1,580 research outputs found

    Highly Resolved Synthetic Aperture Radar with Beam Steering

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    The present work deals with a highly resolved radar with a synthetic aperture (synthetic aperture radar - SAR), which uses a beam steering to improve performance. The first part of this work deals with the influence of various effects occurring in the hardware of the High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR (HRWS SAR) system. A special focus was set to single bit quantization in multi-channel receiver. The second part of this work describes SAR processors for Sliding Spotlight mode

    Highly Resolved Synthetic Aperture Radar with Beam Steering

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einem hochauflösenden Radar mit synthetischer Apertur. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschreibt mögliche Auswirkungen verschiedener Effekte in dem Empfänger des High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR (HRWS SAR) Systems. Darüber hinaus wird ein Konzept zu Reduktion von Quantisierungsbits in Systemen mit mehreren Empfangskanälen untersucht. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit betrifft die Datenverarbeitung eines hochauflösenden SAR-Systems in Sliding Spotlight Mode

    First records of Sticta weigelii s.str. from Bolivia confirmed by molecular data

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    The first records of Sticta weigelii s.str. from Bolivia confirmed by molecular data are presented. The species is characterized by the presence of marginal isidia, which are darker than the thallus, usually cylindrical (not flattened), thin, dark brown to black lower tomentum and often partly yellow cyphellae. Previously, the presence of S. weigelii in Bolivia was based only on a morphological concept, encompassing various unrelated species, whereas the occurrence of S. weigelii s.str. was uncertain

    Parmelia barrenoae and P. pinnatifida, two lichen species new to some European countries and Turkey

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    The first records of Parmelia barrenoae from Hungary, Slovakia and Sweden and P. pinnatifida from Denmark, Estonia and Turkey are presented

    Biomass as the most popular renewable energy source in EU

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    Purpose: The aim of this research is to assess and discuss the diversity of European Union countries due to renewable energy production from biomass and changes over time. Design/Methodology/Approach: The diversity of EU countries was examined using the cluster analysis. Analysis was conducted based on data from Eurostat. The time scope covers the years 2007 and 2016. The analysis includes four diagnostic features; the share of solid biofuels in total biomass and renewable waste production, the share of biogas in total biomass and renewable waste production, the share of renewable municipal waste in total biomass and renewable waste production and the share of liquid biofuels in total biomass and renewable waste production. Findings: The analysis shows that the European Union countries are characterized by diversity in the use of individual biomass sources as an energy source. The countries of the central part of Europe mainly use biomass from municipal waste. A fairly large share was also recorded in the use of biogas and liquid biofuels. The countries of northern and partly eastern Europe mainly use solid biomass. In contrast, countries in partly Eastern and Western Europe mainly use solid and liquid biomass. Practical Implications: The results refer to the assumptions of energy policy. Originality/Value: The study is related to the EU current issues energy policy and circular economy. The results can be a contribution to the analysis of the circular economy implementation.peer-reviewe

    Moda na słowo – analiza językowo-komunikacyjna napisów na T-shirtach

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Additions to the biota of lichenicolous and lichenized fungi of Poland

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    Two lichenicolous fungi, Ceratobasidium bulbillifaciens and Sclerococcum phaeophysciae, and one lichen, Xanthoria aureola, are reported for the first time from Poland. For each species, the descriptions with notes on similar species, habitat preferences and general distribution are provided

    Harmonizacja prawa krajowego państw członkowskich UE a konieczność zmiany Konstytucji RP z 2 kwietnia 1997 r.

