5 research outputs found

    Food Changes and Geography: Dietary Transition in Colombia

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    Background: The food transition can no longer be studied in developed countries because the so-called Western diet now predominates in these areas. However, in developing countries, it is still possible to study the food transition. It is a novel concept that complements other transitions such as the demographic, economic, nutritional and epidemiological transitions. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to a) estimate the average departmental adherence to the three pre-established food patterns, b) assess adherence patterns based on the Global Spatial Analysis, c) evaluate whether the Local Spatial Variations in the adherence to food patterns are random or follow defined patterns (cluster) and d) generate 2D maps to graphically locate the food patterns that compose the phenomenon of the food transition occurring in Colombia. Methods: The National Survey of the Nutritional Situation in Colombia, 2010 was analyzed. Based on factor analysis, three consumption patterns were established; Protein/Fiber, Snack and Snack and Traditional/Starch and the average departmental adhesion was estimated. The global and local spatial variation was calculated with the Moran indexes. Findings: the average adherence to the traditional consumption/starch pattern was –0.00 (95% CI: –0.12 to 0.12). The mean adherence to the protein/fiber intake pattern was –0.07 (95% CI: –0.16 to 0.03). The average adherence to the pattern of snack consumption was –0.03 (95% CI: –0.11 to 0.05). The three patterns of food consumption values for the Global Total Moran Index, for men and women were positive and statistically significant. Conclusions: The food transition experienced by Colombia is not homogeneous and there are well defined clusters for adherence in the three predefined food patterns. Within the clusters there are differences by sex. In regions where the traditional pattern/starch predominates, the presence of the snack pattern is very weak

    Genetic ancestry is associated with colorectal adenomas and adenocarcinomas in Latino populations

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    Colorectal cancer rates in Latin American countries are less than half of those observed in the United States. Latin Americans are the resultant of generations of an admixture of Native American, European, and African individuals. The potential role of genetic admixture in colorectal carcinogenesis has not been examined. We evaluate the association of genetic ancestry with colorectal neoplasms in 190 adenocarcinomas, 113 sporadic adenomas and 243 age- and sex-matched controls enrolled in a multicentric case–control study in Colombia. Individual ancestral genetic fractions were estimated using the STRUCTURE software, based on allele frequencies and assuming three distinct population origins. We used the Illumina Cancer Panel to genotype 1,421 sparse single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and Northern and Western European ancestry, LWJ and Han Chinese in Beijing, China populations from the HapMap project as references. A total of 678 autosomal SNPs overlapped with the HapMap data set SNPs and were used for ancestry estimations. African mean ancestry fraction was higher in adenomas (0.13, 95% confidence interval (95% CI)=0.11–0.15) and cancer cases (0.14, 95% CI=0.12–0.16) compared with controls (0.11, 95% CI=0.10–0.12). Conditional logistic regression analysis, controlling for known risk factors, showed a positive association of African ancestry per 10% increase with both colorectal adenoma (odds ratio (OR)=1.12, 95% CI=0.97–1.30) and adenocarcinoma (OR=1.19, 95% CI=1.05–1.35). In conclusion, increased African ancestry (or variants linked to it) contributes to the increased susceptibility of colorectal cancer in admixed Latin American population

    Depresión posparto, factores de riesgo. Estudio de cohorte

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    IP 1102-04-14120Contrato 430-2003Conocer la incidencia de depresión posparto y sus factores relacionados, es importante por que esto permite establecer acciones preventivas, tendientes a disminuir su frecuencia y de esta manera contribuir al bienestar físico, mental y social de la mujer su hijo y su familia. Sin embargo esta tarea es dificil de realizar, dado que esta situación clínica es poco reconocida por el personal médico y en general por el personal de salud y, a veces minimizada por la misma familia de quien sufre. Este estudio, tuvo como objetivo determinar la incidencia y los factores tiesgo aasociados a depresión posparto en la población de mujeres puérperas del área metropolitana de Bucaramang