44 research outputs found

    A Survey of Movement Assessment by Pupils Utilizing Video Resources in Primary School Physical Education Classes

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the current situation of movement assessment by pupils in order to determine effective utilization methods of video resources in physical education classes. We examined what pupils focus on and what criteria they employ when assessing movement from video images. The results follow: 1) Pupils assessed movement based on knowledge concerning technical points taught in class; however, there were some different viewpoints in the assessment criteria, although assessment viewpoints were shared among pupils. 2) Many pupils in the group, for which viewpoints of movement assessment were not set, assessed technical points not taught in class. These results suggest that it is important to not only show assessment viewpoints but also share assessment criteria for pupils’ observation activities in physical education classes. Additionally, the findings suggest that because pupils performed their assessments based on knowledge learned outside class, teachers need to proceed with teaching while checking the basis for pupils’ assessments

    Content analysis of motion descriptions : Focusing on the relationship between motion information and acquisition of motor skills on the gymnastics in physical education lessons

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    This research clarifies the relationship between the motion information provided by elementary school students and their acquisition of motor skills in physical education lessons. Elementary school second graders were asked to describe in writing the skills they observed in a video on the gymnastics that they were show before and after the physical education lessons. We then compared the contents of the written observations of two groups of graders: one that developed motor skills and one that failed to develop motor skills after the lessons. An analysis of their written descriptions revealed the following: (1) A combination of pair practice and evaluation criteria, adopted by the teacher to help students recognize the development of their motor skills, made them focus attention after the lessons on the motions they had difficulty observing before the lessons. (2) The group that developed motor skills after the lessons gave more descriptions of core skill aspects, while the group that failed to develop motor skills after the lessons did not show any difference in their descriptions of skill aspects before and after the lessons

    A study of life history on the professional development of teaching: part 5: Focusing on teaching style in physical education of an elementary school teacher C

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    This study aims to clarify the process of formation and transformation of ‘teaching style’ in physical education of Elementary School Teacher C as the second study of a life history on the professional development of Teacher C’s teaching. The results are summarized as following points. 1. Teacher C formed his teaching style into mastery leaning for the accomplishment of the exercise skill through utilizing formative assessment. 2. Teacher C transformed his teaching style into supporting pupils’ learning for the accomplishment of the exercise skill through continuous cultivation of their motor sensation

    A Study of Life History on the Professional Development of Teaching: Focusing on Teaching in Physical Education of A Junior High School Teacher B

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    This study aims to clarify what factors made and transformed ‘teaching style’ in physical education of Junior High School Teacher B through interpreting a life history of Teacher B. The results are summarized as following points. 1. The ‘teaching style’ of Teacher B on physical education in the I period (1989.4-1997.3) was made by factors of ‘belief as a teacher’ and ‘reflection on his teaching based on chances of professional development and resources left by predecessor and books’. 2. The ‘teaching style’ of Teacher B in the III period (2005.4-2017.3) was transformed by factors of ‘meeting with Mr. E and Mr. F belonging to C Attached Junior High School Q’ and ‘learning of the theory of physical education’.本研究は,JSPS科研費JP15K12632の助成を受けたものです

    Development of video tests for elementary school physical education to assess pupil’s ability to think and judge: Utilization of simultaneously reproduced four-split screen videos

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    This study is a follow-up report of a study by Osedo et al. (2018), wherein a video test in which pupils “think and judge” based on the knowledge gained in physical education classes was developed. In this study, we developed a new video test that simultaneously reproduces video images with two technical differences on a four-split screen. We then administered a survey to third grade students to examine whether there were any differences in their viewpoints when observing the video. The results from an analysis of the data suggest that if a teacher wants his or her students to “think and judge” based on the observation of physical exercise from several viewpoints, a four-split screen video acts as a teaching material that requires more comprehensive “thinking and judging” as compared to Osedo et al.’s (2018) test. However, because of the increase in the number of video images, students may have developed dispersed observation viewpoints; therefore, a further examination of developmentally appropriate utilization methods is necessary.本研究は,日本学術振興会科研費の助成(16K01619)を受けたものです

