16 research outputs found

    Motile bacteria leverage bioconvection for eco-physiological benefits in a natural aquatic environment

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    IntroductionBioconvection, a phenomenon characterized by the collective upward swimming of motile microorganisms, has mainly been investigated within controlled laboratory settings, leaving a knowledge gap regarding its ecological implications in natural aquatic environments. This study aims to address this question by investigating the influence of bioconvection on the eco-physiology of the anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria community of meromictic Lake Cadagno.MethodsHere we comprehensively explore its effects by comparing the physicochemical profiles of the water column and the physiological traits of the main populations of the bacterial layer (BL). The search for eco-physiological effects of bioconvection involved a comparative analysis between two time points during the warm season, one featuring bioconvection (July) and the other without it (September).ResultsA prominent distinction in the physicochemical profiles of the water column centers on light availability, which is significantly higher in July. This minimum threshold of light intensity is essential for sustaining the physiological CO2 fixation activity of Chromatium okenii, the microorganism responsible for bioconvection. Furthermore, the turbulence generated by bioconvection redistributes sulfides to the upper region of the BL and displaces other microorganisms from their optimal ecological niches.ConclusionThe findings underscore the influence of bioconvection on the physiology of C. okenii and demonstrate its functional role in improving its metabolic advantage over coexisting phototrophic sulfur bacteria. However, additional research is necessary to confirm these results and to unravel the multiscale processes activated by C. okenii’s motility mechanisms

    Seasonality modulates wind-driven mixing pathways in a large lake

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    Turbulent mixing controls the vertical transfer of heat, gases and nutrients in stratified water bodies, shaping their response to environmental forcing. Nevertheless, due to technical limitations, the redistribution of wind-derived energy fuelling turbulence within stratified lakes has only been mapped over short (sub-annual) timescales. Here we present a year-round observational record of energy fluxes in the large Lake Geneva. Contrary to the standing view, we show that the benthic layers are the main locus for turbulent mixing only during winter. Instead, most turbulent mixing occurs in the water-column interior during the stratified summer season, when the co-occurrence of thermal stability and lighter winds weakens near-sediment currents. Since stratified conditions are becoming more prevalent –possibly reducing turbulent fluxes in deep benthic environments–, these results contribute to the ongoing efforts to anticipate the effects of climate change on freshwater quality and ecosystem services in large lakes

    Chromium Cycling in Redox‐Stratified Basins Challenges ή <sup>53</sup> Cr Paleoredox Proxy Applications

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    Chromium stable isotope composition (ÎŽ53Cr) is a promising tracer for redox conditions throughout Earth's history; however, the geochemical controls of ÎŽ53Cr have not been assessed in modern redox-stratified basins. We present new chromium (Cr) concentration and ÎŽ53Cr data in dissolved, sinking particulate, and sediment samples from the redox-stratified Lake Cadagno (Switzerland), a modern Proterozoic ocean analog. These data demonstrate isotope fractionation during incomplete (non-quantitative) reduction and removal of Cr above the chemocline, driving isotopically light Cr accumulation in euxinic deep waters. Sediment authigenic Cr is isotopically distinct from overlying waters but comparable to average continental crust. New and published data from other redox-stratified basins show analogous patterns. This challenges assumptions from ÎŽ53Cr paleoredox applications that quantitative Cr reduction and removal limits isotope fractionation. Instead, fractionation from non-quantitative Cr removal leads to sedimentary records offset from overlying waters and not reflecting high ÎŽ53Cr from oxidative continental weathering.ISSN:0094-8276ISSN:1944-800

    Hydrodynamics of a periodically wind‑forced small and narrow stratified basin: a large‑eddy simulation experiment

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    We report novel results of a numerical experiment designed for examining the basin-scale hydrodynamics that control the mass, momentum, and energy distribution in a daily wind-forced, small thermally-stratified basin. For this purpose, the 3-D Boussinesq equations of motion were numerically solved using large-eddy simulation (LES) in a simplified (trapezoidal) stratified basin to compute the flow driven by a periodic wind shear stress working at the free surface along the principal axis. The domain and flow parameters of the LES experiment were chosen based on the conditions observed during summer in Lake Alpnach, Switzerland. We examine the diurnal circulation once the flow becomes quasi-periodic. First, the LES results show good agreement with available observations of internal seiching, boundary layer currents, vertical distribution of kinetic energy dissipation and effective diffusivity. Second, we investigated the wind-driven baroclinic cross-shore exchange. Results reveal that a near-resonant regime, arising from the coupling of the periodic wind-forcing (T=24 h) and the V2H1 basin-scale internal seiche (TV2H1≈24 h), leads to an active cross-shore circulation that can fully renew near-bottom waters at diurnal scale. Finally, we estimated the bulk mixing efficiency, Γ, of relevant zones, finding high spatial variability both for the turbulence intensity and the rate of mixing (10−3≀Γ≀10−1). In particular, significant temporal variability along the slopes of the basin was controlled by the periodic along-slope currents resulting from the V2H1 internal seiche

