6 research outputs found

    Prevalence and determinants of oral health conditions and treatment needs among slum and non-slum urban residents : evidence from Nigeria

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    Oral diseases constitute a neglected epidemic in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). An understanding of its distribution and severity in different settings can aid the planning of preventive and therapeutic services. This study assessed the oral health conditions, risk factors, and treatment needs among adult residents in the slum and compared findings with non-slum urban residents in Ibadan, Nigeria. The Multistage sampling was used to select adult (≄18-years) residents from a slum and a non-slum urban sites. Information sought from participants included dietary habits, oral hygiene practices, and the use of dental services. Oral examinations were performed in line with WHO guidelines. Associations were examined using logistic regression. Mediation analysis was undertaken using generalized structural equation modeling. The sample comprised 678 slum and 679 non-slum residents. Median age in slum vs non-slum was 45 (IQR:32–50) versus 38 (IQR:29–50) years. Male: female ratio was 1:2 in both sites. Prevalence of oral diseases (slum vs non-slum sites): dental caries (27% vs 23%), gingival bleeding (75% vs 53%) and periodontal pocket (23% vs 16%). The odds of having dental caries were 21% higher for the slum dwellers compared to non-slum residents (OR = 1.21, 95% CI:0.94 to 1.56); and 50% higher for periodontal pocket (OR = 1.50, 95%CI: 1.13 to 1.98), after adjusting for age and sex. There was little evidence that tooth cleaning frequency mediated the relationship between place of residence and caries (OR = 0.95, 95%CI: 0.87 to 1.03 [indirect effect], 38% mediated) or periodontal pocket (OR = 0.95, 95%CI: 0.86 to 1.04, 15% mediated). Thirty-five percent and 27% of residents in the slum and non-slum sites respectively required the “prompt and urgent” levels of treatment need. Oral diseases prevalence in both settings are high and the prevalence was generally higher in the slum with correspondingly higher levels of prompt and urgent treatment needs. Participants may benefit from targeted therapeutic and health promotion intervention services

    Impact of the societal response to COVID-19 on access to healthcare for non-COVID-19 health issues in slum communities of Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan : results of pre-COVID and COVID-19 lockdown stakeholder engagements

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    Abstract Introduction With COVID-19, there is urgency for policymakers to understand and respond to the health needs of slum communities. Lockdowns for pandemic control have health, social and economic consequences. We consider access to healthcare before and during COVID-19 with those working and living in slum communities. Methods In seven slums in Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan, we explored stakeholder perspectives and experiences of healthcare access for non-COVID-19 conditions in two periods: pre-COVID-19 and during COVID-19 lockdowns. Results Between March 2018 and May 2020, we engaged with 860 community leaders, residents, health workers and local authority representatives. Perceived common illnesses in all sites included respiratory, gastric, waterborne and mosquitoborne illnesses and hypertension. Pre-COVID, stakeholders described various preventive, diagnostic and treatment services, including well-used antenatal and immunisation programmes and some screening for hypertension, tuberculosis, HIV and vectorborne disease. In all sites, pharmacists and patent medicine vendors were key providers of treatment and advice for minor illnesses. Mental health services and those addressing gender-based violence were perceived to be limited or unavailable. With COVID-19, a reduction in access to healthcare services was reported in all sites, including preventive services. Cost of healthcare increased while household income reduced. Residents had difficulty reaching healthcare facilities. Fear of being diagnosed with COVID-19 discouraged healthcare seeking. Alleviators included provision of healthcare by phone, pharmacists/drug vendors extending credit and residents receiving philanthropic or government support; these were inconsistent and inadequate. Conclusion Slum residents’ ability to seek healthcare for non-COVID-19 conditions has been reduced during lockdowns. To encourage healthcare seeking, clear communication is needed about what is available and whether infection control is in place. Policymakers need to ensure that costs do not escalate and unfairly disadvantage slum communities. Remote consulting to reduce face-to-face contact and provision of mental health and gender-based violence services should be considered

    Analysis of OpenStreetMap data quality at different stages of a participatory mapping process : evidence from slums in Africa and Asia

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    This paper examines OpenStreetMap data quality at different stages of a participatory mapping process in seven slums in Africa and Asia. Data were drawn from an OpenStreetMap-based participatory mapping process developed as part of a research project focusing on understanding inequalities in healthcare access of slum residents in the Global South. Descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis were employed to examine the following research question: What is the spatial data quality of collaborative remote mapping achieved by volunteer mappers in morphologically complex urban areas? Findings show that the completeness achieved by remote mapping largely depends on the morphology and characteristics of slums such as building density and rooftop architecture, varying from 84 in the best case, to zero in the most difficult site. The major scientific contribution of this study is to provide evidence on the spatial data quality of remotely mapped data through volunteer mapping efforts in morphologically complex urban areas such as slums; the results could provide insights into how much fieldwork would be needed in what level of complexity and to what extent the involvement of local volunteers in these efforts is required

