4 research outputs found

    Effect of Examination Malpractice on Nigeria Graduate Productivity in the Labour Market Crew

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    Education as the bedrock of development and one of the fundamental factors determining sustainable economic development has been faced with a lot of challenges; most especially examination malpractice the paper examined the effect of examination malpractice conceptually by reviewing the related literature. Based on the literature reviewed, the paper concluded that there is a gap between the certificates obtained by graduates and their productivity at the labour market due to the various examination malpractice perpetuated by them when they were in school. The paper recommended that Examination malpractice should be discouraged in its entirety. The government, the citizens, the teachers/trainers, the students/trainees, the family and the school, employers and employees, must take this as a critical assignment that must be done.   Keywords: Education, Examination Malpractice, Labour Market, Challenges, Development

    Unethical Behavior by Professional Accountant in an Organization

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    The continuing influence and impact which personal and professional ethics exerts upon individuals, organizations and society, and the factors which influence organizational ethics, has been thrust into the headlines of the American populous. The ethical issues faced daily by organizations and their employees are neither always straightforward nor easy to resolve. Results of unethical behaviour by accounting/audit professionals, and the impact of ethics upon organizations, is a topic of growing concern in corporate board rooms around the world. This paper will examine the timely and important ethics and its relevance and importance to overall corporate wellbeing. In particular, what factors influence the likelihood that an individual will act ethically or less than ethical, and what this means to management, the organization, and internal controls in general. This paper is designed to help educate people on unethical accounting practices, why they occur, and how we as a nation can promote ethical behaviour

    Analysis of the Impact of Interest Rate on the Net Assets of Multinational Business in Nigeria

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    This study investigate the effect of macroeconomic variables on net assets of multinational companies operating in Nigeria with the aim of identifying how level of interest rate affect the net assets of these companies. Increased integration and growing macroeconomics fluctuations requires more attention to be paid to link between the noise that these fluctuations represent and the companies own development. For many reasons, management of these companies must weed out the effects of the noise so as to obtain a clear picture of long term sustainable profits, and thus a picture of how the company's intrinsic competitiveness is fostered. An understanding of the effect of the fluctuations also provides the basis for risk assessment. The net assets of multinational companies in Nigeria are affected either positively or negatively by a number of factors occurring within or without the economic system. This study examines the impact of interest rate (INT) on net assets of multinational companies to Nigeria from 1994 to 2010. net assets were represented by Net Assets Value Index in the model which is NAVI = ao + a1 INT + U. A regression model was designed to test the relationship between the net assets and interest rate as a macroeconomic factor. The regression analysis slowed that a reduction in interest rate results in increase net assets.  Government should therefore implement policies that will reduce interest rate and improve standard of living of its citizens through the encouragement of investment and enhance transactions in multinational companies business

    Technical and Vocational Education: Key to Poverty Alleviation in the Third World with Particular Reference to Nigeria

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    Education is considered to be the key to effective development strategies, technical and vocational education is the master key that can alleviate poverty, promote peace, conserve the environment, improve the quality of life for all and help achieve sustainable development. This study sets out to examine the potency of technical and vocational education as a key for poverty alleviation. The concept and the scope of technical and vocational education was discussed as well as the causes of poverty and its alleviation through technical and vocational education. It was concluded that no meaningful poverty alleviation can be achieved by any nation without effective and efficient technical and vocational education programmes. It was therefore recommended that there should be emphasis on the practical aspect of vocational education so as to enhance the production of productive members of the nation's labour force who will be self-reliant or employable in an industry or company. The man power needs of technical and vocational schools should be met by employing people who have the basic human capacity, and knowledge of vocational courses. Proper funding of technical and vocational education by the government, nongovernmental organizations, private individuals and the society should be provided. Keywords: Sustainable Development, Poverty Alleviation, Self-reliant, Technical Education and Vocational Education