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    The subject of considerations in this study will be the issue of the consequences of introducing the provisions of the Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant into the legal order of the Republic of Poland, including the relationship of these provisions to the constitutional prohibition on the extradition of Polish citizens. In the opinion of the Criminal Law Codification Committee at the Minister of Justice, it follows that the implementation of framework decisions by a Member State is subject to the same rules and principles as the implementation of directives by a Member State. A Member State cannot justify the non-implementation of a directive by domestic law (including constitutional provisions). However, the issue of the effect of the framework decision is not directly related to the implementation (implementation) of that decision by a Member State, as it concerns the process of applying Community law by the courts of a Member State. The statement that the framework decision does not have direct effect is therefore irrelevant for the assessment of the compliance of the Polish provisions introducing the European arrest warrant with the provisions of the Polish Constitution. As a consequence, the issue of EAW implementation may be properly resolved by amending the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.The subject of considerations in this study will be the issue of the consequences of introducing the provisions of the Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant into the legal order of the Republic of Poland, including the relationship of these provisions to the constitutional prohibition on the extradition of Polish citizens. In the opinion of the Criminal Law Codification Committee at the Minister of Justice, it follows that the implementation of framework decisions by a Member State is subject to the same rules and principles as the implementation of directives by a Member State. A Member State cannot justify the non-implementation of a directive by domestic law (including constitutional provisions). However, the issue of the effect of the framework decision is not directly related to the implementation (implementation) of that decision by a Member State, as it concerns the process of applying Community law by the courts of a Member State. The statement that the framework decision does not have direct effect is therefore irrelevant for the assessment of the compliance of the Polish provisions introducing the European arrest warrant with the provisions of the Polish Constitution. As a consequence, the issue of EAW implementation may be properly resolved by amending the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego opracowania jest kwestia konsekwencji wprowadzenia do porządku prawnego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej przepisów decyzji ramowej w sprawie Europejskiego Nakazu Aresztowania, w tym relacji tych przepisów do konstytucyjnego zakazu ekstradycji obywateli polskich. W ocenie Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej Prawa Karnego przy Ministrze Sprawiedliwości wynika z tego, że implementacja decyzji ramowych przez państwo członkowskie podlega tym samym regułom i zasadom, co implementacja dyrektyw przez państwo członkowskie. Państwo członkowskie nie może usprawiedliwiać niewdrożenia dyrektywy prawem wewnętrznym (w tym przepisami konstytucyjnymi). Kwestia skutków decyzji ramowej nie jest jednak bezpośrednio związana z wdrożeniem (implementacją) tej decyzji przez państwo członkowskie, gdyż dotyczy procesu stosowania prawa unijnego przez sądy państwa członkowskiego. Stwierdzenie, że decyzja ramowa nie ma skutku bezpośredniego, nie ma zatem znaczenia dla oceny zgodności polskich przepisów wprowadzających Europejski Nakaz Aresztowania z przepisami Konstytucji RP. W konsekwencji kwestia implementacji ENA może być właściwie rozwiązana w drodze zmiany Konstytucji RP

    Fibronectin module FNIII9 adsorption at contrasting solid model surfaces studied by atomistic molecular dynamics

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    The mechanism of human fibronectin adhesion synergy region (known as integrin binding region) in repeat 9 (FNIII9) domain adsorption at pH 7 onto various and contrasting model surfaces has been studied using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. We use an ionic model to mimic mica surface charge density but without a long-range electric field above the surface, a silica model with a long-range electric field similar to that found experimentally, and an Au {111} model with no partial charges or electric field. A detailed description of the adsorption processes and the contrasts between the various model surfaces is provided. In the case of our model silica surface with a long-range electrostatic field, the adsorption is rapid and primarily driven by electrostatics. Because it is negatively charged (?1e), FN III9 readily adsorbs to a positively charged surface. However, due to its partial charge distribution, FNIII9 can also adsorb to the negatively charged mica model because of the absence of a long-range repulsive electric field. The protein dipole moment dictates its contrasting orientation at these surfaces, and the anchoring residues have opposite charges to the surface. Adsorption on the model Au {111} surface is possible, but less specific, and various protein regions might be involved in the interactions with the surface. Despite strongly influencing the protein mobility, adsorption at these model surfaces does not require wholesale FNIII9 conformational changes, which suggests that the biological activity of the adsorbed protein might be preserved

    The civilization-related phenotypes of abnormal fatty tissue distribution: visceral obesity and sarcopoenic obesity

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    Obesity is a well-known risk factor of abnormal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, arterial hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. This risk increases with abnormal fat distribution with excessive fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity, liver, pancreas, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and muscles. In this review we present pathogenesis, diagnostic challenges and metabolic consequences of visceral and sarcopoenic obesity — the new phenotypes of fat distribution in human evolution.Obesity is a well-known risk factor of abnormal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, arterial hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. This risk increases with abnormal fat distribution with excessive fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity, liver, pancreas, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and muscles. In this review we present pathogenesis, diagnostic challenges and metabolic consequences of visceral and sarcopoenic obesity — the new phenotypes of fat distribution in human evolution