    Mixing processes and their ecological implications: From vertical to lateral variability in stratified lakes

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    The physical environment of natural waters influences biogeochemical processes to generate specific ecological niches, promoting biophysical interactions. Bacteria and phytoplankton communities can form spatial structures, such as layers and patches. The physical characteristics of these structures in lakes, particularly their vertical and horizontal variability are the focus of this PhD thesis. Using temperature microstructure measurements, we aim to characterize turbulent mixing within biological formations and their surroundings in lakes. We start in Lake Cadagno, where unusual bio-convectively-driven mixing takes place. Then we move to Lake Zurich where a thin layer of cyanobacteria persists throughout the stratified season. Finally, we study the thermocline of Lake Geneva, a large and more energetic system, where basin-scale processes are expected to induce lateral variability of algae. While the first two interactions concern vertical structures, we use an autonomous underwater glider, equipped with a turbulence package, to explore lateral variability in this large lake. Bioconvection observed in Lake Cadagno offered a unique environment to analyze the role of microorganism in shaping the water column they inhabit. Within the stratified water column, a highly concentrated layer of heavy, motile and photoautotrophic sulfur bacteria Chromatium okenii migrates upward to form a subsurface convective mixed layer. Field measurements revealed that the mixed layer persists throughout the diel cycle, maintaining a virtually unchanged structure. Direct estimates of turbulent diffusion indicate that without active convective turbulence, the mixed layer would be smoothed in Ăą2.5 hours. As this time-scale is much shorter than a night and in principle C. okenii need light, the nighttime mixed layer is not expected. Using intensive and high-resolution measurements throughout two diel cycles, we provide proof that bioconvection occurs also at night and is responsible for the mixed layer persistence. The second interaction was the thin layer of cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens forming every spring in the thermocline of Lake Zurich. In this zone, our measurements revealed only tiny overturns, resulting in negligible vertical exchange. This strong stratification inhibits mixing and provides a remarkably stable environment for the P. rubescens thin layer, explaining its persistence. Finally, in Lake Geneva, we first concentrated efforts in the validation of glider-based turbulence estimations, possibly the first of their kind in a large-lake. Although weak turbulence and strong stratification hinder the applicability of state of the art procedures, we demonstrate that our measurements capture the expected variance and spectral shape. We explore the data from repeated transects to assess lateral variability of chlorophyll-a patches. This thesis documents in an exemplary way how vertical turbulent processes interact with bacteria and phytoplankton layers in lakes. Regarding lateral variability, the results presented are a first step for future in-situ studies of phytoplankton patches affected by turbulence and transport processes

    Persistence of bioconvection-induced mixed layers in a stratified lake

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    In situ observations of biophysical interactions in natural waters typically focus on physical mechanisms influencing biological activity. Yet, biological activity can also drive physical processes in aquatic environments. A community of photoautotrophic, motile and heavy bacteria—Chromatium okenii, which requires light, sulfide, and anoxic conditions to perform anoxygenic photosynthesis, accumulates below the chemocline of the meromictic Lake Cadagno (Switzerland). Upward vertical migration drives bioconvection, which modifies the physical environment of the bacteria-populated water to create a deep and homogeneous mixed layer of up to 1 m thickness. Continuous convection within the mixed layer and diapycnal diffusivity from its adjacent stratified surroundings determine ecologically relevant gradients. The daytime vertical migration that induce convective instabilities is well-established. It consists in bacteria swimming upward towards light and accumulating at the upper part of the anoxic layer, leading to a locally-unstable density excess. However, nocturnal activity has not yet been analyzed. An intensive 48-h survey was conducted in August 2018 using standard and microstructure profilers, as well as a moored high-resolution current meter coupled with temperature and turbidity sensors deployed across the mixed layer depth. This survey revealed a persistent mixed layer also during nighttime hours. Using a mixed layer shape model, vertical velocity observations and turbulent dissipation estimates, we conclude that photoautotrophic bacteria continue their vertical migration at night. This nocturnal activity thereby drives “dark bioconvection” and maintains the subsurface mixed bacterial layer in Lake Cadagno throughout the diel cycle

