148 research outputs found

    A large field CCD system for quantitative imaging of microarrays

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    We describe a charge-coupled device (CCD) imaging system for microarrays capable of acquiring quantitative, high dynamic range images of very large fields. Illumination is supplied by an arc lamp, and filters are used to define excitation and emission bands. The system is linear down to fluorochrome densities ≪1 molecule/µm(2). The ratios of the illumination intensity distributions for all excitation wavelengths have a maximum deviation ∼±4% over the object field, so that images can be analyzed without computational corrections for the illumination pattern unless higher accuracy is desired. Custom designed detection optics produce achromatic images of the spectral region from ∼ 450 to ∼750 nm. Acquisition of a series of images of multiple fluorochromes from multiple arrays occurs under computer control. The version of the system described in detail provides images of 20 mm square areas using a 27 mm square, 2K × 2K pixel, cooled CCD chip with a well depth of ∼10(5) electrons, and provides ratio measurements accurate to a few percent over a dynamic range in intensity >1000. Resolution referred to the sample is 10 µm, sufficient for obtaining quantitative multicolor images from >30 000 array elements in an 18 mm × 18 mm square

    Separation of the magnetic phases at the N\'{e}el point in the diluted spin-Peierls magnet CuGeO3

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    The impurity induced antiferromagnetic ordering of the doped spin-Peierls magnet Cu(1-x)Mg(x)GeO(3) was studied by ESR technique. Crystals with the Mg concentration x<4% demonstrate a coexistence of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic ESR modes. This coexistence indicates the separation of a macroscopically uniform sample in the paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases. In the presence of the long-range spin-Peierls order (in a sample with x=1.71%) the volume of the antiferromagnetic phase immediately below the N\'{e}el point T_N is much smaller than the volume of the paramagnetic phase. In the presence of the short-range spin-Peierls order (in samples with x=2.88%, x= 3.2%) there are comparable volumes of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases at T=T_N. The fraction of the antiferromagnetic phase increases with lowering temperature. In the absence of the spin-Peierls dimerization (at x=4.57%)the whole sample exhibits the transition into the antiferromagnetic state and there is no phase separation. The phase separation is explained by the consideration of clusters of staggered magnetization located near impurity atoms. In this model the areas occupied by coherently correlated spins expand with decreasing temperature and the percolation of the ordered area through a macroscopic distance occurs.Comment: 7pages, 10 figure

    The first-order phase transition between dimerized-antiferromagnetic and uniform-antiferromagnetic phases in Cu_(1-x)M_xGeO_3

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    We have performed detailed magnetic susceptibility measurements as well as synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies to determine the temperature vs concentration (TT - xx) phase diagram of Cu1−x{}_{1-x}Mgx{}_xGeO3{}_3. We observe clear double peaks in the magnetic susceptibility implying two antiferromagnetic (AF) transition temperatures in samples with Mg concentrations in the range 0.0237 ≤x≤\le x \le 0.0271. We also observe a drastic change in the inverse correlation length in this concentration range by x-ray diffraction. The drastic change of the AF transition temperature as well as the disappearance of the spin-Peierls (SP) phase have been clarified; these results are consistent with a first-order phase transition between dimerized AF (D-AF) and uniform AF (U-AF) phases as reported by T. Masuda {\it et al.} \lbrack Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 80}, 4566 (1998)\rbrack. The TT - xx phase diagram of Cu1−x{}_{1-x}Znx{}_xGeO3{}_3 is similar to that of Cu1−x{}_{1-x}Mgx{}_xGeO3{}_3, which suggests that the present phase transition is universal for Cu1−xMx{}_{1-x}M_{x}GeO3{}_3.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. submitted to PR

    Reentrant Spin-Peierls Transition in Mg-Doped CuGeO_3

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    We report a synchrotron x-ray scattering study of the diluted spin-Peierls (SP) material Cu_{1-x}Mg_xGeO_3. In a recent paper we have shown that the SP dimerization attains long-range order only for x < x_c = 0.022(0.001). Here we report that the SP transition is reentrant in the vicinity of the critical concentration x_c. This is manifested by broadening of the SP dimerization superlattice peaks below the reentrance temperature, T_r, which may mean either the complete loss of the long-range SP order or the development of a short-range ordered component within the long-range ordered SP state. Marked hysteresis and very large relaxation times are found in the samples with Mg concentrations in the vicinity of x_c. The reentrant transition is likely related to the competing Neel transition which occurs at a temperature similar to T_r. We argue that impurity-induced competing interchain interactions play an essential role in these phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, 4 embedded eps figure

