237 research outputs found

    Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Hole Doped Two-Leg Ladders

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    The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/T11/T_{1}) has been measured in the single crystals of hole doped two-leg ladder compounds Sr14x_{14-x}Cax_{x}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} and in the undoped parent material La6_6Ca8_8Cu24_{24}O41_{41}. Comparison of 1/T11/T_{1} at the Cu and the two distinct oxygen sites revealed that the major spectral weight of low frequency spin fluctuations is located near q(π,π)q \sim (\pi, \pi) for most of the temperature and doping ranges investigated. Remarkable difference in the temperature dependence of 1/T11/T_1 for the two oxygen sites in the heavily doped xx=12 sample revealed reduction of singlet correlations between two legs in place of growing antiferromagnetic correlations along the leg direction with increasing temperature. Such behavior is most likely caused by the dissociation of bound hole pairs.Comment: 4 pages. to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 6

    Depth profile photoemission study of thermally diffused Mn/GaAs (001) interfaces

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    We have performed a depth profile study of thermally diffused Mn/GaAs (001) interfaces using photoemission spectroscopy combined with Ar+^+-ion sputtering. We found that Mn ion was thermally diffused into the deep region of the GaAs substrate and completely reacted with GaAs. In the deep region, the Mn 2pp core-level and Mn 3dd valence-band spectra of the Mn/GaAs (001) sample heated to 600 ^{\circ}C were similar to those of Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs, zinc-blende-type MnAs dots, and/or interstitial Mn in tetrahedrally coordinated by As atoms, suggesting that the Mn 3dd states were essentially localized but were hybridized with the electronic states of the host GaAs. Ferromagnetism was observed in the dilute Mn phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Superconductivuty versus Tunneling in a Doped Antiferromagnetic Ladder

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    The low-energy charge excitations of a doped antiferromagnetic ladder are modeled by a system of interacting spinless fermions that live on the same ladder. A relatively large spin gap is assumed to ``freeze out'' all spin fluctuations. We find that the formation of rung hole pairs coincides with the opening of a single-particle gap for charge excitations along chains and with the absence of coherent tunneling in between chains. We also find that such hole pairs condense into either a crystalline or superconducting state as a function of the binding energy.Comment: 15 pgs. in PLAIN TeX, 2 figs. in postscript, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Spin Systems: From Spin Gaps to Pseudo Gaps

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    Many low dimensional spin systems with a dimerized or ladder-like antiferromagnetic exchange coupling have a gapped excitation spectrum with magnetic bound states within the spin gap. For spin ladders with an even number of legs the existence of spin gaps and within the t-J model a tendency toward superconductivity with d-wave symmetry is predicted. In the following we will characterize the spin excitation spectra of different low dimensional spin systems taking into account strong spin phonon interaction (CuGeO3\rm CuGeO_3), charge ordering (NaV2O5\rm NaV_2O_5) and doping on chains and ladders (\ladder). The spectroscopic characterization of the model systems mentioned above has been performed using magnetic inelastic light scattering originating from a spin conserving exchange scattering mechanism. This is also bound to yield more insight into the interrelation between these spin gap excitations and the origin of the pseudo gap in high temperature superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Spin Gap and Superconductivity in Weakly Coupled Ladders: Interladder One-particle vs. Two-particle Crossover

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    Effects of the interladder one-particle hopping, tt_{\perp}, on the low-energy asymptotics of a weakly coupled Hubbard ladder system have been studied, based on the perturbative renormalization-group approach. We found that for finite intraladder Hubbard repulsion, UU, there exists a crossover value of the interladder one-particle hopping, tct_{\perp c}. For 0<t<tc0<t_{\perp}<t_{\perp c}, the spin gap metal (SGM) phase of the isolated ladder transits at a finite transition temperature, TcT_{c}, to the d-wave superconducting (SCd) phase via a two-particle crossover. In the temperature region, T<TcT<T_{c}, interladder coherent Josephson tunneling of the Cooper pairs occurs, while the interladder coherent one-particle process is strongly suppressed. For tc<tt_{\perp c}<t_{\perp}, around a crossover temperature, TcrossT_{cross}, the system crosses over to the two-dimensional (2D) phase via a one-particle crossover. In the temperature region, T<TcrossT<T_{cross}, the interladdercoherent band motion occurs.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figures, uses jpsj.st