    Inhibited vertical mixing and seasonal persistence of a thin cyanobacterial layer in a stratified lake

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    Harmful blooms of the filamentous cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens have become common in many lakes as they have recovered from eutrophication over the last decades. These cyanobacteria, capable of regulating their vertical position, often flourish at the thermocline to form a deep chlorophyll maximum. In Lake Zurich (Switzerland), they accumulate during stratified season (May–October) as a persistent metalimnetic thin layer (~2 m wide). This study investigated the role of turbulent mixing in springtime layer formation, its persistence over the summer, and its breakdown in autumn. We characterised seasonal variation of turbulence in Lake Zurich with four surveys conducted in April, July and October of 2018 and September of 2019. Surveys included microstructure profiles and high-resolution mooring measurements. In July and October, the thin layer occurred within a strong thermocline ( s) and withstood significant turbulence, observed as turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates ( W kg). Vertical turbulent overturns –monitored by the Thorpe scale– went mostly undetected and on average fell below those estimated by the Ozmidov scale ( cm). Consistently, vertical diffusivity was close to molecular values, indicating negligible turbulent fluxes. This reduced metalimnetic mixing explains the persistence of the thin layer, which disappears with the deepening of the surface mixed layer in autumn. Bi-weekly temperature profiles in 2018 and a nighttime microstructure sampling in September 2019 showed that nighttime convection serves as the main mechanism driving the breakdown of the cyanobacterial layer in autumn. These results highlight the importance of light winds and convective mixing in the seasonal cycling of P. rubescens communities within a strongly stratified medium-sized lake

    Convection‐Diffusion Competition Within Mixed Layers of Stratified Natural Waters

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    In stratified natural waters, convective processes tend to form nearly homogeneous mixed layers. However, shear‐driven turbulence generated by large‐scale background flow often rapidly smooths them through mixing with the stratified surroundings. Here we studied the effect of background turbulence on convectively driven mixed layers for the case of bioconvection in Lake Cadagno, Switzerland. Along with microstructure measurements, a diffusive‐shape model for the mixed layers allowed us to define (i) mixed layer thickness and (ii) diffusive transition length. Further microstructure analysis was performed allowing estimation of convective turbulence in the mixed layer and shear‐driven turbulence quantified by eddy diffusion in their surroundings. Based upon these results, we propose a PĂ©clet number scaling that relates mixed layer shape to the opposing effects of convection and diffusion. We further validate this quantitative approach by applying it to two other distinct convective systems representative of double‐diffusive convection and radiatively driven under‐ice convection

    Inhibited vertical mixing and seasonal persistence of a thin cyanobacterial layer in a stratified lake

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    Harmful blooms of the filamentous cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens have become common in many lakes as they have recovered from eutrophication over the last decades. These cyanobacteria, capable of regulating their vertical position, often flourish at the thermocline to form a deep chlorophyll maximum. In Lake Zurich (Switzerland), they accumulate during stratified season (May–October) as a persistent metalimnetic thin layer (~2 m wide). This study investigated the role of turbulent mixing in springtime layer formation, its persistence over the summer, and its breakdown in autumn. We characterised seasonal variation of turbulence in Lake Zurich with four surveys conducted in April, July and October of 2018 and September of 2019. Surveys included microstructure profiles and high-resolution mooring measurements. In July and October, the thin layer occurred within a strong thermocline (N≳0.05 s−1) and withstood significant turbulence, observed as turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates (Δ≈10−8 W kg−1). Vertical turbulent overturns –monitored by the Thorpe scale– went mostly undetected and on average fell below those estimated by the Ozmidov scale (LO≈1 cm). Consistently, vertical diffusivity was close to molecular values, indicating negligible turbulent fluxes. This reduced metalimnetic mixing explains the persistence of the thin layer, which disappears with the deepening of the surface mixed layer in autumn. Bi-weekly temperature profiles in 2018 and a nighttime microstructure sampling in September 2019 showed that nighttime convection serves as the main mechanism driving the breakdown of the cyanobacterial layer in autumn. These results highlight the importance of light winds and convective mixing in the seasonal cycling of P. rubescens communities within a strongly stratified medium-sized lake