24 research outputs found

    Model-Based Tool Qualification The Roadmap of Eclipse towards Tool Qualification

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    Abstract. In this paper we describe the model-based approach to tool qualification starting from the process model for the determination of the qualification need until the model for test and qualification. The model-based approach can automate many steps from checking the syntactical requirements completeness until the determination whether all requirements have been implemented and successfully tested. Many required documents like the "Tool Requirements Specification" or "Tool Test Specification" can be generated from the model. The model-based approach has been shown to fulfill all requirements from the DO-330 standard which describes tool qualification for avionic, automotive and other industries. Therefore the Eclipse Foundation has chosen this standard and proposed a roadmap to provide support for the development of qualifiable Eclipse-based tools. This paper describes the model-based approach and the roadmap of Eclipse to support this process

    Higher Order Quotients and their Implementation in Isabelle HOL

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    . This paper describes the concept of higher order quotients and an implementation in Isabelle. Higher order quotients are a generalization of quotients. They use partial equivalence relations (PERs) instead of equivalence relations to group together different elements. This makes them applicable to arbitrary function spaces. Higher order quotients are conservatively implemented in the Isabelle logic HOL with a type constructor and a type class for PERs. Ordinary quotients are a special case of higher order quotients. An example shows how they can be used in Isabelle. 1 Introduction Quotients are used in mathematics to group together different elements. This is done by defining an equivalence relation relating different elements. The quotient is a structure (type) consisting of groups (sets) of equivalent elements, called equivalence classes. Equivalent elements are in the same equivalence class. In formal system and software engineering quotients are used in many ways. For e..

    Implementing the Change of Data Structures with SPECTRUM in the Framework of KORSO Development Graphs

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    Data structures are algebraically specified with abstract data types in the specification language Spectrum. Structures of specifications are depicted in the Development-Graphs like in the BMFT-Project: KorSo. These graphs contain refinement relations, which have to be proved. In this paper a general method for changing data structures is demonstrated on the example of sets and sequences. The focus lays on proving the involved refinement relations with the theorem prover Isabelle. A simple method is given to support such proofs

    Refinements in HOLCF: Implementation of Interactive Systems

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    In this thesis refinement relations for the logic HOLCF are defined. We compare refinement relations defined by theory interpretations and by model inclusion. We use these refinements to implement abstract data types (ADTs) with LCF domains and continuous functions. Therefore, the implementation of ADTs maybeapplied to the implementation of interactive and distributed systems specified in HOLCF. The implementation o

    The Quest for Correct Systems: Model Checking of Diagrams and Datatypes

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    Abstract For the practical development of provably correct soft-ware for embedded systems the close integration of CASE tools and verification tools is required. This paper de-scribes the combination of the CASE tool AutoFocus with the model checker SMV. AutoFocus provides graphical de-scription techniques for system structure and behavior. In AutoFocus, data types are specified in a functional style,while SMV supports only primitive data types. Hence, a data type translation based on the techniques used in com-piling functional programming languages is a major part in the mapping from AutoFocus to SMV. 1

    Enriching the Software Development Process by Formal Methods

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    . We describe a software development process designed for an integration and usage of formal methods into practical software process models in a scalable way. Our process model is an extension of the Vmodel, and allows the specification of critical components and the verification of crucial development steps. For different development stages we suggest user-oriented description techniques, based on a common formal semantic. Furthermore we outline methods for the verification of critical development steps. We illustrate our process by developing a small example with some critical aspects. 1 Introduction The development of software systems is a difficult and error prone task. This is certainly true if systems get very large and complex. However, this may even be true in cases where small to medium size programs have to be developed that are based on complex algorithms, data structures, or patterns of interaction. Today software development in practice is almost always done in ..