6 research outputs found

    Repercusiones de la prestación de cuidados informales a personas discapacitadas: un análisis detallado para Andalucía

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    En este trabajo se analizan los perfiles que presentan -en Andalucía y en el resto de España- las personas que cuidan de dependientes, centrándonos en aquellas que proporcionan cuidados informales a personas discapacitadas. Entre otras cuestiones se evalúa cómo la atención a personas en situación de dependencia debida a una discapacidad condiciona o limita las posibilidades de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo.Dependencia, discapacidad, género, cuidados, mercado laboral.

    Exploring the link between employment search time and reservation

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    In our piece of work we are facing a two-fold problem: on the one hand, we study the behaviour of young job seekers and the extent to which reservation wages and unemployment benefits play a relevant role in the transition into working life. On the other hand, we intend to find out whether the determinants of the job search process may also affect subsequent wages. We undertake an empirical approach combining one-step estimations with two-step instrumental variables techniques. The data used to this end come from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) for the period 1995-2001. To be precise, the sub-sample gathers both male and female Southern European (Italian, Greek, Spanish and Portuguese) workers. From the results of the analysis important subtleties arise, particularly related to differences across countries.Transitions into work, unemployment benefits, reservation wages, earnings.

    An application of multiobjetive programming to the study of workers' satisfaction in the spanish labour market

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    In this paper, a multiobjective scheme is used to study the satisfaction levels of the Spanish workers. Data obtained from a panel survey conducted in several European countries are used to build up a multiobjective model, on the basis of a previous statistical and econometric analysis of these data. Then, a Reference Point based method is implemented to determine the profile of the most satisfied worker in Spain nowadays. Finally, a combined Goal Programming – Reference Point approach is used to determine policies than can be carried out in order to increase the workers’ satisfaction levels.Workers’ Satisfaction, Econometric analyses, Multiobjective Programming.

    Una cuantificación de las asimetrías por género en materia de conciliación

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    Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo aportar evidencia sobre los principales factores que afectan a las dificultades de conciliación de la vida personal, familiar y laboral de mujeres y hombres. Para alcanzar este propósito se ha realizado una aproximación empírica empleando diferentes técnicas econométricas. Los datos que han servido de base para acometer las correspondientes estimaciones provienen de una encuesta ad hoc. De los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que es necesario articular medidas que fomenten la corresponsabilidad de los hombres como elemento esencial para facilitar las oportunidades de conciliación de las mujeres

    Una cuantificación de las asimetrías por género en materia de conciliación

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    Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo aportar evidencia sobre los principales factores que afectan a las dificultades de conciliación de la vida personal, familiar y laboral de mujeres y hombres. Para alcanzar este propósito se ha realizado una aproximación empírica empleando diferentes técnicas econométricas. Los datos que han servido de base para acometer las correspondientes estimaciones provienen de una encuesta ad hoc. De los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que es necesario articular medidas que fomenten la corresponsabilidad de los hombres como elemento esencial para facilitar las oportunidades de conciliación de las mujeres

    Evaluating the potential trade-off between students’ satisfaction and school performance using evolutionary multiobjective optimization

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    In this article, we carry out a combined econometric and multiobjective analysis using data from a representative sample of Andalusian schools. In particular, four econometric models are estimated in which the students’ academic performance (scores in math and reading, and percentage of students reaching a certain threshold in both subjects, respectively) are regressed against the satisfaction of students with different aspects of the teaching-learning process. From these estimates, four objective functions are defined which have been simultaneously maximized, subject to a set of constraints obtained by analyzing dependencies between explanatory variables. This multiobjective programming model is intended to optimize the students’ academic performance as a function of the students’ satisfaction. To solve this problem we use a decomposition-based evolutionary multiobjective algorithm called Global WASF-GA with different scalarizing functions which allows generating an approximation of the Pareto optimal front. In general, the results show the importance of promoting respect and closer interaction between students and teachers, as a way to increase the average performance of the students and the proportion of high performance students