16 research outputs found

    Design and Optimisation of Shea Butter Mixer

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    A shea butter mixer was designed, fabricated and tested.聽 The machine mixed milled shea paste with water and extract shea butter oil from the paste. Its major component parts included mixing blade, mixing tank, gear system, diesel engine and burner.聽 The machine capacity was 56 kg per hour. The results of testing of the machine revealed that the yield of oil ranged between 26.52 % and 39.43 %. The highest oil yield of 39.43 % was obtained from interaction between container diameter of 50 cm, blade type 5 numbers and speed of 110 rpm, while the least oil yield of 26.52 % was obtained from interaction between container diameter of 33.2 cm, blade type of 3 numbers and speed of 110 rpm. The blade type, container diameter and speed of mixing were found to have significant effects on yield of the shea butter. The development of this mixer would have a positive economic impact on the local processors. The mixer would improve oil extraction and increase the product throughput for the local investors Keywords: shea butter, mixer, blade, yiel

    Comparative study on cane cutter / juice expeller and roller model Sugarcane juice extraction systems

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    Abstract Two types of cane juice extraction systems have been developed through research efforts to extract sugarcane juice in the small scale sugar processing technology in Nigeria. The first type of juice extraction system that was developed is the roller model where whole sugar cane stalks of 3 to 4 are fed into rotating rollers to extract juice from the canes. The two juice extraction systems were roller cane crusher and cane cutter/juice expeller. About 1000 kg of approximated quantities of sugar cane samples in three replications were crushed to extract the juice in each juice extraction system. The brix of the juice and quantity collected were recorded and weighed for each sample. The baggasse were subjected to sun and oven drying in order to expel the remaining moisture. The weight of moisture left in the baggasse, juice extraction efficiencies and machine capacities were computed in order to determine the process parameters. Results indicated that the cane juice cutter and expeller system which is the new model performed better than the roller cane juice extractor as the new model recorded higher average juice extraction efficiency of about 98% with corresponding higher sugar recovery of about 9% which are comparable with results obtained by the 3-4 sets of multiple roller juice extraction system usually adopted in crushing sugarcane in large scale sugar manufacturing factories. The extraction efficiency of the roller model juice extractor was found to vary from 55-65%. Also, unlike the low baggasse temperature of about 28 0 C obtained with the roller juice extraction system, the baggasse temperature of the cane cutter juice expeller immediately after juice extraction recorded over 65 0 C, therefore was utilized as source of heat energy for the open pan boilers without additional energy requirement for drying

    Influence of storage conditions and packaging materials on some quality attributes of water yam flour

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    The study investigated some quality attributes of water yam flour stored in three packaging materials [high and low density polyethylene and plastic container] under different storage conditions [relative humidity (36%, 56%, 75% and 96%), temperature (25卤2, 35卤2 and 45卤2 掳C)] for 24 weeks. The functional properties, proximate composition and microbial load of the samples were evaluated at 4 weeks interval. Significant differences (p<0.01) were observed for proximate composition, functional properties and microbial load of the samples during storage. The interactive effect of storage conditions and packaging materials was significant (p<0.01) on proximate composition and pasting properties (except trough viscosity). The yam flour samples were still shelf stable after the 24 weeks of storage

    Wp艂yw glicerolu i 艣rednicy otwor贸w w p艂ycie sitowej na wydajno艣膰 miksera 艣limakowego do nanokompozyt贸w

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    A breaker plate of a screw mixer is an efficient mixing device for use in homogenizing nanocomposites. This research was undertaken to investigate the effects of glycerol and diameter of holes in a breaker plate on performance of a screw mixer for nanocomposites. Samples of the nanocomposites were formulated by blending 1000 g cassava starch, 45-55% glycerol and 2% magnetite nanoparticles; and used to evaluate the performance of a locally developed screw mixer at 5 mm and 7 mm diameters of holes in its breaker plate. The effects of glycerol and diameter of holes in the breaker plate on mixing index, amount of unmixed nanocomposites and output/ 1000g were evaluated as performance indices for 1 hour. Empirical models were determined for predicting the performance of the mixer within the designed criteria. The results showed that the output/ 1000g and the mixing index increased with higher glycerol and diameter of holes in the breaker plate. However, the amount of unmixed nanocomposites decreases with a higher diameter of holes in the breaker plate (p<0.05). The maximum output/ 1000g and mixing index lies between 5 mm diameter of holes in the breaker plate and 55% glycerol concentration with an approximate desirability of 0.60. The empirical models developed were fit (R2 =0.89, p<0.05) and there were no significant differences between actual and predicted values. The results suggest application of 5 mm diameter of holes in the breaker plate for homogenizing nanocomposites for optimum performance.P艂yta sitowa mieszalnika 艣limakowego jest skutecznym narz臋dziem mieszalniczym stosowanym do homogenizacji nanokompozyt贸w. Prace badawcze podj臋to w celu zbadania wp艂ywu glicerolu i 艣rednicy otwor贸w w p艂ycie sitowej na wydajno艣膰 mieszalnika nanokompozyt贸w. Pr贸bki nanokompozyt贸w powsta艂y przez po艂膮czenie 1000 g skrobi z manioka, 45-55% glicerolu i 2% nanocz膮steczek magnetytu. Zastosowano je do oceny wydajno艣ci mieszalnika przy 艣rednicy otwor贸w w p艂ycie sitowej wynosz膮cej 5 i 7 mm. Wp艂yw glicerolu i 艣rednicy otwor贸w w p艂ycie sitowej na wska藕nik mieszania, ilo艣膰 niezmieszanych nanokompozyt贸w i wynik/ 1000 g oceniono jako wska藕nik wydajno艣ci dla 1 godziny. Okre艣lono modele empiryczne w celu przewidzenia wydajno艣ci mieszalnika w ramach okre艣lonych kryteri贸w. Wyniki pokazuj膮, 偶e wydajno艣膰/1000 g i wska藕nik mieszania zwi臋kszy艂y si臋 razem ze wzrostem glicerolu i 艣rednicy otwor贸w w p艂ycie sitowej (p<0.05). Maksymalna wydajno艣膰/ 1000 g i wska藕nik mieszania znajduj膮 si臋 pomi臋dzy 艣rednic膮 otwor贸w wynosz膮c膮 5 mm a 55% st臋偶enia glicerolu przy zbli偶onej po偶膮danej warto艣ci wynosz膮cej 0.60. Przygotowane modele empiryczne by艂y odpowiednie (R2 =0.89, p<0.05), nie odnotowano 偶adnych istotnych r贸偶nic pomi臋dzy istniej膮cymi a przewidywanymi warto艣ciami. Wyniki sugeruj膮 zastosowanie otwor贸w o 艣rednicy 5 mm do homogenizacji nanokompozyt贸w i osi膮gni臋cia optymalnej wydajno艣ci