    Tooth adornment among siblings living in an urban slum in Nigeria: Health implications for a vulnerable population

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    Tooth jewelry boosts the appearance and confidence of wearers. However, its use may carry adverse health consequences. This paper creates awareness about a practice not previously reported in Nigeria, to prevent negative health consequences while appropriate measures are taken to quantify and describe the determinants and plan appropriate interventions

    Oral health in an urban slum, Nigeria: residents’ perceptions, practices and care-seeking experiences

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    Abstract Background/introduction One of the key recommendations for the new WHO global strategy for oral health is inclusion of disadvantaged populations and their engagement in policy dialogues such that their needs and views are addressed in policy decisions. Objectives This study explored oral health perceptions, practices and care-seeking experiences of slum residents in Ibadan, Nigeria. Method Focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted with family health-decision makers in an urban slum site. Oral health perceptions, practices, and care-seeking experiences were discussed. FGDs were recorded, transcribed, and translated. ATLAS.ti qualitative research software was deployed for analysis using thematic analysis. Results Six FGD sessions, divided by gender and age, were conducted between September–October 2019, (N = total 58 participants, aged 25 to 59 years). Common dental ailments mentioned were dental pain, tooth sensitivity, bleeding gums, tooth decay, mouth odor, gum disease, and tooth fracture. Perceived causes of dental conditions included poor dental hygiene and habits, sugary diets, ignorance, and supernatural forces. Mouth cleaning was mostly done once daily using toothbrush and paste. Other cleaning tools were ground glass, wood ash, charcoal, “epa Ijebu” (a dentrifice), and “orin ata” (a type of chewing stick). Remedies for relieving dental pain included over-the-counter medicines, warm salted water, gin, tobacco (snuff/powdered), cow urine/dung, battery fluid, and various mixtures/ concoctions. Visits to the dentists were mentioned by a few but this was usually as last resort. Main barriers to accessing care from dental care facilities were unaffordability of service charges and fear of extreme treatment measures (extraction). Suggested measures to improve timely access to dental health care included reducing/subsidizing costs of treatments and medications, offering non-extraction treatment options, and oral health education programmes. Conclusion The slum residents experience various forms of dental ailments mostly pain-related. The residents perceived formal dental clinics as unaffordable, thereby engaging in self‐care remedies and harmful oral health practices before seeking professional help. Policymakers and decision-makers may leverage this empirical evidence for the people’s education on early dental care and address challenges to affordable, available, and acceptable oral healthcare services among slum residents to improve access to care facilities

    Prevalence and determinants of oral health conditions and treatment needs among slum and non-slum urban residents: Evidence from Nigeria.

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    Oral diseases constitute a neglected epidemic in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). An understanding of its distribution and severity in different settings can aid the planning of preventive and therapeutic services. This study assessed the oral health conditions, risk factors, and treatment needs among adult residents in the slum and compared findings with non-slum urban residents in Ibadan, Nigeria. The Multistage sampling was used to select adult (≄18-years) residents from a slum and a non-slum urban sites. Information sought from participants included dietary habits, oral hygiene practices, and the use of dental services. Oral examinations were performed in line with WHO guidelines. Associations were examined using logistic regression. Mediation analysis was undertaken using generalized structural equation modeling. The sample comprised 678 slum and 679 non-slum residents. Median age in slum vs non-slum was 45 (IQR:32-50) versus 38 (IQR:29-50) years. Male: female ratio was 1:2 in both sites. Prevalence of oral diseases (slum vs non-slum sites): dental caries (27% vs 23%), gingival bleeding (75% vs 53%) and periodontal pocket (23% vs 16%). The odds of having dental caries were 21% higher for the slum dwellers compared to non-slum residents (OR = 1.21, 95% CI:0.94 to 1.56); and 50% higher for periodontal pocket (OR = 1.50, 95%CI: 1.13 to 1.98), after adjusting for age and sex. There was little evidence that tooth cleaning frequency mediated the relationship between place of residence and caries (OR = 0.95, 95%CI: 0.87 to 1.03 [indirect effect], 38% mediated) or periodontal pocket (OR = 0.95, 95%CI: 0.86 to 1.04, 15% mediated). Thirty-five percent and 27% of residents in the slum and non-slum sites respectively required the "prompt and urgent" levels of treatment need. Oral diseases prevalence in both settings are high and the prevalence was generally higher in the slum with correspondingly higher levels of prompt and urgent treatment needs. Participants may benefit from targeted therapeutic and health promotion intervention services