care about inhabitants, apply environmentally acceptable methods of waste management, offer more efficient public transportation, health care, and social system. Many studies have shown the relationship between effective public transportation services and sustainable development at the city level. European Commission is trying to motivate all the regional administration in an overall acceptance of sustainable urban mobility plans as part of the strategic vision for solving pressing problems in the process of functioning of modern cities. The purpose of this study is to present a concrete step in achieving the objectives of the "smart city" concept with the use of modern information technology in the traffic and passengers in the real-time monitoring process, tickets issuing, as well as passengers informing in Subotica, Serbia. There is a wide gap between community expectations from public transportation services and the actual quality of service provided. The resulted grounded theory has brought attention to the necessary reform of transportation institutions; transportation policy which is integrated into settlement development of the smart city strategy and consistency of economic systems; public transportation development proceeding from supply improvement; and finally, the need of awareness improvement via education. The research conclusion is a necessity of external fund allocation through emerging means of liberalization and public-private partnership and the introduction of the more demand responsive transportation system while taking into account sustainable consumption as well

    Application of Fuzzy Sets within Measuring and Managing certain Agricultural Risks

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    The aim of this paper is to set-up the algorithm for determining the degree of workability of the soil, to help the owners of family farms to plan working hours of agricultural machines, i.e. with the machine park management. The plans, which would be made by use of these algorithms and based on the accurate information of the cultivation conditions, would result in the appropriate use of time and capacity of the agricultural machines. In some sectors, such as agriculture or certain industries, chance that certain event occurs plays a very important role. The influence of random events, however, can be significantly reduced if decision makers are counting on them, reveal their nature and gather as much information about them as possible. Justification of new testing methods applied in the economy follows from the fact that, according to economic policy, the growing burden of risk that comes from the uncertainty is borne by farmers. The method that was used in the study is based on the Fuzzy mathematical modeling. Treating uncertain, vague and linguistically described phenomena and situations is facing difficulties in classical mathematics. In fact, a large degree of uncertainty is primarily resulting from uncertain external events. Fuzzy mathematical modeling can satisfactorily treat those parameters that are uncertain, vague and subjectively evaluated. The algorithm of risk assessment should be based on the opinion of economic experts, on the experience of the makers of planned decisions and on all the available data. Solving this problem can be approached in three ways: a) conventional method, b) applying the expert system, c) applying the theory of fuzzy sets. The main characteristic of the traditional way of solving the problem of evaluation is the almost exclusive reliance on measurable economic effects (time and money). Only in some rare cases, additional criteria are taken into account. Because of the importance of additional criteria, it is possible to develop a prototype of an expert system. Modeling problems in which the interdependence between the variables is very complex, fuzzy logic can be successfully applied. The complete review and analysis of the problem relying only on knowledge, experience of experts, without the fuzzy logic, would be impossible.Agriculture, Family Farms, Machine Park Management, Fuzzy Systems, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis,

    Impact of Tourism Destination Strategy on Its Competitiveness

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    The aim of this paper is to explore how destination strategy ā€“ marketing, employees, policy of planning and destination development, management of service quality and management of environmental protection - affects competitiveness of rural tourism destinations in Vojvodina (Serbia) and Hungary. Tourism experts in Vojvodina (136) and Hungary (138) were asked to evaluate the current condition of all 24 attributes which affect the competitiveness of rural tourism destinations. Likert scale of five marks was used in order to determine the effect of the strategies on the competitiveness of Vojvodina/Hungary as a rural tourism destination. Authors concluded that a large number of tourist resources and attractions are irreplaceable, and the purpose of formulating and implementing strategies must be to ensure that the use of resource ensure their long-term sustainability. Such a development strategies are processes or activities that correspond to the tourist attractions and resources of destinations, and on the other hand, are aligned with the external environment. Destination competitiveness can be increased by using a strategy of constant innovation and continuous change. In order to be competitive, destination should offer flexible, segmented and customized products. The main methods of developing flexibility for the competitiveness of tourist destinations rely on the organization, management, marketing, distribution and other forms of interactions and relationships between tourism suppliers. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Models for measuring of knowledge management and e-business systems success

