50 research outputs found

    The boundary of natural and cultural landscape in the city – the case study of Mokotów Scarp in Warsaw

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    W pracy dokonano analizy stabilności i związku granicy krajobrazu kulturowego i naturalnego w mieście. Terenem badań była Skarpa Mokotowska w Warszawie. Skarpa stanowi bardzo wyraźną granicę krajobrazów naturalnych, zaliczonych do dwóch klas: krajobrazu nizin i krajobrazu dolin i obniżeń. Ze względu na różnice w sposobie wykształcenia komponentów, krajobrazy te odznaczają się zróżnicowanym potencjałem naturalnym (przydatnością dla rolnictwa, budownictwa, warunkami zdrowotnymi). Analizą objęto okres ok. 700 lat użytkowania terenu – od okresu wiejskiego po pełną urbanizację. Zmiany granic krajobrazu kulturowego nie przebiegały jednokierunkowo. Były uzależnione od warunków naturalnych, sytuacji ekonomicznej, społecznej i politycznej.The stability of the cultural landscape boundary and its relation to the natural landscape boundary is analysed in this paper. The study area was Mokotów Scarp in Warsaw. The scarp forms a sharp boundary between natural landscapes of two classes: lowland landscape and valley landscape. Differences in the characteristic features between lowland landscape and valley landscape are reflected in their natural potential (usefulness for agriculture and building, health properties). The analysis covers the historical period of ca. 700 years – from agricultural to urban landscape. It shows, that the changes of cultural landscape boundaries where not one-way. They depended on natural conditions and on economic, social and political situation

    Physico-geographical and geochemical landscape calassifications

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    The use of landscape geochemical methods for physico-geographical research: a case study of the environs of Frankfurt-on-Main

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    The existing methods of landscape categorization are not sufficient to grasp relationships in the areas with a complicated evolutionary cycle. Therefore the geochemical landscape classification requires further improvement. The aim of the article is to show the application of the research methods of landscape geochemistry to determine the recent geochemical relationship in the Taunus Mts, Taunus Mts Foreland and on the Plain of the Lower Main River. The elementary landscape and geochemical landscape of various taxonomical levels can be distinguished in the studied area. Interrelated subordination of the geochemical landscape is conected with the Permian, Tertiary and Quartenary tectonic structures. Relations between elementary landscape should be regarded as the result of the periglacial denudative processes and the Holocene soil erosion. The recent geochemical interlinkings are not clearly visible in the investigated area

    Stanisław Lencewicz

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    Stanisław Lencewicz was born on 19 April 1889, in Warsaw. After finishing a secondary school he worked as a teacher. In 1913- 1916 he studied in Neuchâtel under the guidance of professor E. Argand obtaining the title of a doctor in exact sciences. His habilitation took place in 1919 in Lviv under the tutorship of professor E. Romer. In 1922 he obtained the associated professorship and in 1931 the full professorship at the University of Warsaw. In 1916-1919 he lectured the geographic subjects at the Free Polish Public University, at the Technical University, at the Military School of Topographers, and at the National Institute of Pedagogy. In 1918 he brought into existence the Department of Geography at the University of Warsaw and he ran this department from 1920 to the outbreak of the II World War. He promoted 8 doctors and two of them obtained habilitation. Professor Lencewicz conducted research in the Małopolska Upland, in the Alps, in the Tatras, and later mainly in the Central Poland and in Polesie. Until 1939 he published 195 papers on geomorphology, hydrography, cartography, regional geography, human geography, and others, including two highly appreciated textbooks on the regional geography of Poland. He actively participated in the international scientific life. Professor presented papers at over a dozen international geographic conventions and conferences (among others in Cairo, Cambridge, Paris, and Amsterdam) and a few of them he co-organized himself. Profesor Lencewicz took part in all activities related to the Polish interwar geography. He co-founded the Polish Geographic Society, he was a member of its board and the President of its Warsaw office. He edited „Przegląd Geograficzny” and took part in the organization of the Military Institute of Geography where he later worked. He was a member of the Warsaw Scientific Society and of the Geographic Commission at the Polish Academy of Learning, a honorary member of the Czechoslovakian Scientific Society, and a correspondent member of the Geographic Societies in Mexico and in Belgrade. He contributed to the International Geographic Bibliography. He was honoured with many Polish and foreign decorations for his achievements: among others with the Officer's Cross Polonia Restituta, with the Cross of Independence with Swords, with the badge of honour of the Military School of Topographers. He spent the occupation in Warsaw in difficult conditions, earning a living as a clerk in the Municipal Waterworks office. He participated in the conspiratorial scientific and didactic life of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science at the University of Warsaw. In 1943-1944 he lectured at the underground courses. He worked upon the new textbooks of general physical geography and of the geography of Europe (partially published after the war). He was murdered by the Nazis in the action of dislodging civilians during the Warsaw Uprising, September 1, 1944