4 research outputs found

    The Value of Caspase-3 after the Application of Annona muricata

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    Annona muricata, commonly known as soursop, contains annonacin, acetogenin, and polyphenol which are known to have chemopreventive effects on cancer. In this study, we tend to evaluate the apoptosis-inducing effect of soursop (Annona muricata) leaf extract on the colorectal cancer cell line COLO-205 through the activities of caspase-3 which is a marker of cell apoptosis. Cell cultures were incubated with soursop leaf with a concentration of 10 μg/ml and then compared with those of the incubated positive control leucovorin 10 μg/ml and placebo as a negative control. The apoptotic activity of caspase-3 was measured with ELISA. After the administration of each treatment in the colorectal cancer cell line COLO-205, the expression of caspase-3 activity was 1422 ng/ml after incubation with the extract of Annona muricata leaves, 1373 ng/ml after the administration of leucovorin, and 1297 ng/ml in the one with placebo. Annona muricata leaf extract elevated caspase-3 by 1.09 times compared to that of the pure cell line. Annona muricata leaf extract had a higher value of caspase-3 activity than leucovorin and placebo in the COLO-205 colorectal cancer cell line. These results may suggest that Annona muricata leaf extract had anticancer properties by enhancing caspase-3 activity which is a proapoptotic marker

    Penggunaan ACE-Inhibitor untuk Mengurangi Proteinuria pada Sindrom Nefrotik

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    Proteinuria merupakan faktor prognostik penting dalam progresivitas sindrom nefrotik. Penggunaan ACE-inhibitor dapat mengurangi proteinuria dengan menurunkan tekanan hidrolikglomerular pada kelainan ginjal. Tujuan evidence base case report (EBCR) ini adalah mengevaluasipenggunaan ACE inhibitor terhadap proteinuria pada sindrom nefrotik. Dilakukan pencarianpada database daring di Pubmed®, Cochrane®, Sciencedirect®, Clinical Key®, EBSCO®, danProquest®. Selanjutnya dilakukan skining dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang spesifik sertamembaca full text artikel tersebut. Dari pencarian tersebut didapatkan tiga artikel yang relevan.Pada ketiga artikel didapatkan hasil penurunan proteinuria pada pasien sindrom nefrotik secarasignifikan. Pada artikel pertama didapatkan CER 0%, AER 50%, RRR 50%, dan NNT 1,81dengan 95% CI 0,11–0,89. Pada artikel kedua didapatkan ekskresi protein urin setelah 4,8,dan 12minggu pemberian fosinopril menurun secara signifikan terhadap plasebo (p<0,05). Pada artikelketiga didapatkan pemberian lisinopril selama 12 bulan menghasilkan ekskresi protein urin yangsignifikan terhadap baseline (p<0,0001). Pemberian ACE-inhibitor pada pasien dengan sindromnefrotik dapat mengurangi protein urin secara signifikan.Kata kunci: ACE-inhibitor, proteinuria, sindrom nefrotikThe Usage of ACE Inhibitor in Reducing Proteinuria in Nephrotic SyndromeAbstractProteinuria is an important prognostic factor in progressivity of nephrotic syndrome. ACE inhibitor could reduce proteinuria by decreasing glomerular hydraulic pressure in renal disease. To determine the usage of ACE-inhibitor in reducing proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome. The search wasconducted in various online databases such as Pubmed®, Cochrane®, Sciencedirect®, ClinicalKey®, EBSCO®, and Proquest®, after defining the inclusion and exclusion criteria then screeningthe titles and abstracts and the authors found three relevant articles. All articles were have thesignificant reduction of proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome. In the first article, CER 0%, AER 50%,ARR 50% and NNT 1.81 with 95% CI 0.11–0.89. In second article, the urinary protein excretionafter 4,8, and 12 weeks treated with fosinopril were significantly reduced compared to the placebo(p<0.05). In the third article, the group that receive lisinopril were significantly reducing urinaryprotein excresion compared to the baseline value (p<0.0001). ACE inhibitor could signficantlyreduce proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome.Keywords: ACE inhibitor, nephrotic syndrome, proteinuri

    The Role of Online Psychotherapy in COVID-19: An Evidence Based Clinical Review

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    Background: COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is easily widespread and has clinical manifestations as mild, moderate, or severe disease. COVID-19 patients are required to be isolated during treatment to reduce transmission. This can cause anxiety and depression, which in turn worsens the patient’s illness. Providing supportive psychotherapy can help provide a feeling of safety, comfort and calm for patients. The choice of method in providing supportive psychotherapy can be done online/teleconsultation or internet-based. This clinical review aims to determine the effect of online teleconsultation or internet-based psychotherapy on COVID-19 patients. Methods: A systematic search was performed using online databases, such as PubMed, Cochrane, EBSCO/CINAHL and ProQuest. The identified articles were screened using eligibility criteria. There were 2 studies (Zhou et al, and Wei et al) which were analyzed critically using the Newcastle Ottawa Scale. Results: Both studies showed that management of psychotherapy through teleconsultation or internet-based on COVID-19 patients can help relieve the patient’s psychological symptoms. Zhou et al studied 63 suspected COVID-19 with 23.8% (n = 15) having a Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) score of 8 or more. There was a significant decrease in HADS-A nxiety (HADS-A) scores (p <0.01) and HADS-Depression (HADS-D) scores (p <0.01) in 15 patients, and from the overall HADS scores (p < 0.01). Wei et al. Showed 17-HAMD and HAMA scores in the online psychological intervention group also showed a significant reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety compared to controls. Conclusion: Psychotherapy through online teleconsultation or internet-based on COVID-19 patients can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression and teleconsultation and also effective in dealing with psychological complications in patients with COVID-19

    The Value of Caspase-3 after the Application of Annona muricata Leaf Extract in COLO-205 Colorectal Cancer Cell Line

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    Annona muricata, commonly known as soursop, contains annonacin, acetogenin, and polyphenol which are known to have chemopreventive effects on cancer. In this study, we tend to evaluate the apoptosis-inducing effect of soursop (Annona muricata) leaf extract on the colorectal cancer cell line COLO-205 through the activities of caspase-3 which is a marker of cell apoptosis. Cell cultures were incubated with soursop leaf with a concentration of 10 μg/ml and then compared with those of the incubated positive control leucovorin 10 μg/ml and placebo as a negative control. The apoptotic activity of caspase-3 was measured with ELISA. After the administration of each treatment in the colorectal cancer cell line COLO-205, the expression of caspase-3 activity was 1422 ng/ml after incubation with the extract of Annona muricata leaves, 1373 ng/ml after the administration of leucovorin, and 1297 ng/ml in the one with placebo. Annona muricata leaf extract elevated caspase-3 by 1.09 times compared to that of the pure cell line. Annona muricata leaf extract had a higher value of caspase-3 activity than leucovorin and placebo in the COLO-205 colorectal cancer cell line. These results may suggest that Annona muricata leaf extract had anticancer properties by enhancing caspase-3 activity which is a proapoptotic marker