2 research outputs found

    Stable-isotope changes in tufa stromatolites of the Quaternary Añamaza fluvial system (Iberian Ranges, Spain)

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    The stable isotope composition (d13C and d18O) of the laminae in three Quaternary, calcitic, tufa stromatolites of different ages (MIS6, MIS5 and MIS1) in the Añamaza valley are studied and compared with the modern tufa in the Añamaza river. The cyclic textural variations represent thick cyanobacterial growth in the light laminae and thin or absent cyanobacterial growth in the dark laminae. The textural cyclicity is parallel to d18O changes: Each light-dark couplet corresponds to one year in which the light lamina (lower d18O values) represents warmer water temperatures (Tw) than the dark lamina (higher d18O values). This is consistent with the fact that the large crystals composing the dark laminae correspond to precipitation in the absence of microbial films and likely represent the coldest conditions. The d18Ocalcite-derived Tw from MIS5 stromatolite is higher than the MIS6 and MIS1 samples, which agrees with the commonly admitted climatic conditions during MIS5 in NE Iberia. Moreover, d18Oderived Tw from MIS6 suggests a wider yearly Tw range than the two other samples. The higher and more disperse d13C values of the MIS1 stromatolite are consistent with the peculiarities of the vegetal cover and the decreased water availability in the Holocene. Se estudia la composición isotópica ( d13C y d18O) de las láminas de tres estromatolitos calcíticos de diferente edad (MIS6, MIS5 y MIS1), en el valle del río Añamaza, y se compara con tobas actuales de este río. La variación textural cíclica representa un crecimiento cianobacteriano potente en las láminas claras y uno débil o ausente en las oscuras. Esta ciclicidad es paralela a los cambios del d18O: Cada pareja clara-oscura corresponde a un año, donde la lámina clara (menor d18O) representa temperatura de agua (Tw) más cálida que la lámina oscura (mayor d18O). Los cristales grandes que forman las láminas oscuras precipitarían en ausencia de biofilms y posiblemente representan condiciones más frías. La Tw derivada de d18O calcita en la muestra MIS5 es mayor que la Tw en las muestras MIS6 y MIS1, en consonancia con las condiciones climáticas durante el MIS5 en Iberia. Ade- más, la Tw derivada de d18O calcita en la muestra MIS6 sugiere un rango de Tw anual más amplio que en las otras dos muestras. La mayor dispersión y mayores valores de d13C en el estromatolito MIS1 son compatibles con las peculiaridades de la cobertera vegetal y la menor disponibilidad hídrica en el Holoceno

    A multi‐scale approach to laminated microbial deposits in non‐marine carbonate environments through examples of the Cenozoic, north‐east Iberian Peninsula, Spain

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    This contribution focusses on stromatolites and oncolites as tools to seek diverse environmental and climate information at different temporal scales. The scales are: (a) Low frequency, dealing with macroscopic and megascopic scales, and (b) high frequency, involving calendar and solar frequency bands. Two depositional environments are used for this purpose: (a) Fluvial and fluvial–lacustrine, which can develop under high to moderate gradients, and in low-gradient conditions, and (b) lacustrine, subject to low-gradient, hydrologically closed lake conditions. Several current and ancient examples in the Iberian Peninsula allow high-frequency and low-frequency analyses. Within the wedge-shaped depositional units that fill the high- to moderate-gradient, stepped fluvial systems, stromatolites form half domes and lenticular bodies, commonly at the wedge front. Oncolites are uncommon. These stromatolites developed in moderate to fast-flowing water in stepped cascades and rapids. Their geometry and extent reflect the topography of the bedrock and later ongoing growth. In low-gradient fluvial and fluvial-(open) lacustrine systems the depositional units are tabular, low-angle wedge-shaped and lenticular and have great spatial facies variability. The dominant oncoid and coated-stem limestones form gently lenticular stacked bodies, developed in wide, low to high-sinuosity channels within wide tufaceous palustrine areas and small lakes. In the Ebro Basin saline carbonate lacustrine systems, stromatolites form thin planar to domed and stratiform bodies and are associated with muddy-grainy laminated carbonates and very rare oncolites, together forming ramp-shaped units that represent the inner fringes of high lake-level deposits. This geometry reflects low-gradient lake surface and shallow water conditions. Textural and structural features allow different ranks of laminae and types of lamination to be distinguished. Texture, together with the d13C and d18O values of consecutive laminae, are useful in distinguishing environmental and climate changes operating over different time spans. Periodicity analysis of lamination can help to discern any temporal significance in the lamination