    A Study of Life History on the Professional Development of Teaching: Part 4: Focusing on teaching in physical education of an elementary school teacher C

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    This study aims to clarify the experiences that helped Elementary School Teacher C hold his belief of teaching in physical education as an elementary school teacher for 19 years. The following points summarizes the findings. First, after starting on the new post of an elementary school physical education specialist at K University Attached Elementary School in April 1998, Mr. C formed a view on physical education that the aim of physical education was the acquisition of exercise skill, not the competitive advantage which the acquisition of exercise skill provided. At the same time, Mr. C, following his views on physical education teaching, devised teaching materials and guided his students to achieve the targets he set for them. Second, Mr. C was affected by exercise instruction and the views of Mr. Motohiro Yamauchi on pupil, which transformed his views on physical education. Mr. C started providing students time for basic movement as warm-up exercise and gave them chances to push themselves. This transformation resulted with him noticing that the role of the classroom teacher included understanding the sensitive side of students and thinking of ways to observe and understand the exercise by classroom children through an understanding of exercise by his own children, in addition to the interchange through lesson study with Mr. Motohiro Yamauchi

    Practicing active learning teacher training to develop “Teachers as Continuous Learners”: A study on the case of self-paticipation training

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    The purpose of this study is to examine a case study of an active learning teacher training program that has been tried and tested with the aim of fostering “Teachers as Continueous Learners”, and to identify what is the important elements for the development of “Teachers as Continueous Learners”. The results of the Case 1, the voluntary training group scored significantly higher than the general group on "training approach," "emotional engagement," "behavioral engagement," and "learning bridging,". In Case 2, all of the participants in the training showed high motivation to participate in the next training. Categorical analysis of the reasons for their participation revealed the following categories: "Deepening of learning," "Significance of interaction," "Understanding of concrete conditions," "Empowerment," and "Recognition of the importance of AL externalization. Although the participants' motivation was expected to be high in the two workshops, it was suggested that the participants' satisfaction with the training and their willingness to participate in the next workshop may be enhanced by the fact that they were encouraged to interact with each other in small groups about specific instructions and to externalize AL and LB

    Development of Materials for “Goal” Games Focused on “Movement without a Ball (Tactical Movement)”: Practical Study Conducted in the Classes of Middle and High Grades of an Elementary School and a Middle School

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    本研究は「ゴール型」ゲームの「ボールを持たない動き(戦術的な動き)」を中心的な学習課題として設定した教材の開発を目的としている。その教材として,ハンドボールを選択し,小学校中学年から中学校までの発達段階に応じた「つけたい力」を明確にして実践を行い,検討を行った。本研究により,「ボールを持たないときの動き」を子どもたちが思考し,実際にその動きを獲得するためには,ゴール前の空間をいかに攻めるかが課題となった。つまり,その空間にボール非保持者がどのように走りこむのか,走りこむための空間をどのようにうみ出すのかが,どの学年でも共通の課題となり学習を進めることになった。これは,ハンドボールという教材が,ゴールエリアラインよりゴール側は攻撃も守備もはいることができない空間があったからだと考える。したがって,本教材は,「ボールを持たないときの動き」を学習していく「ゴール型」ゲームの教材として有効であったと考察した。The purpose of this study was to develop materials focused on the learning task of “movement without a ball (tactical movement)” in “goal” games. The students practiced handball in a class with the clear purpose of acquiring the “targeted skills” appropriate to their developmental stages. We examined how to practice to achieve this goal. The students considered the “movement without a ball,” finding it difficult to run into the space facing the goal, and deliberated how to create that space. This was a common challenge across grades that facilitated their learning. This active learning was thought to be caused by the fact that there was a space in front of the goal in the handball court wherein neither the offence nor the defense could run. Therefore, we concluded that handball was effective as material that focuses on “movement without a ball.