    Interaction of a Magnetic Impurity with Strongly Correlated Conduction Electrons

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    We consider a magnetic impurity which interacts by hybridization with a system of strongly correlated conduction electrons. The latter are described by a Hubbard Hamiltonian. By means of a canconical transformation the charge degrees of freedom of the magnetic impurity are eliminated. The resulting effective Hamiltonian HeffH_{\rm eff} is investigated and various limiting cases are considered. If the Hubbard interaction UU between the conduction electrons is neglected HeffH_{\rm eff} reduces to a form obtained by the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation, which is essentially the Kondo Hamiltonian. If UU is large and the correlations are strong HeffH_{\rm eff} is changed. One modification concerns the coefficient of the dominant exchange coupling of the magnetic impurity with the nearest lattice site. When the system is hole doped, there is also an antiferromagnetic coupling to the nearest neighbors of that site involving additionally a hole. Furthermore, it is found that the magnetic impurity attracts a hole. In the case of electron doping, double occupancies are repelled by the impurity. In contrast to the hole-doped case, we find no magnetic coupling which additionally involves a doubly occupied site.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex 3.

    Structural Critical Scattering Study of Mg-Doped CuGeO3

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    We report a synchrotron x-ray scattering study of the diluted spin-Peierls (SP) material Cu_(1-x)Mg_xGeO_3. We find that for x>0 the temperature T_m at which the spin gap is established is significantly higher than the temperature T_s at which the SP dimerization attains long-range order. The latter is observed only for xx_c the SP correlation length quickly decreases with increasing x. We argue that impurity-induced competing interactions play a central role in these phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, 4 embedded eps figures, to appear in PR

    Phenomenological model of elastic distortions near the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO3CuGeO_3

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    A phenomenological model of the Landau type forms the basis for a study of elastic distortions near the spin-Peierls transition TcT_c in CuGeO3CuGeO_3. The atomic displacements proposed by Hirota {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 73}, 736 (1994)] are accounted for by the model which includes linear coupling between CuCu and OO distortions. CuCu displacements are seen to be responsible for anomalies in the elastic properties {\it at} TcT_c, whereas incipient OO distortions give rise to temperature dependence below TcT_c. A discussion of possible critical behavior is also made.Comment: 1 figure available upon reques

    Spinless impurities in high Tc cuprates: Kondo-like behavior

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    We compare the effects of in-plane non magnetic Li+^{+} and Zn2+^{2+} impurities on the normal state of high-Tc_{c} cuprates. Y NMR shows that the extra hole introduced by Li is not localized in its vicinity. The Tc depression and induced moments on near neighbour Cu sites of Zn or Li are found identical. These universal effects of spinless impurities establish the major influence of the spin perturbation with respect to the charge defect. The susceptibility of the induced moment measured by Li NMR displays a 1/(T+Theta) behavior. Theta increases with doping up to about 200 K in the overdoped regime. We attribute this to a "Kondo like" effect.Comment: To appear in Phys.Rev.Lett. (22 nov. 99) Minor modifications compared to previous version. 8 pages (4 pages for text + 4 figures

    Phenomenological model for the remanent magnetization of dilute quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets

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    We present a phenomenological model for the remanent magnetization at low temperatures in the quasi-one-dimensional dilute antiferromagnets CH_{3}NH_{3}Mn_{1-x}Cd_{x} Cl_{3}\cdot 2H_{2}O and (CH_{3})_{2}NH_{2}Mn_{1-x}Cd_{x}Cl_{3}\cdot 2H_{2}O. The model assumes the existence of uncompensated magnetic moments induced in the odd-sized segments generated along the Mn(^{2+}) chains upon dilution. These moments are further assumed to correlate ferromagnetically after removal of a cooling field. Using a (mean-field) linear-chain approximation and reasonable set of model parameters, we are able to reproduce the approximate linear temperature dependence observed for the remanent magnetization in the real compounds.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; final version to appear in Physical Review

    Thermal conductivity and specific heat of the linear chain cuprate Sr2_{2}CuO3_{3}: Evidence for thermal transport via spinons

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    We report measurements of the specific heat and the thermal conductivity of the model Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain cuprate Sr2_{2}CuO3_{3} at low temperatures. In addition to a nearly isotropic phonon heat transport, we find a quasi one-dimensional excess thermal conductivity along the chain direction, most likely associated with spin excitations (spinons). The spinon energy current is limited mainly by scattering on defects and phonons. Analyzing the specific heat data, the intrachain magnetic exchange J/kBJ/k_{B} is estimated to be 2650 K.Comment: 4 RevTeX pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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