8 research outputs found

    Newly discovered Early Miocene deposits in the Nowy Sącz area (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians)

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    In the Nowy Sącz area Early Miocene marine deposits have been discovered in the southern part of the Rača Subunit, and at the front of the Bystrica Subunit of the Magura Nappe. These deposits belong to the Zawada Formation, which is represented by medium- to thick-bedded glauconitic sandstones with intercalations of thick-bedded marls and marly claystones. The formation is at least 550 m thick. Calcareous nannofossils show the age of the formation to be Early Burdigalian (NN1-2-3 biozones). Due to a lack of exposures the relationship between the deposits of the Malcov and the Zawada formations is not yet clear. However, comparing the youngest age of the Malcov Formation in the Nowy Sącz I borehole (NP 25) with the age of the Zawada Formation suggests sedimentary continuity transition between these formations

    New data on the late Badenian–Sarmatian deposits of the Nowy Sacz Basin (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians) and their palaeogeographical implications

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    In the Nowy Sacz Basin, newly exposed Middle Miocene deposits have been studied and sampled in the Kamienica Nawojowska, Poprad and Dunajec rivers. The calareous nannoplankton of the freshwater to marine deposits was examined. Palegrey and brown clayey shales with plant remains and thin seams of lignite represent the freshwater depos its of the Biegonice Formation. These deposits pass upwards into ca. 50 m thick packet of brackish and marine deposits, represented mainly by dark marly shales with bivalves and gastropods of the Iwkowa and Niskowa formations. These deposits contain relatively rich late Badenian to Sarmatian calcareous nannoplakton (NN6/7 Zone)

    Sarmatian paleoecological environment of the Machów Formation based on the quantitative nannofossil analysis — a case study from the Sokołów area (Polish Carpathian Foredeep)

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