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    The resulting model of the measurement of knowledge management system success is used to classify the abundant variables described in a large number of empirical studies and comprises six components. On the basis of some resources and on the basis of this literature review, the DeLone/McLean model for information system (IS) success measurement is selected and discussed. We also give a figure to show that the six categories are interrelated and describe a process view of knowledge management success, a series of constructs which include temporal and casual influences in determining success. The clear structuring of the measures and especially the interrelationships hypothesized in DeLone/McLean model have been subject to repeated criticism. Finally some critics are reviewed and developed of extensions to this model. We have extended the original DeLone/McLean model, respecified parts of the interrelationships, and even presented alternative models that follow an entirely different logic. The new model allows for a much more comprehensive analysis of independent factors influencing knowledge management system success and takes into account most of critique directed at the original DeLone/McLean model

    Factors with Impact in the Assessment and Choice of Tourist Destinations

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    The preference disaggregation approach to the problem of multicriteria choice is to uncover the inherent model of choice that brings a decision unit to a conclusion in terms of an overall preference on the alternatives. In the context, the actual market shares of a class of competing products (alternatives) constitute a concise global variable originated in and reflecting the cumulative preferences of the consumer body, which affects the pattern of the market. This paper presents a systematic method to analyse the preference information cumulated in the actual market shares of competing products in terms of the criteria involved in the process of choice. The aim of this study is to present an entirely new approach to the problem of multicriteria choice and an application to analyse the market of tourist agency destination offer. In the paper outlines the market share analysis methodology for building an additive utility model in situations concerning attributes on which preferences behave monotonically. When contemporary information and communication technologies are included into the processes of choosing then electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) communication appears, while specific marketing messages are being created and transferred. The paper ends with some concluding remarks. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Agile Management of IT Projects by Modified Scrum Processes

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    Scrum is the result of evolution in product development originating from the Japanese management system and process improvement (kaizen) and the Toyota production system from middle of the 20th century. However, Scrum is not the end result but a constant evolution. The purpose of this paper is an attempt to add new knowledge to this evolution. There are numerous alternatives to Scrum process and rules, commonly called hybrids. It is important to be aware that one approach or process cannot be a solution for every software development project. The key is to find a balance between the processes and the people, policies and the principles, as well as focus on long-term or short-term goals, etc. This problem is one of the biggest challenges widely discussed in present-day scientific and industrial communities

    Marketing Decision Making by Applying the Expert System

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    The main goal of this paper is to develop an expert system based on fuzzy set theory that will provide more successful and efficient decision making in the area of marketing, in relation with dilemma ā€œto produce or to purchaseā€. Namely, authors will try to develop a model that will be suitable for making marketing decisions in production systems. Methodology in the paper obtained analysis of the theory of marketing, the development of the specific model for decision making, so as the application of developed model on one case from production system. Methodology which allows to model indeterminacy is fuzzy sets theory which is particularly well designed for dealing with non-probabilistic uncertainties. Authors will develop a model for decision making, based on successful integration of marketing and fuzzy theories. They will implement the model in decision making problem related to the debate ā€œto produce or to purchaseā€ on one real decision problem in production system. The main goal of this paper is to make changes in the work of decision makers in marketing sector. Authors pointed the advantages of the model with quality management, but also some limitations and possibilities for the future researches. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The Development of the Employer Brand in the Labour Market

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    Nowadays, the lack of high qualified staff is more conspicuous than ever before. The development of new knowledge and professions is followed by the modern technological changes, enormous usage of Internet and development of artificial intelligence. These trends have led to changes in the behaviour and access of both sides in the labour market. Candidates who have specific knowledge, skills and experience have the opportunity to choose the companies they want to work in, setting the conditions for employers. Companies, employers, who need some special skills are forced to make an effort to stand out and attract the attention of the target group. Therefore, the branding activities of the employer became crucial in a modern labour market. The aim of the paper is to identify the dimensions of attractiveness in branding employers and the levels of importance of each dimension. The results of the survey indicate that candidates are looking for many additional information about the employer. Each generation has certain ways and channels of gathering information that it considers credible. If employers do not recognize or ignore those channels, they miss the possibility of establishing and building relationships with candidates before employment itself. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p