29 research outputs found

    Submodular relaxation for inference in Markov random fields

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    In this paper we address the problem of finding the most probable state of a discrete Markov random field (MRF), also known as the MRF energy minimization problem. The task is known to be NP-hard in general and its practical importance motivates numerous approximate algorithms. We propose a submodular relaxation approach (SMR) based on a Lagrangian relaxation of the initial problem. Unlike the dual decomposition approach of Komodakis et al., 2011 SMR does not decompose the graph structure of the initial problem but constructs a submodular energy that is minimized within the Lagrangian relaxation. Our approach is applicable to both pairwise and high-order MRFs and allows to take into account global potentials of certain types. We study theoretical properties of the proposed approach and evaluate it experimentally.Comment: This paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Context-aware CNNs for person head detection

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    Person detection is a key problem for many computer vision tasks. While face detection has reached maturity, detecting people under a full variation of camera view-points, human poses, lighting conditions and occlusions is still a difficult challenge. In this work we focus on detecting human heads in natural scenes. Starting from the recent local R-CNN object detector, we extend it with two types of contextual cues. First, we leverage person-scene relations and propose a Global CNN model trained to predict positions and scales of heads directly from the full image. Second, we explicitly model pairwise relations among objects and train a Pairwise CNN model using a structured-output surrogate loss. The Local, Global and Pairwise models are combined into a joint CNN framework. To train and test our full model, we introduce a large dataset composed of 369,846 human heads annotated in 224,740 movie frames. We evaluate our method and demonstrate improvements of person head detection against several recent baselines in three datasets. We also show improvements of the detection speed provided by our model.Comment: To appear in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 201

    Breaking Sticks and Ambiguities with Adaptive Skip-gram

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    Recently proposed Skip-gram model is a powerful method for learning high-dimensional word representations that capture rich semantic relationships between words. However, Skip-gram as well as most prior work on learning word representations does not take into account word ambiguity and maintain only single representation per word. Although a number of Skip-gram modifications were proposed to overcome this limitation and learn multi-prototype word representations, they either require a known number of word meanings or learn them using greedy heuristic approaches. In this paper we propose the Adaptive Skip-gram model which is a nonparametric Bayesian extension of Skip-gram capable to automatically learn the required number of representations for all words at desired semantic resolution. We derive efficient online variational learning algorithm for the model and empirically demonstrate its efficiency on word-sense induction task

    Tensorizing Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks currently demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in several domains. At the same time, models of this class are very demanding in terms of computational resources. In particular, a large amount of memory is required by commonly used fully-connected layers, making it hard to use the models on low-end devices and stopping the further increase of the model size. In this paper we convert the dense weight matrices of the fully-connected layers to the Tensor Train format such that the number of parameters is reduced by a huge factor and at the same time the expressive power of the layer is preserved. In particular, for the Very Deep VGG networks we report the compression factor of the dense weight matrix of a fully-connected layer up to 200000 times leading to the compression factor of the whole network up to 7 times

    Tube-CNN: Modeling temporal evolution of appearance for object detection in video

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    Object detection in video is crucial for many applications. Compared to images, video provides additional cues which can help to disambiguate the detection problem. Our goal in this paper is to learn discriminative models for the temporal evolution of object appearance and to use such models for object detection. To model temporal evolution, we introduce space-time tubes corresponding to temporal sequences of bounding boxes. We propose two CNN architectures for generating and classifying tubes, respectively. Our tube proposal network (TPN) first generates a large number of spatio-temporal tube proposals maximizing object recall. The Tube-CNN then implements a tube-level object detector in the video. Our method improves state of the art on two large-scale datasets for object detection in video: HollywoodHeads and ImageNet VID. Tube models show particular advantages in difficult dynamic scenes.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, technical repor

    Modeling Spatio-Temporal Human Track Structure for Action Localization

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    This paper addresses spatio-temporal localization of human actions in video. In order to localize actions in time, we propose a recurrent localization network (RecLNet) designed to model the temporal structure of actions on the level of person tracks. Our model is trained to simultaneously recognize and localize action classes in time and is based on two layer gated recurrent units (GRU) applied separately to two streams, i.e. appearance and optical flow streams. When used together with state-of-the-art person detection and tracking, our model is shown to improve substantially spatio-temporal action localization in videos. The gain is shown to be mainly due to improved temporal localization. We evaluate our method on two recent datasets for spatio-temporal action localization, UCF101-24 and DALY, demonstrating a significant improvement of the state of the art