    Perturbation Analysis of Superconductivity in the Trellis-Lattice Hubbard Model

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    We investigate pairing symmetry and transition temperature in the trellis-lattice Hubbard model. We solve the \'Eliashberg equation using the third-order perturbation theory with respect to the on-site repulsion UU. We find that a spin-singlet state is very stable in a wide range of parameters. On the other hand, when the electron number density is shifted from the half-filled state and the band gap between two bands is small, a spin-triplet superconductivity is expected. Finally, we discuss a possibility of unconventional superconductivity and pairing symmetry in Sr14x_{14-x}Cax_xCu24_{24}O41_{41}.Comment: 7pages, 10 figures. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Nonlinear optical response and spin-charge separation in one-dimensional Mott insulators

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    We theoretically study the nonlinear optical response and photoexcited states of the Mott insulators. The nonlinear optical susceptibility \chi^(3) is calculated by using the exact diagonalization technique on small clusters. From the systematic study of the dependence of \chi^(3) on dimensionality, we find that the spin-charge separation plays a crucial role in enhancing \chi^(3) in the one-dimensional (1D) Mott insulators. Based on this result, we propose a holon-doublon model, which describes the nonlinear response in the 1D Mott insulators. These findings show that the spin-charge separation will become a key concept of optoelectronic devices.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figures, to appear in PRB RC, 15 August 200

    Magnetic excitations and structural change in the S=1/2 quasi-one-dimensional magnet Sr_{14-x}Y_{x}Cu_{24}O_{41} (0<x<1)

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    Neutron scattering measurements have been performed on the S=1/2 quasi-one-dimensional system Sr_{14-x}Y_{x}Cu_{24}O_{41}, which has both simple chains and two-leg ladders of copper ions. We observed that when a small amount of yttrium is substituted for strontium, which is expected to reduce the number of holes, the dimerized state and the structure in the chain are changed drastically. The inelastic peaks originating from the dimerized state of the chain becomes broader in energy but not in momentum space. This implies that the dimerized state becomes unstable but the spin correlations are unchanged with yttrium substitution. Furthermore, it was observed that nuclear Bragg peak intensities originating from the chain show strong temperature and x dependence, which suggests that the chains slide along the c axis as temperature and x are varied.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Transport Properties of Doped t-J Ladders

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    Conductivity and Hall coefficient for various types of t-J ladders are calculated as a function of temperature and frequency by numerical diagonalization. A crossover from an incoherent to a coherent charge dynamics is found at a temperature T_{coh}. There exists another crossover at T_{PG} below which a pseudogap opens in the optical spectra, induced by the opening of a spin gap. In the absence of the spin gap, T_{coh} and the coherent weight are suppressed especially with increasing dimensionality. On the contrary, T_{coh} is strongly enhanced by the pseudogap formation below T_{PG}, where the coherent Drude weight decreases with increasing dimensionality. The Hall coefficient shows a strong crossover at T_{PG} below which it has large amplitude for small doping concentration.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 5 PostScript figure

    Charge-density wave formation in Sr_{14}Cu_{24}O_{41}

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    The electrodynamic response of the spin-ladder compound Sr14x_{14-x}Cax_xCu24_{24}O41_{41} (x=0,3,9x=0, 3, 9) has been studied from radiofrequencies up to the infrared. At temperatures below 250 K a pronounced absorption peak appears around 12 cm1^{-1} in Sr14_{14}Cu24_{24}O41_{41} for the radiation polarized along the chains/ladders (Ec{\bf E}\parallel {\bf c}). In addition a strongly temperature dependent dielectric relaxation is observed in the kHz - MHz range. We explain this behavior by a charge density wave which develops in the ladders sub-system and produces a mode pinned at 12 cm1^{-1}. With increasing Ca doping the mode shifts up in frequency and eventually disappears for x=9x=9 because the dimensionality of the system crosses over from one to two dimensions, giving way to the superconducting ground state under pressure.Comment: One name added to author list 4 pages, 2 figures, email: [email protected]