5 research outputs found

    Isotopic Proxies for Microbial and Environmental Change: Insights from Hydrogen Isotopes and the Ediacaran Khufai Formation

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    Microbes have profoundly influenced the Earth’s environments through time. Records of these interactions come primarily from the development and implementation of proxies that relate known modern processes to chemical signatures in the sedimentary record. This thesis is presented in two parts, focusing first on novel proxy development in the modern and second on interpretation of past environments using well-established methods. Part 1, presented in two chapters, builds on previous observations that different microbial metabolisms produce vastly different lipid hydrogen isotopic compositions. Chapter 1 evaluates the potential environmental expression of metabolism-based fractionation differences by exploiting the natural microbial community gradients in hydrothermal springs. We find a very large range in isotopic composition that can be demonstrably linked to the microbial source(s) of the fatty acids at each sample site. In Chapter 2, anaerobic culturing techniques are used to evaluate the hydrogen isotopic fractionations produced by anaerobic microbial metabolisms. Although the observed fractionation patterns are similar to those reported for aerobic cultures for some organisms, others show large differences. Part 2 changes focus from the modern to the ancient and uses classical stratigraphic methods combined with isotope stratigraphy to interpret microbial and environmental changes during the latest Precambrian Era. Chapter 3 presents a detailed characterization of the facies, parasequence development, and stratigraphic architecture of the Ediacaran Khufai Formation. Chapter 4 presents measurements of carbon, oxygen, and sulfur isotopic ratios in stratigraphic context. Large oscillations in the isotopic composition of sulfate constrain the size of the marine sulfate reservoir and suggest incorporation of an enriched isotopic source. Because this data was measured in stratigraphic context, we can assert with confidence that these isotopic shifts are not related to stratigraphic surfaces or facies type but instead reflect the evolution of the ocean through time. This data integrates into the chemostratigraphic global record and contributes to the emerging picture of changing marine chemistry during the latest Precambrian Era

    Isotopic Proxies for Microbial and Environmental Change: Insights from Hydrogen Isotopes and the

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    iii This thesis would not have been possible without the generous help and support from many individuals and organizations. Specifically I would like to thank my advisors John Grotzinger and Alex Sessions, who have been pillars of support and guidance throughout this process. I would also like to acknowledge my current and former committee members Woody Fischer, Tim Lyons, Victoria Orphan, and Joe Kirschvink. In addition, I would like to thank the many other GPS professors that have contributed to my interests and background though classes and field trips including John Eiler, Jess Adkins, Jared Leadbetter, George Rossman, and Ken Farley. I thankful for the editing prowess of Mitchell Barklage and Morgan Raven who were subjected to first drafts of parts of this thesis. Funding is a critical to modern science as well, which indebts me to the NSF GRFP, Petroleum Development Oman, the Gordon and Virginia Eaton Fellowship, and the Agouron Institute for their generous financial support. Many people contributed directly and indirectly to the works presented here. I would like to acknowledge the additional coauthors on these manuscripts, John Spear

    Chemolithotrophy in the continental deep subsurface: Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), USA

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    The deep subsurface is an enormous repository of microbial life. However, the metabolic capabilities of these microorganisms and the degree to which they are dependent on surface processes are largely unknown. Due to the logistical difficulty of sampling and inherent heterogeneity, the microbial populations of the terrestrial subsurface are poorly characterized. In an effort to better understand the biogeochemistry of deep terrestrial habitats, we evaluate the energetic yield of chemolithotrophic metabolisms and microbial diversity in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in the former Homestake Gold Mine, SD, USA. Geochemical data, energetic modeling, and DNA sequencing were combined with principle component analysis to describe this deep (down to 8100 ft below surface), terrestrial environment. SURF provides access into an iron-rich Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary deposit that contains deeply circulating groundwater. Geochemical analyses of subsurface fluids reveal enormous geochemical diversity ranging widely in salinity, oxidation state (ORP 330 to -328 mV), and concentrations of redox sensitive species (e.g., Fe2+ from near 0 to 6.2 mg/L and ΣS2- from 7 to 2778 μg/L). As a direct result of this compositional buffet, Gibbs energy calculations reveal an abundance of energy for microorganisms from the oxidation of sulfur, iron, nitrogen, methane, and manganese. Pyrotag DNA sequencing reveals diverse communities of chemolithoautotrophs, thermophiles, aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophs, and numerous uncultivated clades. Extrapolated across the mine footprint, these data suggest a complex spatial mosaic of subsurface primary productivity that is in good agreement with predicted energy yields. Notably, we report Gibbs energy normalized both per mole of reaction and per kg fluid (energy density) and find the later to be more consistent with observed physiologies and environmental conditions. Further application of this approach will significantly expand ou

    Deep Trek: Mission Concepts for Exploring Subsurface Habitability & Life on Mars — A Window into Subsurface Life in the Solar System

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    Deep Trek: Science of Subsurface Habitability & Life on Mars

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